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A question for those against the theory of "global warming" or "climate change". . .?

I am asking if you are still in that mindset, when I tell you that FOR THE FIRST TIME ON RECORD, there was no snowfall in North Central Wisconsin. Records go back for over 125 years, and there was ALWAYS snowfall in March. Except for this year.

I find this a bit of an indicator. I have lived in this region of the nation all my life - Michigan, Chicago, and Wisconsin - and NEVER saw a March that had no snowfall. But this year, we had NO snow. We had some rain. We are currently under a ban for burning due to the dry conditions. We are inches below average moisture levels for the year so far. Mind you, this is supposed to be the time of year that Wisconsin gets their most significant snow fall amounts - all the way to the end of April. I remember snow storms in early May, for the love. And today?? I sit here in my house with all the windows open, and shorts on. We hit 81 degrees. This is supposed to be snow season still. You know the old joke - Wisconsin: nine months of snow and three months of bad snowmobiling. If this is true, we will be getting our next snowfall in July.

Please discuss civilly. I am not looking for attacks of anyone, nor am I looking to be attacked. Thanks in advance.


Thanks for no insults or passing judgment. It is greatly appreciated. . .

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting. We came within an inch of beating the record for most snowfall in a winter here in Texas...Climate change is a fact as the earths climate has been changing since its existence. Global warming is debatable.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The climate is changing. It has ALWAYS been changing. Since LONG before man even walked the Earth, it has been changing back and forth between periods of tropical heat and ice ages. The thing everyone is doubting is that man has any control over something that has been in permanent flux since the dawn of time. Take the Ice Age when woolly mammoths roamed the earth. Do you think the earth got hotter because those mammoths were driving around in gas guzzling SUV's? Maybe it got hotter because the hairspray they used contained chlorinated fluorocarbons (CFC's)? Yeah I didn't think so either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anecdotes are notoriously poor in debating the theory of climate change. The reason is, of course, that there is a lot of noise in the weather (that is, up and down movement). In my own observations I would guess that climate change even produces more noise, so when Fox says "It's so cold how can there be global warming?" it's just disproving their point for them. But in any case, your statement too does not provide real evidence for global warming.

    Here is evidence for climate change:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The glaciers are receding too fast for the climate change to be cyclical ... that's all I need. Plus, man's infringement on the environment (which merely equates to a few grains of sand in the hourglass of man's time) most certainly has residual effects.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Crazy, snowed like HELL in Texas for the first time in years. This globe goes through climate changes. At one time half of North America was underwater and it was not due to our cars polluting the ozone.

  • 1 decade ago

    So, let me get this straight, all winter AGW advocates were on here rightfully reminding people that weather events should not be confused with climate as record snowfalls fell all over the east coast, and now you're taking the opposite tact because you found an anecdotal piece of evidence you think serves your purpose. Welcome to club hypocrite.

  • aaand 4 feet of snow in virginia. more than they have ever had. this past winter isnt really one to reference. hell i dont deny climate change. just pointing out that this past winter was a crazy one. but overall, only .5 degrees higher on average than either of the past 2 years... (and thats global average temperature, not localized anywhere.)

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well to quote every global warming believer I have ever talked to "weather isn't climate"! Or are you now going to change you mind on this because global warming has been proven to be a fraud perpetrated by scientists with political agendas?!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gasp! Did you know that the earth has been going through climate changes since the beginning and humans weren't even on the planet?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i live in the mid-atlantic and two months ago we just got hit by the biggest blizzard in 100 years. climate <> weather.

    you FAIL.

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