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ErAs asked in TravelEurope (Continental)Turkey · 1 decade ago

What is the reason for the TV show; the Pacific's needless and mis-guided historic senarios?

Recently, a TV show started; "the Pacific". Personally, I think it is one of the best TV show productions after Lost and How I Met Your Mother. However, -unfortunately- while watching this production in which we especially see the meaningless battles in the World War II (it seemed a little bit so to me), it came with some absurd and incorrect comments in the senario. In the third episode of this show, in Australia, a Greek woman specifies that she came from the old country (Greece); Smyrna (of which real name is Izmir). Then, the US soldier says "that was sacked by the turks, wasn't it?" and she answers "the turks invaded in 1922 and burned it down. All gone." What I mean is at least may the producers be honest, if the writers cant! And with this mood of having one nation as a favour and other one as against, why the writers need to create new discussions between Greeks and Turks? Doesnt it look like an international crime with these fake stories?

For who dont know what happened in 1922; it is the year when Turkish people has won their independency war against The Entente Powers after the World War I, building a republic, laic, and independant country instead of the reactionists' theocratic empire which turned into a German colony in its last years. The last centuries' hero; Ataturk has took Izmir back as it was already in Greek invasion and belonging to Turks for almost five centuries! So why should Turks need to sack Izmir while capturing to live on it? I know as Turks, we are not perfect, and might have made mistakes unintentionally, but, dont your think it is so unfair that while ignoring the events in which Turkish people were killed, these words are coming up with a fake innocence?

And for who dont know Ataturk; he is the founder of Turkish Republic and owner of this saying "Peace at home, peace at world."

Please, do not misunderstand me, I have no specific targets for any nation; I am only against the racism including my country, but, cannot be quiet against this psychological fight with many slanders included.


To Barış:

That is very clear who is hypocrite! While you try to push the subject of Armenian genocide lie in every comments and answers of yours here, celebrating April 24 by burning Turkish flags and walking over the Turkish flags outstretching to the ground(cant understand the sickness behind this), I am asking the question of how mis-guided senarios are being produced against one nation. Where is your answer to that and how did you manage to bring the subject of Israel? I have nothing against Israel and even support it against Arabian countries. You know why? Cos they are at least honest not to accept the Armenian genocide lie in their courts unlike the Arabian country: Lebanon!

I accept that there is fascism in Turkiye and I am against that as well. However, while today`s political games and so-called historic senarios cannot be applied to us since we all can see the history through and the reason behind these games!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't want to offend anyone bu my opinion is ''inferiority complex'' in case of Greeks, Armenians, Arabs and any other whom we have ruled for centuries.

    Greeks especially are really confused, they call us barbarians then they claim Alexander the Great was Greek and they are proud of it. They might have lost their historic perception with their missing 500 pages of history books.

    About burning cities and villages; everybody knows who made it but with disinformation, lies become the truth with time and this ''Pacific'' incident is a good example of it.(Another one is the Armenian genocide lie)

    In European archives you can see that when a man changes his religion to become a muslim it is told like ''he has converted and became a turk''. Maybe this Islam-Turk relation made us sworn enemies to Europe.Napoleon burned down Vieanna but Austrians hate us more because of the Turkish sieges. If we have burned the city they might like us more maybe?

    It is really hard to be a Turk, but it always was.

    Yes Turks have black pages in history like all the nations but always remember what Ismet Inonu said to Lord Curzon during Lousanne Conferance ;

    ''Our hands are particularly clean compared to you all''

    Source(s): History, psychology, sociology
  • 5 years ago

    Drake and Josh Zoey 101 Rugrats All Grown Up Rocket Power Full House iCarly Amanda Show #comebackdammit!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont pay attention to them,of course they are going to moan and make up bullshit after their parents and grandparents and great grandparents were ruled by Turks,all the history they know was under Turkish control and shaped by it.

    This is when they start to blame Turks for their own failures(Armenians mostly),but that doesn't cut it anymore.

    Look at the beautiful country Turks have,that land is a million times brighter than any other around it,be proud of it and let the haters hate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Come on now, so the words are a bit harsh for

    you to hear thus not to your liking,

    but that is how people who were invaded by Turks

    perceived it, "as being sacked".

    Turkish people just can not escape

    its darkest pages of history, especially

    by trying to glorify brutal and bloody invasions

    on other nations, and peoples, or herotizing

    their leaders who were directly responsible for


    Besides you sound like a hypocrite "Valley of the Wolves Iraq" claims

    to be based on true facts, oh yea(?) the US invaded Turkey and

    Turkish troops stopped them and threw them out?


    Turkey also incredulously televised a show where Israel

    troops shot little Muslim kids in cold blood, I think that

    was just awful.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I doubt an outsider to the historical events that took place in Anatolia would care so much about it. However, there is a large Greek diaspora in the USA, and it is not a secret that they work and lobby against Turkey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't see anything wrong with this movie. Izmir was sacked by the turks when the turks invaded in 1922 and burned it down.

  • 1 decade ago

    @ Denizbt -- Bin yasa!

    @ Keyser -- Exactly true.

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