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religion,, facts,, faith,,,,?

All religions are based on faith, not facts.

If there were any facts involved, everyone would be of the same creed.

Comments ??


I have to laugh at " shalom's" answer.

He states that the christian religion is the" true" religion. Based on what ??

Based on his 'faith' that the bible is true.

Most people on this planet think the bible is fiction. Which it is.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You speak truth.

  • Truth
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No. There are different interpretations for facts. Observe married people. He thinks she is selfish because she doesn't push the seat of the car back. She is in a hurry to get the groceries in and thinks he's a jerk to make an issue of it. Both of them are working on the same data.

    Haitians will, almost invariably, tell you that voodoo is powerful and there are spiritual forces that do this or that. Skeptical tourists will be more likely to say "I know it's a trick, but I can't imagine how it was done." Both of them are coming from their own world view while observing the same fact. (The fact that when the doctor did his spell something happened).

    There has to be some factual basis to the religion for it to gain followers. Sometimes, in retrospect, the facts look a little thin. For example, Mormonism was based a lot on the racial genetic theories of the day and looks kinda silly in light of DNA testing.

  • Angela
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think that even facts are open to interpretation. Jews and Christians both believe Jesus lived and was a great man. Christians believe He is the messiah, Jews believe He was a great prophet. Like all things in life your religion is an individual thing and personal so my relationship with God will not be like anyone else's. I get what you're saying I really do, but you have to take in the information that you are given and must decide for your self. Even in science there are many theories for how we got here, why the Earth is inhabitable and Venus isn't (or is it?) when will the sun burn out? It's all a matter of what theory sounds reasonable to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree completely, but it's really a lot more complicated than that.

    Some religions provide all the answers, convincing their believers that they answer all questions. Others are more in love with mystery so they like the questions more than the answers. People tend to gravitate towards one that fits their need--either to have an answer for everything or to wonder. Fundamentalist Christianity has an answer for everything, for people who want answers. Univeralist Unitarianism is an example of a religion that is more about the mysteries.

    Most religions are cultural, their ideas and customs are drawn from the culture of the country, so for instance while a Coptic Christian in Egypt and a Lutheran in Germany are both Christians, their customs, practices, and even doctrines are very different, based on the difference in their cultures.

    But in essence you're right. Faith is based on beliefs, not on facts. Some religions deliberately blur the line between faith and facts. As the old saying goes, we are all entitled to our own opinions and our own beliefs, but not our own facts. 8^)

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  • 1 decade ago

    No - you are obviously accepting the popular 'Christian' notion of simple belief in a 'God'.

    Knowledge of the "All", of a personal connection to every other thing in the universe, is an instinct, a sense like taste or touch. As it is developed so does ones spiritual growth.

    "Re Ligio", religion, means "linking back" linking to the "All". All true religions provide aid and guidance in this accomplishment. There are as many different ways to accomplish religion as there are personalities.

    As this is true of all the major religions they share it as a fact, whetrher they realise it or not depending on the pastor, rabbi, whatever.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no man invented "religion" is valid..... The "Faith" of those of The True Church(The True Christian Faith) is based on The Fact of God....

    and it is a fact that the majority will not accept God in The Way He prescribes.... this is because they can not overcome their Egos, pride, and greed.... so they invent their own "religion"

    response: I state that The Faith is based upon The Fact of God..... not The Bible..... The True Church is commissioned by God.... not by man

    Source(s): God's promise to me in the instant of my Salvaiton
  • 1 decade ago

    You are completely correct in your statements. That's all there is to say. Oh, yeah. And if anyone disagrees with this, Christian or otherwise, they are wrong. Religion is supposed to be based on faith. That's pretty much the definition of religion.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    that's a personal courting with the residing Christ.we do not have any rightiousness of our personal yet we stand in Jesus rightiousness and that make us holy contained in the sight of God because God see's us via Jesus rightiousness. and not in any respect something can seperate us from their love no longer something.

  • 1 decade ago

    The OJ Simpson case was nothing but facts, but people seemed to have a tough time reaching that consensus.

  • 1 decade ago

    faith based logic... hmmm,... did you know that being shut off from the possibilities is actually sinful. Yes, neglect (purposeful neglect) is actually a sin.

    The scientific method is misleading. It is a man made philosophy, and is highly fallible.


    ___fallible [fælɪbəl]


    ___1. capable of being mistaken; erring

    ___2. liable to mislead

    ___[from Medieval Latin fallibilis, from Latin fallere to deceive]

    ___fallibility , fallibleness n

    ___fallibly adv


    ___The scientific method will only allow theories from predetermined facts. But how they interpret the facts is unconscionable. They don’t practice the simple operation of knowing what you don’t know, and opening their minds to what the facts mean. They are in the practice of closing people’s minds. The separation of church and state should be interpreted as to having no reason to contradict religion without good cause in order for their theories to be leveled, then they won’t have to teach theories like mine in order to allow people to have all opportunities to decide for themselves. Give people every opportunity to make the right decision. Else be accused of brainwashing by limiting perspective. Show all the senators this, and then pray for them, for if they choose to go against God even after reading this, it will rest solely in God hands.


    ___Knowing what you don’t know would have prevented science from making the public service announcement that butter is bad and margarine is good. But the discovery of one fact redirected their opinion 180°. The exact same with eggs,.. First they are bad, and then they are good. If the things that are right in front of them are hard to see, what about the things which are beyond them???

    ___Luke 17 (New Living Translation)

    ___Teachings about Forgiveness and Faith

    ___ 1 …“There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting! 2 It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. 3 So watch yourselves!”

    ___We don’t let people make their own decisions. All of the following writings were written in order to contradict with integrity, in order to open people’s minds from the restrictions taught to them in school

    The big bang theory is outdated. The scientific method is a man made philosophy that is highly fallible.

    ___fallible [fælɪbəl]


    ___1. capable of erring

    ___2. liable to mislead


    ___You see, the big bang theory says that the spreading of the universe is slowing down. Thus soon it will suck back into itself. Then maybe create a new big bang.

    ___Does this take into consideration that light on the outside of the universe is just being shot into deep space without the possibility of being sucked back in? No.

    ___Look at this… every solar system and galaxy is similar in that all of the planets or stars are getting in sync with each other according to equators and/or centrifugal centripetal force. In fact this slowing down that they witness is probably the universe getting in sync with itself. …90% more likely than the big bang theory.

    ___Secondly, they have shown that black holes will stop feeding on the galaxy they center of. The older galaxies are shown to stop the horizon event which shows it’s sucking in mass of the galaxy. It has been suggested that the black hole simply doesn’t have enough mass to reach the rest of the galaxy. And this is probably evidence of perpetual motion once things get in sync with each other.

    ___THIS SHOWS that the universe has a definite beginning, but no definite ending.

    ___Scientific fallacies… Butter is bad for you eat margarine, noo noo no, we changed our mind, Butter is better than margarine. Our scientists could see all of butter and margarine, but changed their mind by the witness of one simple fact. Now how can we trust and teach people big bang and evolution when that is highly fallible also.


    ___The human brain was constructed to react to spiritual energies. Every section of the human brain was created to react to different spiritual feelings. Thus we can better understand that depression is really the lack of hope. But stimulating endorphins can change your view on life. Too bad it would make you better at working in a cubicle without due cause.

    ___Evidence… We witness ghosts by measuring the side effects of their energy. I propose what everyone felt before science was used to brainwash people (brainwashing by limiting perspective). I say that spiritual energy is independent of matter, but has side effects in matter. You see people have been saying this for years by using their brain. Some brains had focus and perception, while others where impulsive and not deep. It is merely point of views that we choose.

    ___Look here, when you feel love, you feel it where the person hugs you, not from within like all other hormones. Yet, there are physical side effects in the brain. Also unlike all h

  • 1 decade ago

    The episode begins with a parody intro of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century[1], which recaps the plot from the previous episode. Cartman, still trapped in the year 2546, has learned that the 21st-century Wii game console is incompatible with 26th-century video screens, and decides to use a "Time Phone" to call the past and thereby prevent his self-freezing plan from ever happening. Although Cartman successfully uses the Time Phone to call several people in the past (including himself), they all hang up on him, and thus the attempt to prevent his do-it-yourself cryonics experiment fails.

    Meanwhile, it is learned that Richard Dawkins and his wife Mrs. Garrison were destined to become the co-founders of worldwide atheism. Atheism has split into three hostile denominations at perpetual war over the so-called "Great Question": the super-intelligent otters of the AAA (Allied Atheist Alliance), the humans of the UAA (United Atheist Alliance), and a rival human faction, the UAL (Unified Atheist League).

    As the AAA otters complete their planning for a sneak attack against the UAA and UAL, one elderly otter known as 'The Wise One', asks if the war is worth fighting, and implies that logic and science can be harmonized with some sort of belief in the supernatural. After pondering this for a moment, the rest of the otters brutally murder the Wise One.

    As a massive battle between the three atheist groups begins, the nature of the "Great Question" is finally revealed: the war is being fought over whether atheists should call themselves the AAA, the UAL, or the UAA.

    Cartman tries again to call the past, and this time interrupts passionate sex between Garrison and Dawkins, who picks up the phone. As a result of Dawkins learning that Mrs. Garrison had a sex change, Dawkins ends his romance with Garrison.

    Now that the two "co-founders of world atheism" are no longer destined to marry, the future is altered significantly. Cartman suddenly finds himself in a room with members of all three factions, who live in peace with each other and explain that no one fights about abstract "-isms" anymore; instead, they're at war with the "French-Chinese" over legal ownership of Hawaii.

    Cartman is sent back to the 21st century and merges with his present-self, but discovers that the time machine sent him back too far: he now has a full two months until the Wii release, instead of three weeks. Distraught once again, present-Cartman angrily hangs up on a phone call from another future-Cartman, who tries to warn him, in vain, against freezing himself again.

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