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Is describing President Obama as "radical" the new racial code word?

This term is used by Fox News , Sean Hannity, Glen Beck and now Newt Ginrich...interesting.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Describing President Obama as radical is in no way a code word or racist. Take Fox News out of the equation. They are obviously biased to one side, politically. Do your homework. National Public Radio announced in 2007 that then Senator Obama was rated by the non partisan National Journal as the most liberal person in congress. In his own words, as a student, he sought out the Marxist professors. His parents are radicals, he has surrounded himself with radicals and he has brought radicals into OUR White House. So no, it isn't racist. He IS radical. I believe his actions, the things he has said and the people who are his advisors show that he is a socialist. In addition, he promised that he would not let lobbyists influence policy and yet that is all he does. He has told us one thing and done another over and over again. It is politics as usual. Bush was bad but President Obama is Bush on steroids.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    People only look at outer appearance. :0/ It's what people used to do a long time ago. If a person had a drop of black blood they were "no good". So the biracial people were always grouped with the black people. People got used to it. I'm biracial and I would never call myself black just as I would never call myself white. If I told people I considered myself white there would be massive confusion and dissenting. Why do people feel the need to categorize? "People of mixed races must be thrown in somewhere..." It's stupid. Edit: If you have a hint of African American you are black? I always thought that the terms black and white were to describe skin color. That statement makes no sense to me. Everyone has a mixture of races in their ancestry. Including people who are white. Why would they not be considered Indian(4 ex.) because an ancestor a while back was?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why is it interesting I guess you think that Hannity, Beck, and Gingrich are racist. What's interesting is we've heard this "conservatives MUST be racist" crap since Obama was introduced to us and you act like it's new material! omg you people!!. You liberals see him as a race, we see him as a disgrace. Do you know what a radical is? He is the most radical president in US History and it has nothing to do w/ what the h*ll color he is. We didn't like Carter and he was lily white. It's not WHO they are as a president; it never has been about that. It's their agenda and Obama's agenda is a dangerously radical one.

    Liberals are the most racist people out there. They want to give 'extra' rights to people of color because apparently they can't make it on their own. Al Gore, a liberal, had a father who opposed civil rights. Al Gore tries so hard to pretend he's "down" and that man is so afraid of anyone who doesn't look like him, it's actually funny.

    Source(s): radical In politics, one who desires extreme change of part or all of the social order. The term (which derives from the Latin word for “root,” and thus implies change beginning at a system's roots) was given this sense by Charles James Fox in 1797 when he demanded “radical reform” consisting of universal manhood suffrage. In France before 1848, republicans and advocates of universal male suffrage were called radicals. The term was later applied to Marxists (see Marxism) who called for fundamental social change to eradicate divisions among social classes. In popular usage, it is applied to political extremism, not necessarily violent, of both the left and the right.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No -it is a Reference to his politics-

    the left calls the right reactionary and the right calls the left radical.

    You should read the tea party and Fox news in the light of being Conservatives who don't agree with Obama's polices, and who are angry about the Economy continuing to be in the crapper and not race.

    The type of people who are in the tea party now weren't happy about Bill Clinton- because he was a democrat the only real difference is the economy was better so they had jobs.

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  • Radical is a political term, not a racial slur. There are other radicals of different ethnicities too. That's like saying the term democrat is offensive. It's a representation of a particular set of views not meant to be offensive in anyway. It's just supposed to represent that person's views.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is the most radical and divisive President since Lincoln. He has not listened to Americans, and is inciting a rebellion in this nation. The majority of Americans are Christian Conservative and wish to see our government as such. Obama is attempting to take our government into a progressive unknown.

  • Tony B
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why do you, and others, HAVE to bring the old race thing up with every aspect of everything you talk or ask about? Try removing the old race chip on your shoulder for a change!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    To the blacks, any word that isn't praising them is a racial word. it is so overused.

    I wonder when they will get over the fact of their color and start being Americans like the rest of us.

    No one cares what color you are!!!!!!!!!

  • IceT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You Libs and your constant bring up race in a debate! You guys either are not intelligent enough to argue you point of view or you are racist! Interesting! I am not sure which is true!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it is the correct word to use in describing the actions of this president.

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