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I'd like to ask a question? William: not a christian seemed to have posted a genuine question?

Not so a much a question as much as a staement. He said he didn't care which faith you had but that he would ask and demand reasons and justififcations for that supposed knowledge. All i saw was ignorant postings back like who the f are you and who cares about what you think. I would like to point out that he clearly wasnt saying he didn't care about your beliefs whatso ever i mean obviously he does or he wouldn't try and argue with you guys, what he was saying is that the religion doesn't matter he just wants to know why you guys happen to have that belief and if you claim to know that that proof needs to be presented. So my question is how are you Christians and Muslims good christians or muslims when you curse at people or put people down and be-little them, and secondly seeing how ya'll messed up with even understanding his statement doesn't that show you your own ignorance and stupidity? Thought i'd ask

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Ben. I'd agree... The Bible clearly tells us that we should have an answer for everyone that asks.. or in laymen's terms be educated about the faith. Now if it's evidence or proof that this person wants that is tricky... there's proof that Jesus walked the earth , that all of his prophecies came true (one still hasn't been fulfilled his 2nd coming) , but there isn't proof that Jesus was the son of God, he claimed and it I personally believe it, but if you want Jesus to shout out from the Heavens hey I'm the son of GOD it won't happen. The Bible says a wicked and perverse generation seeks a sign.. that means that people are refusing to believe without a sign and I think even if they had this "sign" they'd still rationalize it away(that is just an opinion) however the Bible says we have evidence around us of God's existence such as nature, love, etc...

    I hope this helps.

    Jesus Loves you and died for your sins .

    I'm sorry i didn't put the verses up to support my in the Bible statements if you'd like them I can get them to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    FIRST OFF, I never saw the original question or any of the answers. I am a Christian, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't lump me in with the "other" so-called ignorant and stupid Christians and Muslims. Again, I never answered the question! BEFORE I undertake to answer YOUR questions, I need to point out a little hint of hypocracy....

    IF it is wrong for a Christian or a Muslim to belittle (all one word, not hyphenated) others who disagree with them, how then is it okay for you to do the same? We're stupid, but you're saintly? Okay, seems fair and makes perfect sense to me!

    And further ... I would guess 20 or 30 people answered that original question. EVEN if it was 200, you can make generalized statements about ALL Christians and ALL Muslims based on this small sampling? There is a billion or more Christians, my friend! You think you know us by one answer on YA!? You think you know us by ALL the answers on YA!? Trust me, you don't! And it says something about you that you leap so quickly to these conclusions.

    Now your questions:

    1. How are you Christians and Muslims good christians or muslims when you curse at people or put people down and be-little them?

    I don't speak for the Muslim religion. As I said, I am a Christian. I wonder, have you ever read the Bible? It is FILLED literally from cover to cover with stark contrasts between God's holiness and man's evil. That my friend is the FIRST THING that you ever figure out about a Christian: We are SINNERS! We are IMPERFECT! We are in desperate need of salvation!

    So, how is it that you're offended by seeing glimpses of our imperfect, sinful natures? YES, we get angry at those who attack us and our God! Yes, we can at times be petty and nasty! Yes, there are times that our actions reflects poorly on us and is quite possibly even sinful and shameful, but ... but ... to suggest that because we proclaim Christ as our Lord and Savior that we are saying that we're now sinless is NOT true! I won't call you a liar. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you simply don't understand the Christian's sin nature, but NO MAN is without sin! NO MAN stops sin just because he comes to know Christ! We are constantly in need of forgiveness and redemption!

    The Apostle Paul, a greater Christian than most of us will ever be, lamented IN THE BIBLE that he does that which he doesn't want to do AND he doesn't do that which he wants to do. That's testimony to our struggle between pleasing God, serving God, and pleasing our own will, our own flesh, etc. It's an ongoing struggle, my friend!

    2. Secondly seeing how ya'll messed up with even understanding his statement doesn't that show you your own ignorance and stupidity?

    There are a lot of stupid people in this world, atheist, agnostic, Muslim, Christian, and Jew. If you want to isolate on the stupidity of just Christians and Muslims to the exclusion of all others then ... well, again, it reveals much about where your heart is, where your biases lie, etc.

    That's between you and God, my friend.

    Lord bless.

  • Ernie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jesus never said go and prove the gospel, He said go and preach the gospel. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to prove the word of God, and He will do it through us. When we mature, the Holy Spirit will display God's power to heal the sick and raise the dead; not to mention cast out devils. Jesus never came off the cross to prove to the unbelievers that He is the Messiah.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm Roman Catholic. I was raised in a Catholic home and remain Catholic through the past 6 yrs of studying the religion and the Bible. Other than that, I don't have to justify myself to anyone about it. It's a personal choice and I love it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well i wasn't there for that but i do not "put down" or "belittle" anybody who doesn't share the same beliefs i do. if they ask i will explain but i will never push my beliefs on anyone. thats for them to find themselves.

    Source(s): i use to despise religions until i got tired of not having anything to believe in and studied many and learned to develop my own beliefs which is a mix of buddhism and christianity. sounds weird i know but thats what i've found to help make this life a little easier for myself and nobody else. i do not attend any church because i believe they are more of an almost "cult" following because as people we all interpret things differently and at a church you are basically listening to another mans understanding of his beliefs and we should all figure that out on our own, well atleast thats my opinion. my temple is my mind and soul.
  • 1 decade ago

    If you feel like you can't win the argument, attack the character of your opponent. Most people do this subconsciously. What's funny is there is no argument, just an inquiry.

  • people are intolerant and get used to it...

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