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falisha asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why should I vote republican in 2012?

What ideas are they coming up with to help jobs and employment?

What have they said they will do to help the economy?

What have they said they will do about debt, health care, foreclosure, and bankruptcy in America? ( Medical bills are the leading cause of debt and bankruptcy in America )

Republicans seem to think everything President Obama does is wrong, all they do is criticize but at least he's trying to find ways to fix this country. So since republicans are against President Obama plans to help the country, what are their plans? If its just to erase any memory of President Obama then all that does is put us back at point A, with Bush in office. So what are republican's plans to help this country, to better the lives of American people? Why should I vote republican in 2012?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I almost always vote Republican, because they are the lesser of the two evils.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats a fair question. Im a conservative. and the Republican had definitely strayed away from fiscal conservatism. So while I believe that its not hard at all to be more conservative than Obama, i am apprehensive to just automatically give the Republicans my vote in 2012 also. Although I probably have a less favorable opinion of Obama than you do.

    Theres 2 years go to so I will watch what develops.

    Until then there are the November congressional elections.

    One thing you need to consider though... medical bills may be the leading cause of bankruptcy, this healthcare bill is doing nothing to lower costs in fact they have slightly increased.

    Also remember unemployment has gone up, inflation has gone up...

    So when your voting for house and senate members check out who voted for what.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Are you Paris Hilton? If so you should vote republican because you are paying right wing media to brainwash people to vote republican for you. So you might as well also put in a vote yourself, unless that would take up too much of your time. Your accountant can only have you pay zero taxes if the republicans make laws that support you, dahling.

    Well, if you are Paris but you are a typical white, redneck who has a very backwards mind then you should vote republican. Cause you believe all the subliminals from the right wing media. You don't know they are using subliminals or even what they are cause you don't believe in psychology. Your church might tell you how to think so you don't need to know all the head fillin' stuff.

    Are you a man who finds Sarah Palin, Michele Backman & Victoria Jackson aka the 3 stooges, a very attractive reason to get rid of the men in office & let the girls take over. Then vote republican cause the party is dominated by these women even though they don't let intelligent women around or maybe it is that intelligent women don't want to be around.

    If you believe Obama sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years & is a Muslim then you have to vote republican.

    If you believe that a man in this country can get is driver's lisence, work at McDonalds or become President without showing anyone his birth certifcicate then vote republican.

    If you believe saying people are moral even thought they all have scandels except for Ok, I can't think of one, but it that works for you then vote republican.

    If you really don't care about anything except having your neighbor go off to war & seeing others go throught forclosure, etc. cause this stuff is actually good for your competitive edge you must vote republican. I could go on but it's obvious that if you hate everyone except yourself vote republican. Actually, though how much can you love yourself either if you have that much hate inside.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Conservatives absolutely baffle and exasperate Liberals. Why? Because Conservatives appear to have solid beliefs while the Liberal is lucky if he can formulate some vague, hazy philosophy of things. When the Conservative argues with the Liberal, the Liberal feels he must lash out for fear of discovering that his whole imaginary world is just that: fiction.

    So, Liberals preach "tolerant", but only tolerance for THEIR viewpoints. Anything else is heresy. Just try confronting a Liberal with the facts about global warming and he'll practically start foaming at the mouth. The mind of the Liberal cannot acknowledge that a Conservative is right because the fuzzy Liberal mind is like a shaky house of cards. If the Liberal realizes he's wrong about one thing, it totally destroys their whole imagined reality he has constructed for himself.

    So when Liberals scream like threatened children when you talk about FOX News, or Rush Limbaugh, it is because their brains are not wired to accept contradictory information. I read extensively; both from the Left and the Right. I put my beliefs to the test by really checking if they are based on fact, evidence, and not just conjecture and a psychological construct.

    Liberals cannot do this. It would destroy their carefully-crafted dream world existence.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, you are under the assumption that the cuts will happen right away. that is not true. Anyone 55 years of age or older it does not effect. The liberals want you to think that, but it is not true. Secondly, medicare and medicaid are both being abused, and something needs to be done. Senior citizens are being hurt by people who are openly abusing the system. It needs to be reformed, but NOT at the expense of the seniors. Not sure where you researched your information, but I just went to the Republican web site and read their Platform. I see nothing wrong with their proposals, it hurts no one, yet makes sure a lot of waste and abuse is cut back. For instance; Recent audits show that 22% of all federal programs are ineffective or incapable of demonstrating results. 69 separate programs, administered by 10 different agencies, provide education or care to children under the age of 5. Nine separate agencies administer 44 different programs for job training. 23 separate programs, each with its own overhead, provide housing assistance to the elderly. This has been going on for years, and someone needs to start reducing these agencies down to a manageable size. If your man to do that is Obama, then let him do it. All indications are that he is INCREASING IT. Not decreasing!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't vote Republican man.

    Here is why.

    When the economy went into the great depression in the 1930's who was in office? Repiblicans

    When the economy was booming in the 50's and 60's who was in office because of the evolution of Roosevelt's New Deal? Oh wait Roosevelt was a Democrat and pretty much all the war up to Nixon the economy was still booming and doin good then Democrats had Carter who sucked though.

    I say forget Republicans,

    Democrats FTW (for the win)

  • ash
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No good reason, especially after the way they marched off a cliff to support Bush policies and harm our country even though they are now trying to say well hey, we didn't approve of him either. If they truly didnt' approve of him they would have been more confrontational with him. And then there is health care, saying that they always have favored reform but the did not even try to do diddley-squat while in power. They are collectively a group of lying hypocrites who are trying to dismantle all the progress our nation has achieved in the last hundred years and it will be a cold day in hell before I ever again vote for another one of their sort.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay here is the deal; if you are a mindless drone willing to forget everything you’ve lived through in the past 50 years or so, then by all means, vote for every Republican you can. However, if you are a working class person willing to put in a fair days work for a fair wage, then do not vote for a Republican (ever).

    Source(s): LLI
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should vote your morals, values.

    If you can tell us how our Nation will pay down trillions in debt, then vote again for Obama.

    If you can live with the government owning everything, then you vote for Obama.

    If you can afford the New Cap-n-trade Energy bill that will Sky rocket your energy cost, again you vote for Obama.

    If One day friend, you can stand the thought of all Americans sitting on trial before a World Court, (Socialism at its finest), again friend, vote for Obama.

    If you can justify how another baby does not deserve to be born, then you vote for Obama.

    But if you happen to get just one moment to actually think about these things and can't bare that thought, then vote for your freedom, values, and morals.

    Study your canidates and what they believe in. God Bless you!!

  • hill
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You shouldn't vote Rep or Dem. You should vote for the Independent wherever one is running. Unless, of course, you just want to go on with the same old crap and the bickering of which party is worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't voted for a Republican or a Democrat President for decades and won't start any time soon. Any choice for a third party is the lesser evil.

    Both of the main parties are to blame for this mess and should be held responsible.

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