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Need a little advice, should I send this email?

I don't want it to sound like I'm a bitter person, but I feel I need to communicate my pain so that I can have closure. What do you think:

I'm not writing this to bash you, but I need to let you know, that you hurt me. Its not the first time, which is my mistake for believing your words, but it will be the last. I feel what you did was cowardly, that you didn't even have the decency nor respect to follow through on anything you have said and talk to me, man to man, to offer a little closure. That was all that I requested of you. A ten minute phone call would have sufficed and you had ample opportunity to do so. You couldn't even offer a simple goodbye. Instead, you chose to ignore everything that I earnestly said and tried to communicate to you. You ignored all of my questions, thoughts, suggestions and communications without any explanation whatever. That was extraordinarily hurtful and you need to understand that your actions and lack of actions cause pain and confusion. You say that you care for me as an individual, but your actions show the complete opposite. A simple acknowledgment would have even sufficed. To simply ignore things and not deal with them is not an adequate way to deal with the issues of life. It goes without saying that you should treat others how you would want to be treated. I know that you know this, but you do not practice it in principle. It is hurtful to care for a person so, but to have them not return even the slightest ounce of thought, concern nor compassion. That is what I feel you have done to me.

In the future, be mindful not to treat others this way. Don't apologize for your wrongdoings only to commit the same ones. Do not subject others to your own confusions and inner demons. Take responsibility for your actions. Do not give your word to do something and not follow through. Do not open communication with someone unless you intend to follow things through to the end. You say that you have changed and you apologized. You have not changed and your apologies were misplaced. You do not value other people, you value only yourself. Your negligent actions are hurtful to people. They were hurtful to me. I hope that you learn that life is not about what you can gain, to invest your time and energy in passing things, but that the people whom truly and sincerely care about you in life are the true treasures and the rarest gifts of all. Love in all its varied forms, friendship, romantic or charitable, is the only thing that can be given in life freely and is what makes life beautiful and the darkness of life bearable. You may not understand this today, or tomorrow, but someday I believe you will see this.

Be blessed and I truly hope that you find peace of mind and heart. It is obvious that you lack the compassion, empathy, respect and harmony at this point in your life to truly have grown as an individual, as is evident by your actions. These things I hope you do discover. Be well and know that though you have caused me pain again, you are already forgiven for my sake as well as yours. Take care of yourself. I let go and release you from my life with all the best intentions, in love, forgiveness and compassion, knowing that I have expressed myself as fully as I can and tried as best as I can to show that I care and therefore have no regrets.

Peace to you in life. I hope that life brings you all that you desire: healing, an open heart, love, goodness, joy; and in your pains: lessons to be learned. And may you find someone to give you the things that I could not give...though I would have like to have tried.

All the best,


6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you deserve to express your feelings, thoughts and desires for the person. what is important is that you can manage them maturely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it's a little long for one thing.

    The next thing is, this is a "man to man" communication?

    Sorry dude but this e-mail makes you sound like a girl.

    When it comes to emotional issues, I prefer to be very carefull what I communicate to someone in writing. It might be better to have this conversation with him in person, but only if you can keep your emotions in check, and have the conversation remain a calm one.

    Finally I hope you can ask yourself just who this message was written for in the first place.

    I think you wrote it more for yourself, and if I am right then there is no need for you to click on the "send" key.

    When I am angry and hurt with someone, I find it very therapeutic to sit down and write out my feelings and emotions in the form of a letter to the person who those feelings and emotions are directed to. Of course most of these letters are never read by the person(s) I wrote the letter to.

    The witting of the letter was enough of a relief for my feelings that I didn't have to follow through with actually sending it to them.

    I hope that you can find the same "closure" for yourself.

    Sending such a letter usually requires a response from the recipient.

    Then depending on whether that response satisfies you or not generally requires a new response from you. This could go on and on for years, or not.

    It's up to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, it certainly gets your point across but it seems a bit long-winded and repetitive, it might feel like you're losing some of the meaning by shortening it but sometimes you can still make it memorable to the person you're trying to reach.

  • 1 decade ago

    you need to say how u really feel in person other wise the point will never get across. not to mention the next time u see him it will be waayyyy awkward and hes gonna talk to u bout it anyway so just do it in person. and make it short and sweet. otherwise its just a little too weird and emotional.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Personaly I think you should send it a say how you Really feel!

  • 1 decade ago

    Send it.

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