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I don't seem to fit into this world! I feel humiliated and sad, what shall I do?

I am staying at a restaurant in the staff accommodation and working for meals and a comfortable bed. Over the last weekend I cleared up the garden where I am staying and re-potted some flowers and plants. I asked everyone if I could do the work in the garden and the manager took me to the garden centre and paid for the plants. I really enjoyed myself over the weekend. The weather was gorgeous and the wooden tubs around the restaurant looked lovely when I had finished.

Yesterday the manager said that the woman who did the garden last year was very upset that I had done the job. She gets paid £200. I did it for nothing.

The management have asked me to dig up the plants as they must give the other woman the work as she is a valued customer.

I have refused to dig up the flowers or to get involved further with the restaurant.

I am feeling very humiliated and................. sad.

Any body out there who understand my pain?


@Zaphod: You are right when you say they are idiots, but also BeiYin is right when he tells me that this situation is a challenge for me and wake up, to realize the reality of people. So I will not say anything to them out of my anger. I can understand now that their attitude is theirs and I can't change it. I do not depend on these people here and I am free to go anywhere else...

Update 2:

@Lily: Yes, I'm free to go - and I'm free to stay. That makes me NOT to depend on them and I prefer to continue like this. If I look for 'my own place' and do things to save some money, then I would give up this freedom! I don't know what a 'live in carer' is, but I will look it up.

Update 3:

@aNewBorN: Thank you for telling your story and your kind words. I ensure you that I feel already much better. Reflecting about the happening and with the help of my friends here at Yahoo, I can see that my reaction was coming out of my still pretty naive way of seeing this world and people, wanting to see them as I would like them, but not how they are. Today is Friday, so: *Happy birthday to you!*

Update 4:

@BeiYin: Yes, you are right! My sadness is already gone, it was just a reaction and it had told me something about my unconscious background. You make me understand that the happening is a 'teaching' that wakes me up to see the reality around me. This has helped me a lot! Thank you! I will read your other Yahoo answers...

Update 5:

@Lesley: What do you mean with "This statement is mine!" This is my question and I haven't taken it from anyone. Do you mean the story? Well, this story probably happens thousands of times every where, so it is not surprising if it happens also to you. Then you came to the right place and my question and so the answers will serve you to make the best out of it. I have learned that indeed our daily life is built up on our expectations coming out of our established worldview, that might be slightly different due to our personal background, but is the same in so far as it is our personal illusion. BeiYin makes me understand, that this is my personal 'straitjacket' that limits me and lets me react! Seeing this clearly, I can leave my sadness behind and I tell you that I feel like newborn! I wish you the same. You look quite confuse, I don't understand your 'spiritual fantasies' and reallly don't see what this has to do with my question. You seem to be much worse than I have been before.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Rahmona, welcome to our daily 'reality show'! What you are describing is the dilemma caused by the discrepancy between your personal dream world and the reality you encounter in daily happenings and conditions. To this you are reacting with disappointment, because what you find is completely different. This is your pain.

    I understand you and I will try to show you a way out, but to make it clear: You need to do the steps out of it yourself!

    This happening you described is so ridicules that it can stand as an example how this society works or better said: doesn't work. There is no direct joy in doing something just for the doing, there are always interests involved and of course money! Can you see the surrealistic aspects in it? Then you might just laugh! With this you have gained part of your sovereignty back. Get out of the dependency from people and their ridicules mindset. That doesn't mean that you relate in a negative way to your surrounding because you had this frustrating experience, but you need to find the right relation and not just see the world through the glasses of your dream world. Understand me right: It is only a 'dream' world because you don't relate to the reality of daily conditions, that are mostly products of the established society. Once you can look through this, then you can stay with yourself and represent this with your actions, but you don't depend any more on it and you will not react any more. That is because you will not want that the world is like you would like it to be. This is the way you will learn and grow and your daily conditions and happenings are serving the best way possible for it. Doing this step your attitude will have changed and you will be able to be thankful and so your sadness and pain will be gone... Right?

  • 1 decade ago

    You are feeling "very humiliated and................. sad." I can understand you sweetheart. When I was seven years old I had a very similar experience. I had also planted some flowers and was very proud of it, but then got very upset when I was told that the flowers were at the wrong place and that I should replant them. That was a shock and indeed painful. I guess you are a bit older, but if this hurts you so much, then there is probably an old experience like mine and that is repeating now. Maybe it is time for you to wake up from your children's need to be acknowledged and confirmed... I agree, it is painful to grow up, but one day you will need to leave the egg shells behind and go naked into the daily encounters. But I tell you, it is not that bad, you even can enjoy it! BeiYin is right: That all has to do with 'growing'...

    Sorry, I just read your 'additional details' and I can see, that you have managed quite well to overcome this experience...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sure, we all have bad times. trust me i know. i was homeless at 15 years old. my parents where well off , but when they divorced when i was 14 they some how forgot that i was still a child and forgot i even existed. for many years it was hard for me to understand why i was the only one that could see that i was done wrong. until one day in oct of 1995 my wife gave birth to the one thing that would make me strive not to be like my parents. the 5th to be exact. my son. he is now 14, the leader of his basketball team, the leader of his track and field teams, the best looking kid in school and most popular, and the best thing that could have ever happened to me. he has truely made me the person i am. and i will be there for him to the day .......... so pick your head up and push yourself forward and find that one thing that defines your life and the way you want to be remembered. life will go on. with or with out us but then we would'nt know how it turned out. I'll be 37 yrs old fri. its been rough but its also been great. dont give up. you'll find it. love you have a good night

  • lainey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    "He reported you are the main insecure woman I relatively have ever met" : he's nice approximately that. in case you probably did no longer act that desperate for romance and interest, you may unload his *** and pass get yet another guy. "apologized to him and that i skipped over my buddy" : Your buddy is in choose (and you may desire to help) and yet all you cared approximately is gorgeous your grasp (reliable domestic dog) how shall I take care of it? : you already know precisely what you may desire to do, yet you do no longer wanna do it. you're hoping one individuals could supply you a magic potion which will render him suited. "Now I relatively have no longer something in his abode in basic terms 2 lipsticks it relatively is chanel so as that they are bit high priced" : somewhat !!! so which you experience the could desire to let us know that. What are you attempting to place across - I relatively have a reliable style: you haven't got a reliable style in men, that's lots extra significant than lipstick - i purchase high priced stuff: reliable for you! yet there is not any could desire to gloat. If all you have left at his place is lipstick, than you haven't got been given shitt left at his place, era. "Do you think of he will ever call me or textual content textile? or do u think of in some unspecified time sooner or later I could desire to call him? " : seem on the questions you're asking. of course you're no longer severe. those final seven months have been a wild curler coaster for you, yet you adore each and every minute of it. This probably has been the main interesting 7 months on your existence. Admit it. you opt for him back and you will tolerate even if crap he throws your way. Then suck it up and function exciting. "what is going to u do if that take place to you?" : Fuuuuck that. i do no longer tolerate nonsense from all and multiple. I take care of my spouse with admire and that i anticipate the comparable.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am the owner of the statement above. This statement was published by a third party without my permission. Yesterday a person opened a letter to my son, we were both angry about it. This action is no different.

    My flowers are still in the garden and no one has dared to touch them, because they love me and have acknowledged their mistake.They just woke up! Man.............are they missing me! my contribution has far exceeded the garden perimeters.

    I am not a victim. I simply shared a feeling with the only person I know who might understand.

    I am not dependent on anyone. The fact that I am nomadic and that I exchange my wisdom for basic neccessities is as old as The goddess. And its very good value!

    I dont like chat rooms. I am an artist, and I can find much better use of my time than logging onto Yahoo, or anything similar.

    I use e mail because its free, and I can keep in contact with my family and friends whist I am travelling.

    Reality? Internet addictions are not real.

    Face to face contact is real...........................................................BLAA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. in carer. I am a qualified nurse and I was a sister until I left because I could not stand the atrocities that the health service called care. No thanks x

    To the guy who loves his child. I am a mother of 3 and the only reason I am in the UK right now is because they need me, and two of them happen to be the children of the restaurant manager..................ok?

    Have I justified an e mail I sent to a friend?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is tricky because you live there, you are dependant on them for a roof over your head, so they can call the shots in this difficult situation, look for a place of your own, then you will be in a better position, have you thought of being a live-in carer? you may be more valued and able to save some money?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, that's crap. They want you to undo the work YOU did for them out of your own kindness? I hope you told them how selfish and cruel they were being. You don't need to feel humiliated. They're the idiots. Just tell them

    "I'm not going to dig up the plants I volunteered to plant for you for free so some loser can get paid to do it. I did you a favour. If you don't like that, you can suck it."

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