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AMC Character Returning *Spoiler*?

I just read this on . Janet Dillon aka "Janet From Another Planet" is coming back to PV! It seems she will have a lot of scenes with her daughter Amanda. Here is the exact information from the link:

In All My Children casting news, actress Kate Collins will reprise her role of Janet Dillon! TV Guide is reporting that 'Janet From Another Planet' will turn up on April 30!

Viewers will learn that Janet is Amanda's (Chrishell Stause) obsessed fan, and what's more, she will be looking to get rid of Jake (Ricky Paull Goldin), whom she sees as an obstacle to her plans! The biggest deal-breaker to a relationship between Janet and Amanda, though, may come when Janet reveals the real reason she killed Amanda's father, Trevor!

What do you think about this? I wasn't watch AMC when she was last shown but she sounds like a very interesting complex character with a dark past. Can anyone tell me why she killed Amanda's father Trevor? And did Amanda name her son Trevor after her father? I had kind of been wondering why she picked that name for him, but if that is the reason then it makes sense.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not looking forward to Janet coming back. We don't know WHY she killed Trevor - just that she did. Guess we'll find out. Yes, Amanda named her baby after Trevor, her Dad. (In memory of him - not in honor of him. You don't honor a dead person - just his memory.) She loved her father and then Janet became mentally unstable and did all sorts of unbelievable weird things. She should stay institutionalized. Maybe Janet will suggest that Jake get a shave and a haircut - or at least comb his hair. He looks so tacky next to Amanda.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know why Janet killed Trevor, but he was found dead in a freezer in a cabin in the woods the last time Janet was on. Yes, that's why Amanda named her baby Trevor after her father.

    Janet is the best, she really did a good job last time playing the crazed Janet and you can't believe the way she can pull things off. She's the E in evil. You'll love watching her and i'm glad you told me that she'll be back. This will be good for the show.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    ah man, Janet is Amanda's stalker? I thought it was gonna be a guy. Come on!

    I never could stand Janet, she is psychotic and annoying, and a murderer!

    I hate that she'll try and break up Jake and Amanda, they are my favorite couple ever. I think she killed Trevor because he was gonna leave Janet and have her committed again. Yea Amanda named her son after her late dad Trevor Dillon.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was an avid AMC fan for years and loved Janet, she is crazy and a lot of fun to watch. I stopped watching except about 30 minutes a week sometime last year,because it was getting awful. Now I'll have to be sure to une in for her. I hope the writers don't change her much.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can't remember the whole story, I think she told Babe, she was fighting with Trevor probably about her interfering in Amanda's life? cause she was having trouble making friends or maybe they were being mean to her either this was the main reason she stop taking her medication, later revealed she lock him in a freezer, not sure if she was planning to kill Babe though,

    think she was and thats why Jamie kept asking Amanda to help them rescue her and little A. and put a end to her mothers games, once they did Amanda was terrified with a shock on her face to find out her mother lock her father in a freezer..this is when Jamie is there for her and they start to become friends again

    Yes Amanda name her son Trevor after late her father. To tell you the truth I'm looking forward to Janet return not sure why mostly here is against it, unless they really hated that storyline, but you know what I find Interesting is how Amanda turn turn out to be nothing like her mother, and is a wonderful caring mother to her son..Thanks again for the news now we know who her stalker is :)

    Source(s): when Amanda is Reunited with her son
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Haven't seen any spoilers but I would love for them to kill off Ryan. He's turned into such a whining baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't watch the show when she was on either, but I looked her up.

    Janet had a sister named Natalie, who was in love with Trevor Dillon. Janet made herself look like Natalie and then she hid the real Natalie in a well and convinced everyone that she was actually her. Janet and Trevor got married. Trevor's niece Hayley figured everything out and Janet tried to kill her and shot her boyfriend. Sometime in there, Janet got pregnant with Amanda. Janet kidnapped Natalie again and Natalie had to deliver Amanda. While Janet was in jail, and Natalie took care of her, Amanda was raised thinking Natalie was her mom.

    Janet got plastic surgery and changed her name and almost married Trevor again, but the wedding got stopped and everyone found out it was actually her. Later, Trevor was going to get married to someone else and Janet tried to kill the girl. When Janet ran out of the church where Trevor's wedding was going to be, she got struck by lightning and everyone thought she was dead.

    Everyone found out Janet was alive and Amanda learned about her past and everything. Amanda went to look down the well that Janet had put Natalie in and she fell down and so did Janet when she went to save her. They bonded and Trevor saved them and then Amanda found out Janet was her mother.

    Trevor fell in love with Janet and proposed to her. They were happy and everything but then a woman named Sophie who had been in jail with Janet threatened to kill Amanda and Trevor if Janet didn't give her money she owed her. Janet killed Sophie and Trevor signed a confession, saying he did it and then Janet confessed too. Trevor was cleared and Janet was let off because it was self defense. They all moved out of town.

    Amanda (who was now an adult) returned and shortly after her daughter, so did Janet. Apparently, Janet had a mental disorder or something, because she was off her medication and bad things started happening in Pine Valley. She had never healed from the emotional trauma from everything that happened with Sophie and she had been the one to cause all of the bad things. She set off explosives at a party.

    Everyone found out she killed Trevor, but it doesn't say exactly why she did it. Janet was put in a mental hospital. She escaped and kidnapped Krystal's daughter Jenny, but Jamie Martin and Babe found her. I guess Janet left town after that.

    I hope I helped answer your question!

  • 1 decade ago

    I remember Janet from Day 1 - she came to PV because her sister Natalie lived there. Janet was frumpy looking, overweight, horned rimmed glasses, etc. She decided she wanted her sister's life, threw her down a well on the Wildwind property, and proceeded to impersonate her. That's how she got pregnant with Amanda in the first place. She probably has the crown for entertaining nuttiness. There was a great murder mystery back in the 90's - Who Killed Will Courtlandt? - Dixie's brother who really was king of all jerks (being discreet here - can't say what I really thought of him). Most of the town wanted him dead, with good reason. Turned out Janet had killed him. He was married to Haley, Trevor's niece; Janet felt that Trevor worrying about Will's treatment of Haley was taking away from her pregnancy (with Amanda), so she beaned him with a crowbar. Then, in another s/l, she had experimental plastic surgery while in the Graybar Motel, returned to PV as Jane something-or-other, seduced Trevor (again!!!). The only "person" who recognized her was Harold the Dog (Timmy's dog). Janet put Harold in a U-Haul moving across country to CA. Harold escaped, and if I tell you I laughed for weeks. The dog could apparently read road signs, because he'd get to an exit stop, look up and then take the right one. In the middle of the wedding, good old Harold showed up with a pill bottle in his mouth, the pills that Janet had used to drug him (don't even ask me how he got all the way from CA to PA w/o losing that stupid bottle, I moved 4 floors and lost a box of tools). The point is, some of the most entertaining storylines written on AMC have been around Janet, even under different writing regimes. I'm just waiting to see what she comes up with next. One thing about it, she regards Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who gets between her and her precious Amanda as definitely expendable. Better watch out Jake. And hide the crowbars.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have always loved Kate Collins, she is phenomenal! I thought the obsessed fan would turn out to be her all along. I can't wait to see what she will be up to this time. But I don't want her to get rid of Jake from Amanda's life, I love them together! I am dying to know why she killed Trevor though!

  • I read that she was coming back, too, and immediately thought that she would be Amanda's super fan. I was hoping that Trevor wasn't really dead. I always liked Uncle Pork Chop. His death was off screen, we heard about it when Amanda returned to Pine Valley all grown up. Yes, she gave her son the name of Trevor in honor of her father.

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