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Lv 6
? asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Cats driving me crazy!! Please help!?

I have Morty (7 months) and Riley (4 months) and they've been really fantastic until the past month or so.

-They have torn a massive hole on the underside of the sofa, regularly climb into the sofa and wreak everything inside. Despite numerous repairs (they broke through x2) and barriers (which they can destroy)

-They regularly jump up on the counters in the kitchen, climb into the fridge, cupboards, even onto the hob and yes Riley has singed a paw by stepping on a cooling down hot-plate!

-They pull all the toilet roll off and scrap it all up the bathroom

-They climb into the toilet and make wet paw prints everywhere

-Riley scratches and climbs the wall paper, climbs curtains

-They jump into laundry baskets, and destroy my housemate's tights

-They scratch shoes and bags

-They miow and scamper throughout the night waking me up at least every 2-3 hours, they wake me at 5am every morning without fail

-They chew wires, they've wrecked 2 sets of headphones...

- They jump under the duvet and attack my feet most mornings

-If placed anywhere to try and stop naughty behaviour they completely wreck the carpets

anyway you get the point

The boys have 3 scratching posts, one in each room which they happily use regularly

I have covered key scratching areas with 'paws away' sticky tape, sprayed with bitter apple

I have sprayed cables/wires across the house with bitter apple, and then smeared with vaseline

I have consistently said NO! or ah ah ah to them when doing naughty things such as sofa/counter problems

I have recently started using a water spray to discourage the sofa/counter issues

I play with them for several hours a day give them lots of cuddles and kisses etc, Morty is adorable and plays fetch etc etc

They are always well fed, watered and cared for

They carry on regardless! They LIKE the bitter apple and vaseline, they LIKE being sprayed in water etc I have no idea what to do with them!! Nothing will stop my crazy cats!

The only option I feel left with is to put them outside for a few hours a day, I am reluctant to do this because Riley is still little, and there are train tracks and light car traffic about 800 yards out the back. The naughty behaviour is only when I am in the house, so if I put them outside I wont get to see them or play with them much at all.

If there are any suggestions please help!

The main issues are


Toilet roll (costing a fortune)


Waking me up at night

Thanks for any suggestions!

PS Morty has had the snip, riley is still too young but will be snipped as soon as he turns 5 months!

PPS I trim their claws regularly

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They're young male kittens, they're bored, and they're loaded with energy. Give them boatloads of toys (empty paper bags, stuffed socks, etc will do.) Relocate/rearrange the toys every few days.

    You may want to kennel train them. When you're about to leave the house, entice them into the kennel with treats or a spoon of can food each. (If you have no room for a kennel, then lock them in the bathroom--hide destructible items.) Make sure they have plenty of food, water, and clean litter.

    Close your toilet seats.

    When you arrive home, don't race to give them attention or let them out. Attend to other things for a few minutes. Over time, they will learn that they are not the center of your universe, and will calm down. Give them plenty of positive attention several times a day. Kennel them when you go to bed.

    With regard to your sofa, 1) they may not like it, 2) could be boredom, 3) they could be trying to find mice that hide in it, 4) they could be mad at you.

    If they were children, you would child-proof your house. Now, you need to go to work to cat proof it. There safety is a factor.

  • 1 decade ago

    Re: The toilet paper roll, turn it around so the TP hangs close to the wall (so it's "under") rather than over the top. This is the trick my mom used when we were little AND had cats. As long as the cats are batting the roll w/ a downward motion (as kids will also do), the rolls are prone to keep themselves rolled up. It usually works pretty well. If it got real bad, I seem to recall stretching a rubber band between the 2 posts which connect the TP holder to the wall. The rubber band acts as a brake somewhat. Don't know if you can visualize it, since your TP holder may be diff than mine.

    As for the "nighttime crazies," when they're sounding like a bunch of elephants, that's pretty normal for cats. Most of their wild relatives hunt @ night (when prey can't see as well, but cats can), so it's little surprise they're active @ that time too. You may consider earplugs or a radio playing @ night.

    There's an as-seen-on-TV product, called emery cat (or something similar) that's claiming to file down claws while cats scratch. Not sure how well it works. You could try the claw trimmer that looks like a dremmel/rotary tool w/ a sandpaper attachment, another as-seen-on-TV product--cats may not like the sound, though.

    Do hissing or sst! noises while spraying w/ water &/or clap your hands sharply or lower your voice significantly when scolding them (Heck! maybe a growl might work). Imitating certain cat noises that express displeasure in their language may help control behavior.

    Source(s): Yrs & yrs of having cats.
  • 1 decade ago

    The "Snip" helps a lot, but these two are teenagers. They have a bit of time before they calm down.

    as for your waking at night get ear plugs or noise blocking head phones(No cords) or shut your door

    as for the toilet roll-shut the door, as for the laundry and any thing else you don't want the kids into put it behind closed doors-a room or a closet or a bin with a lid.

    I have always enjoyed my critters waking me-going after my feet or licking my face or snuggling. One of my great favorites is the cat sleep helmet, excellent in winter. I haven't used an alarm in years.

    Not to be mean at all, but are you sure you REALLY want cats? especially 2 babies?

    you need to be patient, it's difficult but they are so worth it.

    Still not being mean, I thought the sofa description was hysterical. I have 2 dogs a year apart, and 2 cats who don't care for each other. I left all my furniture stay, beat, worn, and sagging until they grew up then I had the stuff redone.

    You really do need to put stuff out of their reach or access, when they get a bit older you can put stuff back out for show around the home.

    And the singed paws-bet he didn't do that again in a hurry-they really do learn from experience

    I have never found "NO" helpful with cats but excellent aim with a water pistol is very effective and not at all harmful (and fun)

    you'll get through this, they really are worth it.

  • Lynn
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    need more info about your cat. male? female? spayed, neutered? personality type, i.e. is your cat a loner, or does it cling to you constantly? cats overall are social animals and sometimes they need to be around other cats. There could be a number of reasons why your cat is doing this. I would try not closing your bedroom door all the way and see if your cat will just push it open to come in without doing all the crying.

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  • 1 decade ago

    they are 7 and 4, this can be expected. if you are not willing to do things like put the toilet paper where you can reach it, but they cant, then you will just have to live with trashed toilet paper.

    they sound bored. set up boxes and bags to play in. put boxes together to make forts and tunnels. cut holes in them so they can belt each other through the holes.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, you should get scratching posts in EVERY room

    Then, if you can find it, get a kind of machine that can spray water if your cat comes too close

    As to the carpet, maybe you should change it into a wood floor

    But, if they continue, you should put a muzzle on them whenever they start biting

    and threesis something that covers your cat's nails (you can also declaw your cat, but i think it is inhumane)

    i hope this helps!

    good luck taming your cats!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tie them in the forest wihtout food for about 3 days

    things will get better when they come back

  • 1 decade ago

    a link that maybe can help you....

    do you trim their nails? from what i know cats and other animals start starching things when they feel their nails are getting longer... and give them sum thing to play on.... so they wont mess with your stuffs...

  • 1 decade ago

    easy answer they are cats .. that is the way they behave ..

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