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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Jehovah's Witnesses - What do you do when you see an "Ex JW" on here?

If someone states amongst their Question or Answer that they are an "Ex JW" how do you react?

Do you send that former brother or sister an email expressing your love for them, telling them that you hope they will return to Jehovah soon?

Do you assume they have been disfellowshipped and "shun" them?

Does it make a difference to you if they have left of their own accord or been disfellowshipped?

How and Why?

Thanks for your answers.


Tara: How can you be sure your "brother" defender of the truth aka Joe, aka Supes, aka tron, aka Tobias and numerous other accts (poss inc Tara) is an actual JW? He often attacks non JWs, surely you have seen him do this? Does that not make a mockery of your statement?

You are also VERY vocal about non JWs. Each to their own....and an apostate is not necessarily a liar, find a dictionary and read the definition. And one other thing you are clearly referring to UL when talking of abuse within JW org...How are you SO sure she is a "liar"? Who are you to judge??

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol! i have never received an email expressing their love simply because i said i was an ex JW. i have had conversations (very extensive ones) with a few JWs from here though and they seem nice enough with their heart in the right place. though i was also the one to initiate the conversation. the ones that initiate the conversation with me are usually mad about something i said so the conversation doesn't go far.

    as far as assuming DF.. who knows. i've been blocked by a few.. well at least 4. but they are all the most radical of the group and everyone knows who they are by the cruel attitude. so no harm done i guess. lol!

    do they care why one is no longer a JW? well some don't believe anyone would leave of their own accord. others will assume you are lying (obviously). and some will listen and not judge. i have found 3 that are not judging.. though maybe that isn't true.. there is one lady i haven't heard back from in a while. =p

    also i have to say.. it is very possible that a mistake could be made in a congregation and an elder could be a child molester. i'm very reluctant to tell about a person i once knew that was an elder.. so i certainly won't go into detail. what i do know is a person can seem good and be charismatic and not be good on the inside. it is fact that this is possible. it is rare for kids to come forward when abuse is happening and so it can not be known for years and in some cases never. one cannot say that a case like the one you and another mentioned is a lie simply because he is an elder. elders are human too and they sin too. and sometimes monsters are good at putting on a good face.. this doesn't mean all elders are creeps it just means there is an elder that happens to be a creep.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes, I know a woman who has been shunned by her JW brother for the last 30 years( they live in the same small town) because she became a Catholic Trinitarian Christian, was baptized and confirmed as such ( in the Name of God the Trinity) and married a Catholic and raised her daughter as a Catholic In the States , I do not think that those who are shunned by the JWs , Amish or other 'sects' can file a successful class action suit because shunning would be considered a right of any religious group to exact standards for membership with cutting off completely an excommunicated or disfellowshiped from any ( even social or familial) contact as part of the demand for continued membership in the group with good standing considered by the governors of the group

  • 1 decade ago

    GEE...I don't adhere to any "earthly organization." According to my Bible; Jesus is still the head of his own Church. (Eph. 5:23; Col. 1:18)

    Does that mean I'm going to die at Armageddon because I believe my Bible over what an organization says?

    "...Let God be true, but every man a liar..." (Rom. 3:4) I hope not all JW's on here will think that I (as a non-JW) would be lying because I quote from the Bible.

    And that all EX-JW's are liars because they left the collective? Maybe they found something "outside the box?" Maybe they have a story to tell (a testimony) that they feel will help those in the collective to see a truth that they might be blinded to. And if after further research to their claims and warnings, you found nothing, then at least you had an open mind. For the Bible does give us permission to "prove all things." (IThess. 5:21)

    If you truly have "The Truth;" it WILL hold up to scrutiny. How will you ever know that you are not following the "blind leaders of the blind?"

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am not disfellowshipped, disassociated, or an apostate. (that word is thrown about SO casually and is just used to insult people on here who are ex JWs, but they need to actually look up the definiton of what it means!!)

    However I've been insulted, laughed at, called a "liar" told that "I was NEVER an ex JW or had anything to do with them.." etc etc...I've had emails from supposed JWs telling me that I'm going to die at Armageddon, that I'm a "filthy liar" that I'm "from my Father the Devil."

    My crime? Leaving a religion I no longer agree with. Posting my reasons and my views on here, as we are all permitted to do. It seems the JWs can dish it out, but they can't take it.

    Their behaviour and their attitude doesn't exactly compel me to return to the Kingdom Hall. It turns me away from them. Maybe they should keep in mind the scripture about "winning your brother." How does calling someone a "uneducated liar" or a "Satan worshipper" win anyone over?

    I am not a liar (btw I have kept all these emails and can paste them here anytime I wish to prove it) and I am not an apostate. Leaving a religion does not automatically make you an apostate. I am entitled to come on here and post my opinions and my experiences, just like anyone is, and people shouldn't automatically assume that I'm lying just because I have left the religion. That's ignorant.

    All said and done, I love my life now. I have friends, I have family, and I am now thinking for myself and investigating the history and doctrines of this religion like I should have done right from the beginning, before I was baptized. I

    'm a lot happier now and all I can say is that I've encountered nothing but hate and hostility from the JWs since I've left, on the Internet and in real life.

    So much for Christian love.

    Source(s): ex JW
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  • 1 decade ago

    I can answer that from the other side as a disfellowshipped, ex JW.

    No JW on this or any other page has contacted me, encouraging me to "come back to the Truth". I have, however been told I was "the spawn of Satan and Jehovah was going to kill me at Armageddon".

    So, how's things in that there "spiritual paradise" goin' on, Jo Hos? Plenty of worldly people to condemn and think you are better then. It's great that the loving, caring, merciful God you worship, is going to kill the rest of us in a horrible global carnage.

    By the way, do you JW's have a new date for Armageddon yet? I mean, you were wrong 7 times in the 20th Century. I would think the Arm-o-geddon calculators at Bethel are working overtime, ciphering a new date.

  • danman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The very idea that someone would make up being a 'former JW' is ridiculous. What advantage whatsoever would come from it?

    Certainly not any standing in the community at large. In fact the mere mention of Jehovah's Witnesses is controversial and not in the least a respected religion. In fact the majority of people not associated with them, are skeptical and opposed to almost everything they stand for. Why anyone in his right mind would feel compelled to align themselves with them is beyond me.

    I hate to have to admit to having been duped by them for 30 years. I am not proud of my association, nor proud of ever helping anyone into the religion.

    This argument of a few on YA is simply a way for them to dismiss anyone who says negative things about the cult. They need something to cast doubt. But the argument that people just take on the soiled mantel of being a jw, for no other reason than to harass them is a silly argument.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can only attest to what I feel about the jw who respond on YA. I would never ever again study the Bible with them, just based upon how they treat former and even current members, who have doubts about the religion.

    I suspect that the anonymity of the web, is what allows them to act the way they do, but it is no excuse. In fact if I ever hear any jw complaining about how much people seem to hate them, my direct question is going to be....Well, how much are you to blame for such hatred? Maybe you should really apply what Jesus taught and it might soften peoples hearts toward you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tara writes "Jehovah wants people to serve him purely and to BE A PART OF HIS ONE TRUE ORGANIZATION"

    I'd like to know the scripture that tells us this information...If an apostate is a liar, then I think YOU (tara) can put yourself and the watchtower and bible tract society in that category, because your statement is not found in the bible and is therefore a LIE!

  • 1 decade ago

    When I was an active Witness, I knew a number of people that had been disfellowshipped (my Mother had been disfellowshipped for smoking - she'd had a very long battle with her addiction to smoking and finally conquered it and was reinstated). Because I knew how much it had hurt my Mother, I became a lot more compassionate for those people that had been disfellowshipped. And dependent upon their "crime" and their willingness to be reinstated, I would not fully "blank" them; on a number of occasions I would be sure to greet that person after the meeting, I made sure to get to the back of the Hall as quickly as possible and shake their hand and tell them how pleased I was to see them - short and sweet as I kept it to that.

    Some people, I believe, lack the maturity and life experience to be able to "admonish" one another in love.

    I feel sorry for the actual JW's on this site as some of these people that claim to be Witnesses on this site do not behave in a "Christ like" manner whatsoever and are indeed a source of embarassment to them and the organisation.

    I cannot help but think that it must give some people a sick thrill to treat another person with such disrespect and disdain - perhaps due to the anonimity this site provides to people, it gives them "permission" to carry out this agressive behaviour because they are too much of a coward in real life. I would love to meet a couple of these people and see if they would then have the courage to say those things to my face in public.

    I did receive an email in private from one of the Witnesses on this site saying, "So you are part of the mass of rank and file JWs who are like cattle and never played a protagonist in the organization but just kind of drifted.

    "I'm not putting you down, but I am telling you that you should not speak on this forum as if you are an expert and you should leave some questions to those like myself who are experts in the JW religion. You end up promoting false ideas as to the nature and details of the JW religion...

    "I was a pioneer for 4 years and a Bethelite for 6 years, and elder and Special Pioneer. I think I have far greater qualifications than you do to say what was practiced and encouraged and what was not."

    Perhaps the other Witnesses should note that this "brother" sees some of you as "of the mass of rank and file JWs who are like cattle"... no wonder it is so easy to treat one another with disdain, for he found no difficulty in referring to some of you as "cattle". His embarassment, not mine!

    Source(s): Ex-JW
  • 6 years ago

    Jw have a fit n tantrum and scream apostates, opposers; the only words they know to invoke satan.

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