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CR 22
Lv 4
CR 22 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Unemployed Problems...?

I have several questions....

I heard Obama say that there would be training and assistance for unemployed and displaced workers who wished to re-train and go back to school, but so far I haven't seen anything of the like. There's a big catch-22 with how you can't go to school full-time and receive unemployment benefits. There also is no such program or assistance that I know of. I am going back to college ULTRA part-time and the only way I would've received any government assistance is if I took over 15 credits per semester, AND if I did take that many, I would receive 158 dollars toward my tuition. Now, I'm not even rich enough to claim middle-class status, and I made less than 26k last year, so why don't I get assistance?

Secondly, being very into politics I like to watch C-Span from time to time. I watched the recent vote on extending unemployment benefits and saw our lawmakers say things that made absolutely NO sense. I was confused, because several times I heard different Dem senators say that the the unemployment benefits needed to be extended to CREATE jobs and end/get us out of the recession. I also heard Mitch McConnell's stupid @ss say some strange things too. I don't understand how extending benefits creates any more jobs or gets us out of the recession. I don't DISAGREE with extending benefits, by any means, but the justification they are using to explain themselves is mind-boggling. Just say "we are extending unemployment benefits to keep people from living in their cars or on the street". I'd buy that. And why do the Con's hate unemployment? Is it because they don't like assistance? They would rather see our displaced and unemployed workforce eating cat food on the street?

Thirdly, and most upsetting to me, is that we are constantly being told that we are recovering, and that the unemployment #s are falling. How many new jobs are we creating? The reason we aren't in a true "depression" is that, even though we have similar jobless #s to the beginning of the great depression, because our GDP hasn't fallen very much. That means that we are creating the same amount of product with significantly less workers, about 30 million less if the percentages are correct.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The "Cons" as you call us, don't hate unemployment. We are upset with Obama's lies and spending us and our grandkids and posssibly great grandkids into debt. We, like you, want jobs. Obama is doing nothing to create them, and everything to destroy them. All the Republicans want him to do is cut spending, which he refuses to do. There simply isn't enough money to continue doing things with his Marxist agenda. Don't blame us. Keep on watching what is really going on. There are millions of Conservatives out of work too. We are all in the same boat.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. Can't you apply for federal financial aid for college, they would also help out with living expenses. The year I went back to school, I made more than you did, but I got Stafford Loans for going back to college, and they were more generous than I had anticipated. But I would agree with the larger point, that if the President wants people to go back to school, there needs to be not only a program for it, but a law that stipulates that displaced workers can also receive unemployment while in school full-time. Those benefits could be curtailed to some extent if the student is offered some kind of part time employment while in school.

    2. I can't speak for anyone saying unemployment benefits would help get out of recession, they're strictly for help in dealing wit the effects of the recession. The conservatives don't like unemployment benefits as a rule, but see them as necessary (most of them do) at least in this crisis, but the recent restoration of "Paygo" rules aren't being followed when the Senate tries to extend these benefits. The Republicans are grandstanding on this issue, but so are Democrats. Yes it should be paid for properly, per the rules, but the Republicans taking a stand here specifically is idiotic and mean-spirited and the Democrats can easily brush aside the opposition but like the political gain they get from Republicans holding up unemployment benefits extension.

    3. Not that many new jobs are being created, but the momentum is now in the right direction. We've been in recovery as longs as the economy has been growing and not shrinking, but until very recently, it's been a jobless recovery, with the economy growing but job losses continuing to mount. The momentum shift will hopefully gain speed and over the next few months we'll see job creation really get going. If not, I don't think the government will have any choice but to step in and do something more substantial to help create jobs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. as i exhausted my unemployment 3 months before the oilfield kicked back in "I feel your pain".

    By the Grace of God i'm back to doin' what i like to do.

    2. there are alot of cons out there that are mostly social cons...politicians are so corrupt with money i just can't seem to even make sense of their lies anymore.

    3. You are correct..according to a Nobel Prize winning Economist the number is actually 20%.

    All that recovery BS is just an other illusion they want us to swallow.

    man..if your going back to school they friggin need to help...its not like your going back to sling rocks or dime bags..crap man

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