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cleofox32 asked in TravelUnited StatesOrlando · 1 decade ago

Shopping areas in Orlando other than outlets?


Am heading to Orlando on Saturday and am staying on International drive. Am just wondering is there any other places in Orlando for shopping other than the outlets. I will be staying in Downtown Orlando for a night so if there's anywhere around there or any other places?

I'd be looking for women's and kids clothing, all kind of style, and would rather people's personal experience rather than a link that someone found from Google as I am perfectly capable of doing that myself

4 Answers

  • Boris
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try the Florida Mall.

  • 1 decade ago


    As also suggested the Florida Mall is a good spot.

    The Mall at Millenia is also a nice mall.

    Park Avenue in the town of Winter Park, FL is a nice street with high end boutique style shopping.

    The Winter Garden Village and the Loop are outdoor shopping areas in Winter Garden, FL and Kissimmee, FL, respectively.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is a list of Orlando malls,store directories and mall coupons here

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There are plenty of places, try Kissimmi. You'll see lots of shops when you are out and about.

    But unfortunately the best of the best are in the Malls

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