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britjayhawk0405 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Where can I find accurate dog breed information?

Are there any websites that have honest, accurate, no-nonsense information about the different dog breeds? Alternately, dog breed 'selector' quizzes that do the same (and are actually accurate and comprehensive)?

I wanted to do some preliminary research, for several years down the road, but it seems a lot of the sites have inaccurate information, or will make every breed sound like they are wonderful for all owners- which we all know isn't true.

I know that every dog is an individual and that an individual dog of any breed could, maybe, pretty much be what any family needed, but I find it far better to try and match a breed to a lifestyle and start with that basic compatibility.

I am looking for some sort of resource that will say point-blank, 'don't consider this breed if xxx', 'this breed is harder to potty train than most', 'only experienced dog owners should consider this breed,' etc. along with the good things about the breed.


Hey, to whoever is thumbs-downing everyone giving the AKC answers: care to write your own answer and explain why they are all apparently wrong? If not, keep the thumbs to yourself.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only RELIABLE resource for breed information is from the AKC Parent Club of that breed.

    Pick a breed you are interested in and go to the parent club website.

    Example, you are interested in an Akita.

    Go to the Akita Club of America.

    Here is their page- Is an Akita right for you

    Do not waste your time on dog breed selectors or any other website to gain real information about the breed, other then the breed clubs page.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have found most of the sites to be of limited use, especially on selection quizzes. Most "breed" sites are either linked to puppy sales or ask-a-vet sites which distorts the information. Also remember people have different experiences with EVERY breed depending on how many individuals you have owned and what the individuals are like - so making specific generalities isn't that easy. Any breed might be the right breed for you if you find the right INDIVIDUAL dog, it's just that you are more likely to find that right individual in some breeds than others.

    Best method I have found is to go to AKC or UKC shows near you (and there are LOTS) and actually see the breeds and talk to various breeders. Plan on spending a day to see the most breeds possible. Then when you have a better idea of breeds you like - ask even more breeders, vets, groomers and RESCUES for those breeds. Rescues in particular tend to tell you the downfalls of the breed.

    If a breed sounds too good to be true - everything is perfect, no health issues, just great - someone is just trying to sell you a puppy. EVERY breed has good sides and bad sides - it's choosing what you can live with.

    The AKC site will tell you the standard for each breed, but it doesn't tell you the full story. It can help you find breed clubs near you and the event search can help you find shows near you. So it's a start but it's not the end-all, that just takes a lot of research.

    UKC is not as accepted as AKC but is gaining recognition and recognizes some different breeds and has a similar site - not nearly the number of shows though. CKC (Canadian Kennel Club , not the Contennental Kennel Club) is well respected .Any of the other registries really will accept just about anything. Puupymills are flocking to the APR and such for pretty papers without any questions.

    Source(s): Experience
  • anne b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The best places to research a particular breed are the parent clubs and the breed-specific rescue groups. Both of these sites are reputable.

    The AKC site is helpful, but does not go into much detail.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have to say I've yet to find one - they always say Border Terriers don't shed! ha ha come look at my carpet and say that!! so I never trust them - the best way is to get a rough idea (what you like in looks size, breed type, job the dog was bred for ect) then contact the breed club for 'real' info - also lots of Yahoo groups exist for the various breeds (I Moderate one for BT owners for example) so you could join them and lurk to get an over view of a breed from genuine owners of the breed. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have researched dogs and dog breeds for quite few years now. It is fun and quite interesting. has a lot of good information. Books with dog breed information are great resources, but i would suggest renting them from a library since there are SO many. The iams dog food website has a dog breed selector on it, but you have to search it in the search bar. If you're looking for a dog, mutts are a good choice, too. Got to to look at great dogs in shelters near you! Good Luck and have fun with your research! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The breed clubs' sites tell it like it is. You can access all of the AKC breeds parent club sites from the AKC site itself (

    Don't bother with 'breed selector' sites. If you want straight information, get it from those who know the breed best ... those who breed, own, and love the breed.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is a test that totally works it will name the top 100 dogs that are right for you by asking you lots of questions. and it really works it got the kind of dog i have and all my favorite dog breeds in the top 10!!!!!!!!!!

  • Calvin
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago and it's parent cubs in it.

    DogBreedInfo is good but I strongly dislike it for claiming hybrids and mutts are purebreds, etc.

    Animal planet has a small history behind it for being inaccurate in reporting dog breeds.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
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