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Conservatives Why did Obama pass Health Care Reform?

The biggest opponents of the Health care Reform Legislation was the Insurance Companies. The Biggest Beneficiaries are the poor, and Middle Class citizens of this country. If Obamas Goal was something more selfish than helping the people, tell me what he seeks to gain personally by passing the legislation?? The rich insurance Companies oppose the bill.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    While I (who am apparently a left wing nut job) completely agree with you I think that it is time for the conservatives, republicans, tea partiers, and the libertarian's to graciously expect defeat and stop complaining already. I personally feel that the actions of above groups are deplorable and have further ripped this country apart. I wonder how the rest of the world views America right now. They probably see us as mindless savages instead of the intelligent people that we are. All this BS about Mr. Obama I would have never in a million years even considered referring to President Bush as Mr. Bush and this was on national television. President Obama is our elected President of the United States 63.7 million people voted for him. Now it is time for the people of this country to come together and work together to fix the current hole that we are in or this great country that a countless number of people have died for is going to crumble and fall apart just as France did in 1789.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama doesn't gain anything "personally" per se, rather unnecessary and arguably unconstitutional, expanded federal government powers and regulations. Perhaps it may seem "the poor, and Middle Class" benefit from this, but it's an illusion. This was meant to be so symbolic that things in the law are unknown, not understood, and misinterpreted. By taking money from "the rich," means of creating business and jobs are stifled - throughout the nation, despite economic status. Money needs to raised to pay for this which will raise taxes, and if Democrats want to stay in office they won't raise taxes on the lower and middle classes. Thus, you tax business; the foundation of American enterprise. Why would a large business owner keep his or her work in America if its possible to go else where for cheaper? Big business will leave, taking jobs, and pay with them. Does that show how evil they are, or practical?

  • rrb
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually insurance companies stand to gain many new customers. Remember the government wants to force everyone to purchase health insurance. Many middle class people have access to insurance but don't always chose to take advantage of this.Obama thinks he will create a place in history for himself. Many people do not want the government to tell them how to conduct their lives, this will always be an issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question has but one point of view. I don't doubt that you don't know all the facts. Obama's principles are very much in line with socialistic ideals. Socialist ideas inevitably fail and create EQUAL misery. Do you really think that some rich man on a mountain is really gonna pay for all the provisions in this bill?? Socialist beliefs are that you should TAKE from someone else to GIVE to someone else. Sounds like some people are bound to get pretty resentful down the line, wouldn't you think?? Matter fact, I think I might get out my lawn chair and sip some iced tea instead of going to work today, since Obama's gonna take care of me..........

    Since you're making this a moral issue, where is it written Jesus, Buddha, or Allah said..."Go ahead,...TAKE/ steal from your brethren...and give to your com-padres."

    Listed on the commandments is Thou shalt not STEAL

    Thou shalt not COVET...>> "I want what HE'S GOT."

    Capitalism is like it or not, the most successful system... It is my belief that since the dawn of welfare, this country has begun to rot from the inside out. If you wish to be giving, be giving from your heart and from your own initiative. Hope, Love and Charity are God's teachings. So go and be charitable. Ask yourself, "Why do I need a middle-man (ie, Government) to accomplish this?" As a nation we need to return to God, not make an already powerful and corrupt government worse. :(

    In addition, it is ironically the LEFT wing parties that seem to keep ERADICATING GOD. "take God off the dollar bill, off the state and federal buildings, take the commandments off the walls, don't say 'God,' don't say 'Merry Christmas,' and stop these kids from praying in schools..." You should really wonder exactly which team you're still supporting.

    Then on top of it, Republicans are frequently referred to by Liberals and Dems as the "Radical, Religious Right." Make any sense to you???

    Source(s): Republicans/ Conservatives for Less Government. "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~Lord Acton ***love the thumbs down...helps me realize the ignorance I'm dealing with :z
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  • 1 decade ago

    Have you read the bill? Do you have any idea what you are getting in the 3000 plus page monstrosity? All you are getting is HUGE GOVERNMENT (16,000 more IRS workers to lien on you for money) 140-160 new government agencies to make decisions about your life, when you get care, if you get care, how long you will wait for care, making decisions on your life and well being....

    This has nothing to do with choice, better care, cheaper will put the insurance companies out of business so YOUR ONLY CHOICE WILL BE GOVERNMENT RUN CARE...and let me tell you a secret...good doctors plan to quit or retire and will refuse to work for what the government wants to pay them, so you will have less quality, longer wait times, more people will die of cancer waiting for treatment and government is already out of money so good luck getting any care at all..

    You people who sit and eat the pablam you are fed by politicians who have no other goal but to get and maintain their power and make you dependent upon their "gifts or tokens" back to you are naive and ignorant of the real goal of this presidency and his minions of union backers, community organizers and progressive marxist radical Csars who are going to regulate your life to hell and back.

  • 1 decade ago

    Progressive: EVERYONE except the people made money off that bill, that's why he dropped that public option like a first born Egyptian

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    forcing people who can't afford to buy health care or be fined or go to jail is benefits them how?

    BTW- insurance companies but millions into getting the bill passed. and obama did it against the will of the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably, because he thinks its the proper thing to do. But I think he should stop and admire his work and not proceed with the rest of the Progressive agenda

    Source(s): 3 grade Arithmetic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am pretty sure congress passed the bill since the President can't

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