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Pregnancy pain, normal?

I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and I've been feeling achy and a little crampy all day. I felt like this early on in the pregnancy, but is it normal to have this feeling in the 2nd trimester? I'm between insurance providers, so I can't just call my dr or stop by the ER. I'm not bleeding, and the pain is not sharp, just a dull ache. Anyone else feel this way at 16 weeks?

This is my 4th pregnancy, you'd think I'd know what to expect by now. I'm paranoid, we lost a baby at 19 weeks, I don't know if I could bear going through that again.


Thanks, but it's not round ligament pain, it's different. Not sharp, not localized, just an all over crampiness.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i would say is completely normal i experience the same thing beginning at 15 week to 19 weeks and it was horrible i even used to get sharp pain sometimes and i have read that many woman experience that between the first month of their pregnancy to the fourth month and my doctor said that is fine if there is no bleeding so if you start spotting you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible but dont worry drink alot of water and im sure that will help you or put a warm towel on your lower abdomen and see if that helps :) stay positive

  • 1 decade ago

    Round ligament pain. It can be a dull aching or throbbing crampy feeling like period cramps or a sharp shooting/stabbing feeling about 2 1/2 inches on either side of your belly button going down. 90% of all pregnancies have this. You can take one regular strength tylenol for the pain. I would say it's this because there is no bleeding.

    Source(s): Mommy of a 3 1/2 year old girl, 19 month old boy and 37 weeks pregnant with another boy. Had it with all 3.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well you shouldnt fear an excessive amount of on the grounds that seeing that you're up to now alongside even though the little one got here proper now you might be high-quality and so might it. Go together with your intuition. If the agony worsens or persisits see an healthcare professional however I am a robust believer of pressure making the agony irritate. Try to loosen up and take it handy..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cramping is normal because your organs have to shift to accomodate your growing uterus, and your uterus has to grow to accomodate the growing baby so there are all kinds of cramping and things going on =) Try not to stress too much, but also- don't be afraid to go to the doctor without insurance. Is peace of mind worth $70?

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    if i lost a baby at 19 weeks i dont care if i had insurance or not i would still go to the ER and get checked out. they can work with you on the bill but it is not worth risking possible serious problems like placental abruption preterm labor or any number of things and it is not worth risking it just because you do not have insurance. please get checked out. Good luck and i hope it is nothing!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have found some good tips in following link, It may be good for you too

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