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Why are the following verses missing from the NIV bible?

Matt. 17:21, 18:11

Jn. 5:4

Acts 8:37, 15:34, 24:7

Rom. 16:24

Doesn't this make the NIV an invalid bible???

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is one reason for me to have several Bible to compare!!!

  • s D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There are many manuscripts that people use to translate the Bible. It seems that some of the better manuscripts do not have this verse so they omitted it in the NIV. It doesn't make an NIV invalid because the main message of the Bible is unchanged. This is why most Bible scholars rely upon a variety of Bibles and also concordances so they can research the original Hebrew and Greek also.

  • 5 years ago

    Joshua, you ask a great question which every Christian should ask if they came across this problem. I wont type an essay but here's what I have. First of all the NIV along with all modern versions of the Bible came from a separate Greek text than the KJV. KJV came from majority text or commonly called the Textus receptus (Received text) and the other bibles came from the minority text (Wescott and Hort). Let me mention that the NKJV did use the majority text but it departed from it about 1,200 times, so to say that it's a "New" King james version or updated version of KJV is inaccurate, that's the publishers misguide. This is a big topic to get into, you should first research the true identity of who Wescott and Hort really are, they weren't Christians I'll just say that. Many of the missing verses that you will find in your niv are actually the same way in many modern bibles such as the ESV etc. Just remember as a Christian we believe that God's Word is infallible, inspired, and preserved. We are not to add or take away from His Word. Ask the Lord in prayer to continue to lead you into all truth, he has convicted you already that something isn't right with what you were reading, so now it's your turn to finish the job. I love ALL brethren despite their position on the Bible version matter, however many are being deceived into believing that only the "original manuscripts" are infallible and inspired, therefore justifying all the bible versions that contradict one another. I only use the King James Bible (NOT NKJV). The Lord opened this truth up to me a few years ago, I have so much stuff I could say but I would be here forever. Here are a few links. WE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST THROUGH FAITH IN HIS BLOOD, PLEASE BE OPENED MINDED WHEN RESEARCHING - LET GOD BE TRUE AND EVERY MAN A LIAR! BELIEVE GOD'S WORD, NOT MANS!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    While the NIV is not my choice for scholarly study, in each of the cases you cited, the NIV editors attempted to provide the reader with the facts that the manuscript transmission varied. Invalid? Are you 9? Was that word on your spelling list? Obviously you don't know what "invalid" means. A dictionary might be a great idea for you.

    I guess this is just one more example of folks who can't understand what they're reading. Homeschooling and "Christian" schools stink.

    Source(s): The NIV on my Kindle, the NIV on my computer, the NIV on my bookshelf, and the NIV on my lap at the moment. And I'm not even crazy about the NIV translation. It'll do in a pinch, as long as I'm not intending to publish anything based on it.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Rather than undermining confidence in the Scriptures, it should serve to underscore the fact that God has preserved his Word in a remarkably pure state.This consideration of some isolated verses that clearly are no part of the inspired Bible should not leave anyone with doubts about the authenticity of God’s Word.

    Source(s): WT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My NIV study bible has these verses... If you are speaking of the internet Bible you may have to alert them..

    No.. it just means that humans can make mistakes...

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it doesn't make NIV invalid, it makes it accurate.

    Those scriptures were added in later manuscripts and did not appear in the original Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    200+ ways Quran corrects the Bible: How Islam unites Judaism, Christianity And Islam

  • 1 decade ago

    Just a misprint maybe because mine have those that you wrote and I am using NIV.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they did not appeal to the beliefs of the people that put together the NIV

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