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Are females logic thinkers?

Every time I try to explain something to a girl using logic they don't understand but the guys always do!

Do girls think differently then guys when it comes to logical stuff?

31 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some are. My favorite professor in college, Dr. Susan Haack, wrote two textbooks on logic that have been translated into multiple languages. she also teaches law and has submitted briefs to the US Supreme Court on philosophical issues surrounding the admissibility of scientific testimony.

    I'm not in her league but I am a pretty analytical person. Doing systems analysis kind of requires it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes female are logical thinkers. Just because women tend to be more emotional then men does not mean they lack logic. In truth logic is a learned skill a lot of people think that people who relay on logic or always makes logical decision are more skilled it just mean they relay on logic more it does not mean they are skilled. And if you relay on using logic more it does not mean you lack emotion because if human being lack emotion they would have no self worth or self identity or feel that they have no purpose that the reason why robot or computers do not feel things because they are program to do these thing and they use told to do they use logic to what they were program to do. Logic is used to know what the next conclusion is going to be or to deduce something it all depend on what you are applying your logic for.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a very generalized statement, when there are always exceptions. Many girls are just as good at logic as guys.

    But I do think I read somewhere that guys have a more developed logic part of the brain than girls, but girls are more emotionally developed.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a big difference between being ABLE to understand logic, versus CHOOSING to use logic when given a choice for how to approach a problem.

    Men absolutely choose to take cold, logical approaches to problem solving more than women. But I have never seen any evidence that suggests women are generally any less able to understand logic if they put their minds to it.

    And my personal experience meshes with that, I feel. Typically, when I get frustrated with a girl regarding logical arguments, it is an issue of her simply not caring and thus being bored to tears, not unable to understand. And usually, that is in some situation where logic really is not strictly necessary / where it is not clearly THE right answer. For example, for entertainment purposes (arguing about politics on the porch or something). When it comes to things that actually matter, there's much less of a visible difference.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The capacity of logical and abstract thinking depends on the level of education + social class, not on the gender. However, since there is a lot of social mobility among women, you can find former low class women who now belong to the high class and therefore cannot think in a logic way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you read learning and teaching theories such as "multiple intelligence theory" you will see that people learn and teach (i.e. think) in different ways.

    I agree that on average, men are more focused on logic, critical thinking and understanding a process than women are, but this is not universally so. Some men are not so good at this and some women are very much of this style.

    I also think this difference is more of a result of environmental influences than genetic ones. I find both men and women in similar roles tend to evaluate things in similar fashions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you just want to ask a loaded question so that all the anti feminist men will get on board and insult women just like some have already. but then they will turn around and say that feminists are man-haters yet you are claiming that girls are not logical. girls grow into women by the way so hopefully when you grow up you'll appreciate female logic. and of course you'll meet some dopey men in your life. how's this for male logic: men refuse to wear condoms because they don't like them and then blame women when they get pregnant. how's about using some logic when it comes to personal responsibility?

  • Helena
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Different types of logic - i love logic problems and IQ test type problems and am expert with the puzzle books but have trouble with some of the spatial stuff - no sense of direction - am rubbish at soduko and strategy games. my husband is excellent at them but does not do as well with logic problems.

    I don't know if you mean logic in day to day stuff? Women will often see more layers than men - my husband will fail to see how something he said could be interpreted in a certain way. E.G its not logical to think that cos he said he avoided redundancy by working really hard he means he thinks his brother did not work hard etc etc because he did get made redundant. No, probably not but the brother mentioned did get very defensive and hurt and needed a lot of reassurance that we know how hard he worked!

  • No. Females are generally emotional, hysterical and hystronic. This is why they are unsuited for critical stress activities such as combat in the military. There are of course, exceptions.

  • WCW
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hmm... don't generalize there sir. I understand "logical" explanations, as do most of my friends. I learned from my dad how a car works, every last piece of it. I have a 4.0 at my university, and I'm majoring in chemical engineering. Don't say I'm probably ugly or weird though, cause I am also president of my sorority, a former ms New Mexico, and dating the love of my life.

    You realize how stupid making sweeping generalizations make one look, right?

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