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What the problem with checking to see if someone is in the country legally?

An immigrant or a temporary worker is REQURIED by FEDERAL law to keep their papers on them at all times. So if you get stopped and don’t have papers you are either a citizen or in the country illegally. They are the only people who will be detained for a check to see if they are here legally. Since most people carry papers, IE driver’s license SSN card etc it should only take a few seconds to separate those who are here legally and those that need to be sent back to their home country. It might take a little longer if you don’t have any means to identify yourself, but it is a small price to pay to get rid of people who have proven they don’t respect the laws of the US.

Oh and don’t give me the bull about, what if they’ve been here since they were a kid nonsense, they only have to look at their parents and ask them why they broke the law and put them into this situation.


To Mercedes

Well who are they going to blame? I didn’t break the law, their parents did. Would you be grateful if your parents stole a really nice car and gave it to you? Even it gave you opportunities that you wouldn’t otherwise have. Even if you have the car for a really long time?

BTW you would lose the bet I know people who have be deported because they were here illegally and who were brought into the US by their parents, do I feel for them yes, but I’m not to blame, you’re not to blame it’s their parents who broke the law. I also know people who have lost their jobs because of the illegal aliens my friend went to New Orleans to do clean up and construction, he was there about a month then his boss took him and other aside and said the “Mexicans are here so we don’t need you.” So don’t tell me they are only taking job that American won’t do.

Update 2:

You’ll notice that the women who voted illegally went to court and took their punishment. I admire the people who defied the draft and went to court and took their punishment. I admire people who take a stand and say a law is unjust, but when you break the law you must be willing to take the punishment for breaking that law. Break the law if you feel it is unjust, but you must be willing to take the punishment.

We still deny people into this country for many reason, we have policy to protect the interests of the US. Sorry but the US should look after it citizens FIRST.

Update 3:

To Kyle

You are asked for your “papers” many times. Ever been stopped by a traffic officer? One of the first things they ask for are your “papers” apply for a job you have to show your “papers”.

As far as the whole raciest thing, is it raciest to ask for a driver’s license, and if the person doesn’t have one, is it raciest to find out who they are and if they are in the country illegally? If you get arrested is it raciest to find out who they are? Just walking down the street won’t get you stopped.

Update 4:

To italianstalian

I know the reasons to immigrate, my grandmother come over when she was 18, she traveled ALONE with less than $50 in her pocket. Yes she had a sponsor who guaranteed that she would NEVER be a burden on society; she couldn’t apply for welfare or relief.

And I know poverty, but I worked nights and took classes in the mornings so I could better myself and I did it legally. Many of my friends took the easy way selling drugs, they were undocumented pharmacists. You can better yourself without breaking the law.

And the citizens of the US say that are laws are just. I want people who will follow the laws that we have, I welcome immigrants who followed the rules, who want to better themselves. What I don’t want are people who have PROVEN they won’t follow our laws.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Exactly, if you are questioned about your immigration status you will have to answer and if you say an American citizen, they have to accept that, unless, there is reason to believe that you are lying which might include, no driver's license, no ss card and even then, knowing the risks that are involved in falsely persecuting a person they will more than likely run some kind of quick check in the system and if you have a warrant for deportation or etc., well, you will be hauled in, if they are not 100% sure, they more than likely will take down your information put it in the system and do some kind of deep back ground check and then, after that if you are somehow pulled over for example speeding, they will already have your status and from there, well, if you are unable to produce documents then comes the next step.

    People are making such ridiculous assumptions, like they are going to have a caravan of buses and start combing through the neighborhoods and kicking down doors and loading up the buses if you look Mexican. If this is what they wanted to do, they did not need Arizona laws to do it, they could have simply went to any latino night club or grocery store called tiendas and start loading buses.

    The law was passed as a trigger to get the congress to move forward on the immigration issue and it will move forward now, every other issue that the senate was scheduled to address will be bumped back and immigration pushed to the top of the list. Next, these people should really just sit back and wait for their amnesty, it is coming, just like the healthcare bill was passed against the will of the people, so too, will this issue it does not matter what I think, what you think or anyone of us out here think, the politicians have already decided and they are going to pass it, it doesn't matter who you vote in, it is all a game, good cop, bad cop type of deal with the Republicans and Democrats, 2 party system is a 1 party system.

    Another thing, I would be willing to bet that most of the crime & kidnapping in the Phoenix area is actually done by citizens, they may be of Mexican decent, couldn't say for sure, but many of the holding houses and etc. and coyotes are actually citizens, not illegals taking more illegals across and once they get here living in holding houses by 100% illegals running the whole thing. So, those who think crime is going to suddenly drop because illegals are gone, think again.

    The border, well, there is a war going on. It has not been officially declared as such, but it is a war and everyday passing the death toll climbs higher and higher, don't expect the American government to do anything about it, it is too much corruption involved, drug money, human smuggling money, etc.

  • rosen
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No, that's a good question and I will gladly answer it. See, people who want to immigrate to the U.S. desire an immigrant visa so to influence in permanent residency and a Green Card. What does it take to get one? There are 3 fundamental methods to a Green Card. one million) The person has been petitioned for via an instant relative who is a U.S. citizen. That more often than not is a father or mother, a companion, or a little one over the age of 21. It could also be a sibling, nonetheless then the competent time is already 10 to over 23 years. No, now not a comedian tale. 2) The person is a mogul investor. Minimum requirement is to take a function one million greenbacks right into a ultra-modern alternate that also needs to create at least 10 new jobs. This requirement can also be cut back in facet if the alternate is in an discipline where you could now not want to die, enable on my possess are living. So a million it is. 3) The person has been petitioned for via a enterprise. It expenditures hundreds and hundreds of greenbacks and takes many months and tough paintings certification. Basically the institution has to come to be that the continuing immigrant is so good at what they are doing, that no character a quantity of the over 3 hundred million U.S. residents can do that, at a fair price. By its very nature, so that you could be any person with a doctorate degree and international cognizance, whether or not or now not a nuclear physicist or brain health care provider. As you can be competent to peer, excellent roughly one million million people out of the 6,800,000,000 we now have on planet Earth qualify, extra on the whole from institution one million. So the U.S. immigration process is a family-based process. A U.S. citizen petitions for a close family member and as quickly as that family member has end up a U.S. citizen themselves, they petition for the next one. That process, a ordinary guy, whether or not or now not Mexican or British or Chinese who is not a physician, now not wonderful rich, and has no instant family inside the U.S. can't immigrate. Period. So the whole component roughly going to the top of the avenue is hogwash, as there's no line they could move into.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely nothing! However, I wish they had some sort of electronic system, where each person who is here legally has a form of ID that proves that they did it the right way, and a police officer would just have to scan it to get the green light or red light. It would totally expedite the process and wouldn't cause more than a few minutes of hassling, because I can empathize with people who are here legally and would end up going through a more lengthy process just to prove it.

  • 1 decade ago

    with so many illegally being here, I feel it should be mandatory to check. While some argue human rights being violated, well I'm sorry but when you border jump, steal money from hard working people and run away to your home country, or avoid the law of being here legally, you have no rights in this country, it's not your country. Just like when illegals got free money and drivers licenses from Bank of America and the DMV. WTF?! they aren't legal citizens why should they get to drive and get our money? I agree with you 200%

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel the same way with the parents that I do with Americans that gave them the motivation to come here, don`t put me in the position to tell these nice people they cannot stay. Americans are going to have to take some responsibility for hiring them.

  • 1 decade ago

    If immigrants should be able to live here without proving their residency, the shouldn't I be able to drive without a license? Or hunt/fish without tags? Why do liberals want to regulate everything in the country except citizenship?

  • 1 decade ago

    Only those here illegally, and those seeking to exploit them, have a problem with checking to see if someone is in the country legally. Most socialists, liberals, and Democrats cannot seem to understand what the "illegal" in illegal aliens means. "Undocumented Immigrants" is putting lipstick on a pig, it doesn't work, it's still a pig. Good for AZ, other states should follow suit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dude----all the hoopla is not about the law----


    would not that cripple the education systems in cities like Los Angeles California--among other small districts who bus in the criminal children into their districts like Huntington Beach California?

    even when you are pulled over for a traffic infraction---you are asked for your "papers"...

    the catholic church has also began grasping at straws---the children they have molested and the preists they hid who victimized these kids are criminals......monkey see monkey do if you ask me...

    Source(s): if you ask me the latinos are merely attempting to reflect old jewish fears to feed upon the fears of others with money.
  • 1 decade ago

    Because those in high places intimidated by the illegal aliens who do murders, kidnappings, drugs, sell/buy ammunition's... are afraid to come against them.

    And those in high places who want an open door for them to do these criminal acts get money off it somehow.

    While they are costing Americans tax $s.

    Personally, I don't have a problem with people sneaking into the US, if they are not doing the horrid criminal lawless murders, kidnappings, drugs, selling/buying ammunition, terrorism...

    If they are coming in here and working peacefully on farms... to protect their lives, I think we need to show compassion to them. And especially for the children. The children are innocent of doing evil things. They have a God given right for education...

  • M.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You sound like robot. 'All they have to do is turn around ask their parents why the broke the law'

    If anything I would be grateful that my parents made sure I was in the land of opportunity. You have no idea who you are criticizing here, clearly. I am willing to bet you know no one in this situation, because of your ignorance on their stance. Women voting used to be 'illegal' too does that make women who went out and voted immoral!? Or does that make them fighters? The world changes my friend, and legalization in this country is not a fair thing, it's quite corrupt. Many of those people got denied from coming here legally in the past.

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