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sharpshooter asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Smackdown Fans, Do you feel screwed now that.......?

TNA has moved to Thursday and that the whole point in ruining Smackdown in the draft is kinda pointless now?

I mean, lets be honest, Smackdown did get screwed in the draft by losing its main eventers, but, we were okay cause it was for the sake of Raw competing with TNA. But now that TNA has annouced that its moving, thus ending the Monday night war, What is the point now? Monday Night Football? Wrestling fans, lets be honest, not matter what, football will always win in ratings. So, do you guys feel like Smackdown just plain got screwed for nothing now? Raw keeps all the top superstars and there is no other form of competition on Monday now.

Yes, Smackdown still has CM Punk, Rey, Undertaker, Big Show, Swagger, and Christian, but still.... I think Jericho should had stayed on Smackdown (personal opinion).

WQ: Raw or Smackdown, and why?

WQ2: Are you happy that TNA is moving to Thursday again?

WQ3: At over the limit, what stipulation do you want to see in the match between Batista and Cena? Do you think Sheamus will be added in the match?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep in mind that this move wasn't only because of the "competition" with the rival promotion, but due to the fact that of Playoffs and Monday Night Football that will arrive in the near future. The real "competition" is with Monday Night Football because that's the "attraction" to viewers and it's always been tough against RAW, especially when the games consist of the teams that draw or if it's just a great game, overall. Although, Monday Night Football will mostly ALWAYS win on the ratings, it's best for the WWE to remain consistent and try to maintain the same amount of viewers they usually receive. It's better to take throw the first strike than get hit with the first strike. Even if it's just a minor change in the ratings (as in negative for RAW), I'm sure they rather have their ratings slip a little rather than a huge slump that will lead them under the 3.0 rating. Besides, MyNetworkTV in some areas were already dropping Smackdown (from what I've read) and I think there are days where Major League Baseball game(s) take over the time slot. I would assume that they will start moving back the big draws/names back to Smackdown when they're closer to their SyFy debut. No matter what, RAW is going to be the #1 brand and the number one priority for the WWE. After all, it's their flagship show. It makes sense to put all their "main attractions" onto the flagship show

    Do I feel "screwed"? No. I don't feel this way because I found that this is an opportunity for the WWE to build onto the current World Champion and the other stars, who were "lost in the shuffle" on RAW. This is an opportunity for the WWE to mold and craft their wrestlers into stars for current and future purposes (i.e.: relieving big draws/names when they are either injured or go on a hiatus). It's a breath of fresh air on Smackdown and it's going to be interesting to see some of the wrestlers who rise and step up to the plate.

    I actually agree with the moving of Chris Jericho to RAW and based off what happened on this passing RAW and his pairing with The Miz is intriguing. It's already something that is a "hook" for RAW with this dynamic duo. If Chris Jericho was to remain on Smackdown, I honestly believe that he would "bump" down CM Punk and Jack Swagger out of their spotlight as the heels. Without Chris Jericho and Edge, both Jack Swagger and CM Punk can have the spotlight and not be overshadowed by anyone. Smackdown is on their transitional period, but I have to admit that this is a smart decision on behalf of the WWE. Of course, there are drawbacks, but I'm seeing most of the positives in this.

    WQ: Smackdown. This brand sticks to their "roots" and have a shared focus of both wrestling AND talking, which is crucial. This enables the talent to improve in both departments, instead of RAW and their "talk first, action later" theme. Smackdown is a brand that I can easily enjoy and be entertained by both wrestling and promos because they give the right amount of time to both important pieces.

    WQ2: Yes. It was needed because had they stayed any longer, they would of "suffered" from both RAW and Monday Night Football. It's great for ALL fans, especially for those who watch both promotions in WWE and TNA. It's much more better to be able to watch and focus on ONE promotion on a certain day than having to flip channels or missing out on one of the shows (even though TNA had their replays on Thursdays). With TNA moving to Thursday again, I'm hoping they can pick up on their ratings and go back to their normal averages they had when they were on Thursdays. This is great in that on Monday, you got RAW and ROH - Tuesdays with NXT, Thursday with Superstars and Impact and Friday being Smackdown.

    WQ3: I was thinking earlier at least best 2 of 3 falls (3 Stages of Hell) or an Iron-man match, but the Iron-man match was done late last year with John Cena and Randy Orton. If the match stays between Batista and John Cena, then a best 2 of 3 falls will do for me or perhaps a Hell in a Cell. Do I think Sheamus will be added to the match? I hope not, but I think he will be. There really is no wrestler available for Sheamus who is near or at the main event level to keep him busy until after Over The Limit. Maybe John Morrison, depending if he isn't going to be involved in the Ted and R-Truth program (I fear that IF John Morrison does get involved with Sheamus, that it might be too one sided and put over Sheamus as dominant to prepare for the World Champion). IF Sheamus is added into this match, I can't really see any actual stipulation added to the match.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    And while many people may have seem a majority of the WWE's main-eventers go to RAW, I see it like this: SmackDown got much better. No more Jericho/Edge dominance on the show as the top heels, and guys that people have been really wanting to get a push can possibly have a chance now that RAW is packed with WWE's main players. Kofi Kingston, Christian, Jack Swagger, CM Punk, and the like all will have a better chance on SmackDown now without all of the "main-eventers" there holding their status down. The only down parts of the Draft for SmackDown are The Big Show and Kelly Kelly.

    TNA moved back to Thursdays on their own accord, and WWE barely acknowledged their existence anyways, so there is no point in feeling "screwed". This so-called "War" barely existed, and anyone thinking TNA would somehow catch up to WWE in terms of viewership are crazy. It doesn't matter who TNA brings into the company, what storylines they create, or what surprises happen, TNA is not going to be head-to-head with RAW at all in terms of ratings. The whole idea of competition was exactly that: just an idea. It wasn't a reality.

    WQ: SmackDown. RAW is boring.

    WQ2: Yes. Let's see how TNA does now that they tested their mettle against RAW. Personally, TNA should've stayed on Thursday nights all along, as competing with the WWE is a fantasy until they get better advertising and endorsements from others, not to mention show some stability on iMPACT.

    WQ3: I would answer, but I don't care about Batista or Cena enough. I doubt Sheamus will be, as he's more likely to face Orton or something to that extent.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    WOW you asked a question, that's not something you see everyday.

    Anyway, i don't feel screwed, Smackdown is still a really great show to watch, it has great wrestling by a lot of the younger stars in WWE. Plus maybe WWE might move a main eventer from Raw to Smackdown now that TNA has switch to Thursday nights. Time will soon tell.

    WQ: Raw, i like Raw better because it has all the main eventers and also because it's the WWE's flagship show. But Raw has always been my favorite show because that was the brand Shawn Michaels was on, and now even though HBK has left the WWE, i still like Raw better because of the star power and storylines and feuds that it has. In my opinion Smackdown is now a show for mid-carders.

    WQ2: Not really, i mean i don't watch TNA, but i still would of liked to see TNA on Monday Nights so WWE would have some competition.

    WQ3: Yes, actually i do think Sheamus will be added to the match, think about it, he never really got his championship rematch after losing it at Elimination Chamber to John Cena, everyone knows that he is able to dominate all the "top dogs" in the wrestling business, he put Triple H on the shelf, and he is pretty much in the title picture anyway. I think at Over The Limit it will be a Triple Threat Match, John Cena vs Batista vs Sheamus for The WWE Championship in the first ever Triple Threat Iron Man Match. I don't know how long it will be though, but could you imagine that, an Iron Man Match as well as a Triple Threat Match, that would be insane, and they would also be allowed to use weapons because of Triple Threat rules. But i don't know the chances of that happening, even if it would be a great match to see.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, in a way. The Draft was definitley revolving around making Raw the better brand superstar wise. Edge to Raw was a total win for Raw and boosted it in many ways because Edge really is a poster boy for WWE and he's one of the best guys there. Also, moving Hornswoggle to SD imo showed that Vince was getting serious about TNA's threat on Monday nights. Hornswoggle was used on Raw to entertain and fill 20 minutes of the show with some stupid little match or segment. Now he's off Raw and to the 'B show', where he will probably get less air time, thus making WWE more serious. And SD really did get owned in the Draft. They lost two of their best superstars being Jericho and Edge. Now SD is low on known main eventers. They just have CM Punk with the SES. Rey Mysterio, Swagger and Show. So the draft was definitley favoured towards Raw to make it more watchable with the likes of Edge. But I don't see it all as negatives. I mean now there is space on SD to push the younger talents like Dolph Ziggler, Matt Hardy and Drew McIntyre. SD now reminds me kinda of ECW. ECW was the territory where they pushed youth, now SD is that place. So there are pro's and cons but for sure SD has lost out big time by losing Edge. SD did get owned in the draft and you could say now it was all for nothing since TNA is moving back. But there is positives in any and all situations and I think SD can really use this time to make new stars.

    WQ: Smackdown because CM Punk is there.

    WQ2: Yeah. I find it funny how they failed miserably to sabotage the ratings of Raw.

    WQ3: I'd like to see Sheamus added and then just have a triple threat match, it makes more sense. Plus Sheamus deserves a PPV match but has no one to fight with since HHH is out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, the only reason that WWE decided to move all of the main event

    level talent to Smackdown is because WWE has decided to move to

    the Syfy network for Smackdown in the Fall season. This means that

    Smackdown will have a limited market of viewers only people who got

    DirecTV, Dish Network, Comcast or cable television are able to see a

    episode of Friday Night Smackdown in the Fall 10' season. And we do

    all now that Smackdown has always been a 2nd rate promotion in the

    WWE. Raw is the major and premier brand thats why its the longest

    show on television on Monday Nights it was just inevitable TNA should

    have never moved TNA Impact! to Monday Nights that was just a huge

    mistake on their part, they know they could never compete with RAW's

    ratings last week they got a 0.5 which was their lowest rating ever and

    that was a good business decision to move back to Thursday Nights or

    risk being canceled TNA gets more wrestling viewers on Thursday Nites

    on Monday's I'm sure everyone prefers to watch Monday Night Raw.

    Yes, I agree with you Chris Jericho should of stayed on Smackdown and

    started a rivarly with Jack Swagger and John Morrison should of stayed

    on Smackdown aswell. The only one who should of gone to Raw is Edge.

    WQ: Raw or Smackdown, and why? Raw because its the premier brand

    of World Wrestling Entertainment I prefer to match Monday Night Raw.

    WQ2: Are you happy that TNA is moving to Thursday again? Yes, cause

    now there is a wrestling show to watch on Thursday nights in addition to

    WWE Superstars on WGN America now TNA Impact! is back Thursdays.

    WQ3: At over the limit, what stipulation do you want to see in the match

    between Batista and Cena? Do you think Sheamus will be added in the match?

    "Iron Man Match" lets see if Batista can hang the full 60 minutes I would

    like to see a 1 hour Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship at Over

    The Limit because I doubt Batista could compete in a Ladder Match. No,

    Sheamus doesn't need to be added in the match he shouldn't be involved.

    At Fatal 4 Way in June: John Cena, Batista, Sheamus & Randy Orton

    for the WWE Championship either Edge or Randy Orton doesn't matter.

    Source(s): my thoughts
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Smackdown and Raw is in the same company of the WWE. Every draft pick is decided weeks before the draft occurs. There is no competition in the draft picks. Draft picks are just a fun way of putting a wrestler on to a different show.

  • 1 decade ago

    I work nights on Thursday so I won't be watching TNA but no because Smackdown will still own TNA in rating even with lack of main eventers.

  • 1 decade ago


    RAw is the best and got better with Edge, Orton, Triple H, Jericho, Miz, Morrison, Batista, Cena who i hate cause he wins to much, Sheamus.

    Triple H and Kelly Kelly are my favorite

    Sheamus should be added cause he never got his rematch since No way out last year, cause every super star gets a rematch after they lose a championship.

    That's all man!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    smackdown will push alot more of their younger talent

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There's always a good thing behind everything. Just be patient.

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