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Are any of the "Big 4" of Thrash still relevant today?

another Q got me thinking. Mind you I grew up in the 80s, in the Bay Area and have been listening to Metallica since 1985, and Slayer/Megadeth/Anthrax since 1986. So I LOVE Thrash Metal, and am not trying to indict NAY of them, or what they started.

But I also pride myself on objectivity and NOT being a Homer. But NONE of the Above bands have produced a great Thrash Album since 1990. ( Seasons in the Abyss/Rust in Peace/ Persistence of Time, and in Metallica's case, 1988 with And Justice For All.)

Since then,

-Metallica went mainstream,and almost non Metal at all, until getting somewhat back on track in this decade.

-Megadeth has largely aped Metallica's career moves as Countdown and Youthenasia were not Thrash, and Cryptic Writings and Risk were..I dunno what. And even now, musically Megadeth is better, but it feels like he is just going through the motions.

-Slayer ( will get some rabid hate for this, same for Megadeth) has been essentially recycling the same concept since the early 1990s. Not making bad albums... just they have not produced a single stand out. Honestly..if you have heard ONE post Seasons album you have heard them all.

-Anthrax.... aside form a handful of singles..what the heck have they done since 1990? You almost need to check Wikipedia to make sure they are still alive.

MQ- So.. firstly... your thoughts.. am I on tack, or am I overlooking something?

MQ2- We know who started it, but in light of things.. which bands would you say were the most instrumental in keeping Thrash alive post 1990?

MQ3- Who do you feel are the most relevant bands to Thrash TODAY? and Why?


also thought I would apologize for the length...didn't know how to make it shorter. As for any controversial comments? Naw.. without those you only get boring answers! LOL

Update 2:

**I suppose I should have said "Relevant to Thrash. Aside from their afore mentioned historical contribution.

Update 3:

@Slayerella....LOL.. I think we will have to agree to disagree about the Slayer/Metallica/MegaDave thing.. but it's all good. And Totally agreed about Death Angel. Totally overlooked band. Love em. Funny story about your BF!

Update 4:

@Beatle Fanatic.. yeah... Sadistic Magician got me into Municipal Waste. If you like them give Evile a shot! Vocals are kinda reminiscent of a younger Tom Araya for the most part. Great stuff.

11 Answers

  • tron
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hmmm, depends on what you think of relevance. To me they are still relavent in that they are still bringing in new fans and all tour and put on good concerts (usually). just think about it, you and I listened to these bands when their new material were ground breaking, innovative and definitely relavent thrash...and are probably a big reason why we listen to metal today.

    BUT, I would argue for many newer fans, these bands are still relavent as they are big names to metal and introduce them to the genre. Of course you are right to say their new material is either recycled, non innovative or not metal in some cases.....but to me that doesn't mean they are not relevant to metal. These bands still can draw a fairly large audience and I know many of the fans attending weren't alive or at least weren't listening to their pre 1990 material

    so, i think i'm repeating myself, but yes, i think that they are relavent since they still bring fans to the genre. Just as a example, i highly doubt the average fan will listen to Evile right away. They will first get introduced to metallica or slayer...then think, "hmmm, what else is out there, maybe this band evile will be good"

    so thats where i see the relevence of these bands now.

    MA2: post 90, that kinda depends as thrash really hit the wall for about 10 years...with barely anything new or relavent from about 1992 to 2000. However, the band that i would say kept it going would be Testament ( albums like The Gathering kept the thrash influence albeit heavier than the traditional style)

    MA3: I still think the old bands are keeping it going through what i said terms of music, then bands like Evile, Lazerus A.D, Warbringer, Municipal Waste are all modern bands with some nice throwback (but still their own style) of thrash.

    *** i know what you mean, in that their current music is no longer the best thrash around....but i do still think those albums like Death magnetic, Endgame are relevant to the newer generation of thrash fans. I've seen it countless times where someone has heard of Metallica, picks up death magnetic (as they know no better) and likes it and then searches for other stuff like it. because of those new albums still coming out thrash is getting new fans to this day.

    Are they relevant to us, not really....but if metallica, slayer, megadeth didn't release those newer albums, i don't think bands like Evile would have as many fans as they do

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I agree about Metallica 100%. They have gone too mainstream and lost their metal theme. Megadeth, I agree also, but their newest albums shows that they still got it. But I have been a Slayer fan all my life, and there is a lot of different concept that they show. Compare Hell Awaits to World Painted by Blood. COMPLETELY different riffs, drum beats, vocals, etc. Lastly, Anthrax they have lost it, I don't even think they deserve to be part of the Big 4 anymore. You don't hear anything from them!

    2. I would say Slayer and Metallica. During the 90s, Slayer came out with Seasons of the Abyss, which is one of the most amazing thrash albums there ever is. Also, for Metallica ...And Justice for All came out then. That is one of my favorite albums from Metallica.

    3. Municipal Waste, Evile, Gama Bomb, Warbringer, and Toxic Holocaust. All amazing bands now a days that are keeping the thrash alive.

    I'm only 14, but I know my metal. :P

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    MQ: Hmmmm There's a few places I can disagree with but overall I agree. I really like that you included the fact that Metallica has come with better material as of late, specifically "Death Magnetic" which I think isn't a bad album, although not their best. The one place I would disagree with you about is Slayer, we've gone back and forth on this before dude lol. I think Slayer's recent albums have actually been really good. Not their best, but still pretty damn good.

    MQ2: I would go with Slayer, they have been the most consistent and while not doing anything spectacular, they have definitely stayed very heavy and not gone away from the thrash.

    MQ3: Evile, although Warbringer is close they have both brought thrash back which I personally love.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Depends which bands you're counting as the Big Four. If Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica and Slayer then I'd say Exodus before Testament. I know some people count the Big Four as being Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica and Exodus though. BQ: I guess Death, Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Obituary, Six Feet Under and Deicide are some of the best known/selling DM bands. BQ2: they make you seem so grown up and mature I LIKE A MAN WITH A MOUSTACHE.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    MA: No, none are relevant today. In fact they are all anachronistic dinosaurs that are pretty far from relevant in today's expanding Metal world. HOWEVER if it wasn't for the contributions the big 4 made in paving the way then none of the Thrash gods of today (Evile, Warbringer, Municipal Waste) would have a base to build on either.

    MA2: Nevermore and Iced Earth to name a couple.

    MA3: The mighty Evile and Warbringer. Evile is totally at the spot Metallica was in with Rife The Lightning right now I think. Ready to take over the world if they do it right.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I Agree on your Metallica statement 100%

    Megadeth and Slayer however..not so much.

    God Hates Us All in 2001 was killer.


    Here Comes The Pain



    All BAD *** tunes.

    As for Megadeth...System Has Failed was a good dam album.

    Die Dead Enough


    Kick The Chair

    Something That Im Not

    Back In The Day

    Of Mice and Men

    Truth Be Told

    All really well done IMOP.

    I saw MegaDave on that tour and had the "pleasure" of meeting him. He got pissed @ my boyfriend and had his security take him away! LMAO! He was drunk and asked Dave if he ever had any intentions of recording any of the Metallica stuff he wrote. He got offended and yelled "get this guy outta here!"

    So needless to say I got my autograph and had to bail fast!

    None the less...those 2 albums were pretty dam awesome.

    For whom kept it going thru the 90's....well Obviously Pantera kept Metal alive for awhile at that point.

    I also credit Death Angel ..ACT III and The Art Of Dying...great ****!

  • hmm...i understand what u're saying...but u see...i think thrash metal (any kind of metal) took a backseat after the early 90s and totally went give Pantera credit for keeping the metal alive during the 90s....also Death. Many prog related bands started emerging during that era the underground of course......metal has always been alive imo....80s it was more commercial, 90s it went underground...and now in this millennium, bands that were underground in the 90s are somehow getting little attention..bands like Opeth, Dream Theater, Porcupine Tree, Nevermore, Death, Cynic, Atheist, etc....all these bands were talking their own language during the 90s an suddenly now people are appreciating their music....also bands like Between the Buried & Me, Lamb of God, Mastodon, Evile, etc erupted in the everytime there have been bands that have saved the day for metal...and i think it'll go's an evergreen genre :)

    MA3 : Yeah...evile is one....but u's all been done before...Evile to me sounds very much like slayer...guess they're getting attention bcz there have not been many thrash bands from U.K......Testament would be my pick (i know they have been around for sometime but they've been one of the most consistent thrash bands)

  • 1 decade ago

    They are ALL relevant on tour. I still get off when I see them live. Doesn't matter to me what they put out now, I still have all their kickass albums and they still play some kickass songs on stage.

    MA: Naw, you have great observations and are true about their studio stuff, other than Slayer. They still got it.

    MA2: Exodus

    MA3: Exodus, Evile, Warbringer, Municipal Waste... Why? Cause they play real Thrash Metal!

  • 1 decade ago

    After reading the question, which took me 3 hours, I have to agree with the fact that their influence is bigger than their recent body of work. However I still like 3 of the 4's recent albums.

    MA: I like to watch soccer on TV.

    MA2: Exodus

    MA3: Exodus because they are still balls to the wall thrash.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hello KP

    Hey, you forgot "Anvil", lol.

    I have to agree with everything you said, unfortunately!

    Since 1990 there hasn't been many thrash bands that I've enjoyed like I did in the 80's.

    Municipal Waste is a fairly new thrash band, ever heard them?

    I especially like them because there's no growling vocals.

    Source(s): Edit; Thanks, I'll check them out!
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