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can anti feminists explain these double standards?

I see many people here going how feminism is not needed or is wrong. Well then how can you explain these double standards that still exist?

- why is it more acceptable for men to have as many sexual partners as they want when it is frowned upon with a woman?

- why do looks matter for women while intelligence matters for men?

- why is it nearly expected that a woman shall have children?

- why do men gain more money than women for the same jobs?

-why are women expected to do all the childcare and housework? And why are women the ones expected to sacrifice their career when they have children?

-why are women constantly portrayed as nothing but sex objects?

-why do women have to work twice as hard to prove themselves in male dominated fields?

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All of those attitudes derive from the Judeo-Christian-Islamic belief that men were created to serve God while women were created to serve men. Attitudes with which people are raised tend to remain with them their whole lives, as Hitler said: "Give me a boy until he's eight and I'll have him the rest of his life", and those are the attitudes they pass on to their own kids. As to your specific questions the answers are obvious if you look at our cultural history, that is not to defend them since I personally think those attitudes are archaic and should have been tossed into the rubbish bin of history long ago, but they are understandable.

    "Sex partners" - men wanted to be sure their heirs were really their own kids, that meant keeping the mothers of their children away from other men, since men don't have the baby the restriction didn't apply, simple as that.

    "Looks/Intelligence" - since women weren't educated, allowed to work or own property, and had no voice in government her looks were generally considered the only thing of value about her, a beautiful woman on his arm was one more sign of his success. I would, however, argue that it's not intelligence but money by which men are judged, a billionaire can get women with no problem, even if it was just a lotto win or an inheritance to no credit of his own.

    "Motherhood" - refer to my answer about "sex partner", if the primary purpose of women is to provide heirs for men then failure so to do would be a failure to be a woman.

    The rest of your questions are all just as easily answered based on the culture in which the people who shaped our country were raised, the only way to change it is through education and no one is trying that, court battles and screamed insults just promote more of the same and what passes for public debate today is nothing more than entertainment with politicians playing to the cameras and audience.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why does MONEY only matter, for men? Men may be shallow when it comes to looks, yes, but women aren't much better, and I've NEVER heard a guy express an interest in a woman's money, unlike many women who will use guys for money. Men and women are BOTH shallow, only in differing ways. Women don't earn less, for the same work, and how anyone can believe they do is beyond me. If women were really willing to work with the same productivity, for less than men, why would anyone ever employ men? Businesses which unfairly paid men over the odds would soon go bankrupt, as they lost out to businesses which kept their costs down, by paying men and women fairly. Whilst we're on the subject of double standards, perhaps you could explain the following: . Why mothers have so many more rights than fathers. Why they gain custody of children in 95% of cases, and can withhold access to the fathers, with impunity, even if court orders have been imposed. Why the woman has the choice whether to keep a baby, and the man has none. . Why it's seen as awful, for a man to hit a woman, yet sometimes even COMEDIC, the other way around. . Why divorce settlements almost always swing in women's favour.] . Why men are expected to pay for women, on dates. . Why healthcare spending for women is FAR greater than that for men. . Why men are ridiculed by the mainstream media, whilst women are not. . Why women gets to retire earlier than men, in many countries. You might also like to consider why the male suicide rate is far higher than the female one.

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason for the double sexual standard is that women get pregnant, and men don't. many men harbour a fear of raising a child that is not theirs. But the sexual double standard can hardly be of that much significance - since so many women nowadays are having sex.

    Looks have always mattered for women, but most men want a woman whos personality interests him as well as her looks. Likewise a woman generally wants a man she finds physically atttractive as well as mentally.

    Nobody can force a woman to have children if she does not want to.

    If men do get more money for doing the same jobs (which I personally doubt), it is probably because they do more overtime etc.

    The fact is that when it comes to childcare and housework ,the one who cares more usually ends up doing more. And that is most often the woman. This is something to be worked out between individual couples, it is not something that can be fixed by feminism. And if a woman considers it a sacrifice to give up her career when she has children, she does not have to do so. Nobody can force a woman to give up work if she doesn't want to.

    If women are portrayed as sex objects, it is because they allow themselves to be. Nobody forces women to be nude models, strippers, work in porn etc. They choose these jobs for the money.

    If anyone wants to be taken seriously in a field in which they have not previously worked, of course they need to work hard. Why wouldn't they?

  • 1 decade ago

    - why is it more acceptable for men to have as many sexual partners as they want when it is frowned upon with a woman?

    Because "society" has ****ed up standards FOR EVERYONE. Why is it socially unacceptable for a straight guy not to be a tough guy?

    - why do looks matter for women while intelligence matters for men?

    ...Women care about men's looks too. Some claim they don't but it's not true. Unfortunately, everyone does.

    - why is it nearly expected that a woman shall have children?

    It's pretty much expected that everyone will have kids. The fact that society still views kids as primarily the mother's and not the father's is actually a double standard against men, and a very serious one at that. A woman can't have kids without a guy's sperm, so the idea that "women have kids and men don't" is utterly ridiculous.

    - why do men gain more money than women for the same jobs?

    Can you provide a source which says that women earn more, for the same jobs, for the same hours, and for the same productivity? I've never actually seen a reliable source confirming this.

    -why are women expected to do all the childcare and housework? And why are women the ones expected to sacrifice their career when they have children?

    They're not anymore, unless you happen to live in the 1950s.

    -why are women constantly portrayed as nothing but sex objects?

    Why are men constantly portrayed as complete jerks or as complete idiots?

    -why do women have to work twice as hard to prove themselves in male dominated fields?

    Once again: Can you cite some examples:

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Men don't get pregnant. Men have penises and women have vaginas. This is evolution and our minds on a genetic level can't be rewired by a bunch of angry women who hate that men and women have sex with each other.

    2. That is women who choose men. They are the ones who pick mates and who gets to mate with them, and it has ALWAYS been that way. Women care about men's wallets and their looks. Why doesn't "Feminism" address that problem.

    3. Same with men. Do women have children by themselves? Is that another "Feminist" lie?

    4. They don't. That is a Feminist lie. Will your "Feminism" fix that? LoL, no, because Feminism is about Female Supremacy, not equality.

    5. Women carry the child, women breastfeed. Now you want men to breastfeed... freakin' nutty Feminists. Women aren't expected to do that, but many, most actually, women choose to leave the workforce of their own will. So you think Feminism exists to turn women into men? That's what Feminism exists for. Who defined what housework is? The Feminists did, and they are known for lying. Male housework is totally ignored which consists of cleaning the gutters, fixing the car, the plumbing, walking the dog, taking out the trash, paying the bills, raking the leaves, changing the oil, putting up shelving, moving the furniture, and many other things, but "Feminists" want men to also do the women's housework on top of their own. Feminism is about hatred of men.

    6. That's not true at all. Women are constantly portrayed as men, and better than men, etc.

    7. Because the vast majority of women have no aptitude in male-dominated fields, and in physical ones they have no right to even try-- like firefighting. Where are them wymynz when it comes to trash collectors? Get them wymyn out there-- hell, let's have a quota system for them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A1: Women do the frowning as much as men do. In the feminist world, if a woman sleep with nobody it's because those horrible monster men enforce puritanical standards and / or double standards on her. If she sleeps with many, it's because those horrible monster men are using her and see none of her true value, only her value as a piece of meat. So the issue is not with the world, but the warped way in which feminists percieve it.

    In my opinion, men and women should do whatever they want when single, but when in an exclusive relationship they should live up to their partners' trust.

    A2: Again, this is women applying such standards to one another as much as anything else. And applying some such standards to men also and then lying about it. I have heard many times women go on about a man's looks and now you say it is all about intelligence. Bull. Anyway, when women's magazines are all about looks and women keep buying them, they are creating their own reality. If a men's magazine came out like this, men simply would not buy it in large quantities. It would be a specialty magazine, not every magazine for men on the rack.

    A3: Because procreation is an instinctive drive in all species, and men cannot do it.

    A4: I have not seen this. On the contrary, even in the US Military, I saw female soldiers consistently beg out of doing the sweaty work, sitting in the air conditioning, while male soldiers making the same money carried their burden for them (not by choice but because they were directed to do so). Now at my current employer, it is equal pay for equal work. A specific pay for a specific position, regardless of gender.

    A5: They aren't. And they aren't.

    A6: If one of men's major interests is women, feminism is not going to change human nature. Men have an overwhelming interest in women, and if some women exploit that, showing off their body for money like a specialized prostitute, it is that woman's decision unless she was forced to do it. I think most of them are not forced to do it.

    A7: Again the question based on a false premise. It is amazing how many women will claim this, but what is the scoring system used to measure what "twice as hard" means? And anyway, what woman also competed in the same career field as a man in order to make an educated evaluation, that their experience as a woman was "twice as hard" as their experience as a man? Or is this concept just one of those "repeat the lie until it is indistiguishable from the truth" type things?

    Here's a question back to you. Why, when a man kills his whole family, is he a monster, but when a woman drowns all her children in the bathtub it is "that poor lady" time? Or when a woman claims "blackie" stole her kids when, in fact, she rolled them in the backseat of the car into a lake to drown, she is given life instead of death as a man would have gotten? Or lastly, when a man and woman get divorced, the woman overwhelmingly gets the children, the house, child support, alimony, even if she has a criminal record and the husband does not?

    I have sarcastically answered my own question above in the past by saying that the courts have found the woman "not guilty by reason of not having a wiener". Or that the courts reduced the sentence in the unlikely event a woman is found guilty of anything, considering that the mere fact of her being a woman constitutes "diminished capacity". Do these imbalances offend women? Where are the feminists on these issues? Hypocrites is what they are, and until they address real imbalances in favor of women as strenuously as they whine about percieved imbalances against, they will never make significant progress with their entitlement agenda.

  • 1 decade ago

    Insightful answers here. (some of the guys are showing some issues with women in general. Perhaps if you acted and treated women better, they'd react in a more positive way towards you and then you wouldn't have to 'try' and insult them by suggesting they aren't as apt as men etc. Which of course is a load of horse pucky.)

    One problem is girls mature faster than boys and surpass them in the early school years in intelligence and ability to pay attention. It has been suggested that boys be started in school a year later than girls, but the poop hit the fan with folks saying this would impact boys psychology. (there goes once again the myth of the delicate male ego, as tho females aren't impacted negatively by being told to dumb down around men, etc.) So girls are held back by the slower learning of the boys and then when everyone is caught up, girls are taught to be sexy and try to catch the guys instead of attending to their studies. (thus why I'm for separate schooling for girls and boys, it is proven females do far better in school and the workplace if the boys/men are in a different area)

    "women are all lesbians" LOL some little boy here having his sexual fantasy? It is agreed the female is more attractive than the male, but then if more males would take care of their looks rather than wearing sloppy loose clothes and beer bellies, they could be considered quite attractive themselves.

    Women are the focal point of Western society so girls grow up appreciating female beauty.Nothing wrong with that. If guys would get over their homophobia they could admit when they think another male is attractive.

    I for one, experienced being paid less for doing the same job and watched the males being promoted over the females (who in some instances had seniority not to mention more experience) My way to handle this was to go into a female dominated field where men were rare and women get paid great money. I could work when I wanted and basically demand the wages I wanted.

    I always dressed down to avoid the sexual harassment that came with the girlie clothes, helped some, but still got the cat calls, gropes, sexual innuendos despite trying to blend into the background.

    Men are slaves to their penises and if parents would strictly teach respect for women and accept nothing else from their sons, many social issues, like rape, verbally harassing women, domestic abuse, and the double standard in the sexually active arena (being more sexually active if one chose as a woman)and being treated like sex objects would lessen greatly.

    Yep, women realize how weak men are and yes can make loads of money just flashing their breasts. (If guys only knew the low opinion strippers, exotic dancers have of men for being so weak they will spend their last dollar at a strip bar and slobber and act like jerks) These women laugh all the way to the bank. I know many guys that say they wish they could make big money stripping.

    Penis/scrotums are just not considered attractive. A cultural thing? Perhaps so.

    Being female and having a uterus does NOT mean you have to use it. In fact fewer children would help the world immensely and there would be fewer unhappy women and men who got married and had kids because 'society expected it.

    To hell with society, live your life the way you want!. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent or married. The problem with humans is they are a herd animal and so easily led by the dictates of society and religion. Just say no and enjoy your life.

    Women: Refuse to work and then come home and take care of the kids and do the housework.It is your fault if you allow you husband to come home and sit on his butt. Kick it instead.

    Men:FIGHT for equal rights to your kids, the house etc in the courtrooms. BUT, men created this inequality by making women subservient to men and thus dependent on the men's money/housing and so courts finally (and this is just a recent occurrence as before women had no say and the man could kick her out and keep the kids)stepped up and protected women from this inequality. After all it is women that bear and give birth so the children are a bigger investment to a woman, but again,if you love your kids, fight for them and fight to get family laws changed.(equally please)

    Until women are free to choose the life they want to live and make money (In studies women are more apt to spend their money on their children whereas men spend far less on their children than themselves)be independent and men stop trying to control the reproductive abilities of women, the world will continue to be a battleground between the sexes. (and to date the women have received the harsher/tougher end of things in life)

    Source(s): Being a woman (hear me ROAR ;), observation of female male interactions over the years. (history)
  • 1 decade ago

    I read the answers so far and not one has expained it- Dr Who gave a good answer but not one anti!

    The ones who answered didn't address the why just said 'it is'!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    - why is it more acceptable for men to have as many sexual partners as they want when it is frowned upon with a woman?

    **** an: For anyone with self-respect being a male or female wh*re is nothing to be proud of. This Q. is stupid.

    - why do looks matter for women while intelligence matters for men?

    ***** An. Attractive people from both genders have more opportunity. This is as stupid as the first Q.

    - why is it nearly expected that a woman shall have children?

    **** an. There is no law that demands women have children. This is a stupid Q.

    - why do men gain more money than women for the same jobs?

    **** an. You simply repeat feminist myths, and do not know how the WAGE GAP is actually calculated. The WAGE GAP CALCULATION has nothing to do with women being paid less for the same job.

    Stupid Q.

    -why are women expected to do all the childcare and housework? And why are women the ones expected to sacrifice their career when they have children?

    ***** an. Her body, her choice, Right! Why do men have zero reproductive rights when women can abort a baby and abandon any parential responsibity. Why is a man held hostage by what a women decides. Who says men doesn't do housework?

    -why are women constantly portrayed as nothing but sex objects?

    ***** an. Because they get paid lots of money.

    -why do women have to work twice as hard to prove themselves in male dominated fields?

    ***** an. I've never seen job standards lowered for men, but we all sure know a number of jobs that the exams are lowered for women. When you become old enough to work, you'll see women constantly running off to the doctors and for personal issues. Hardly working harder.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whoa, whoa...

    I think you just blew all of our minds here, man. Promiscuous women are called SLUTS while promiscuous men are considered STUDS...!? WHEN DID THIS START HAPPENING?? OH MY GOD



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