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Christians: Falling in love with God . . .?

Long story short: I was asked by a non-theist to explain the difference between falling in love with a soul-mate, and falling in love with God. Immediately as I spoke the words, I noticed her jaw drop and mouth open. Looking at her face, I thought she was deeply offended by what I said. Then she closed her mouth, tilted her head and asked me this question (Her exact words): "What does it feel like to fall in love with this God of yours, Jesus Christ!?" How do you explain falling in love with God?

All answers welcome. No TDs given. Asker posts feedback.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For me... falling in love with God is so very deep... it is like taking a long journey into the creations of the earth, having every dream you ever had fulfilled. Feeling the caress of the Spirit, one after another, in waves... Being taken around the entire world, seeing landscape after landscape ! Never ending... awesomeness, something you never want to stop.. the heart of me, the heart of HIm in oneness! His delights... all of this Divine and majestic. ((His Spirit, mine! Mine in union with HIS))

    He works me, probes and stimulates me like no other can, and He causes me to work too, He loves to see my efforts join in His, His strength mine, his breathe mine, his corrections mine, his love and tenderness mine, his love and protection, mine... His covering mine....Our Sovereign Lord calls us His home! He wants us so connected with him first, that love blossoms in us, rising, so that we know how to love all of His creation! Man, woman,and child from all the nations...

    Just a quick answer... but what a great question...

    I may be back:))


    Kar...Edit: Getting in sync... with all that is and belongs to God, through all the seasons of life... here is one of my favorite songs... has to do with male/female becoming one ... me and God being ONE((all of us, in JUSTUS! HIS ))... most likely not acceptable by some ideals, but one of my many favorites ... but this song expresses much to me! :))

    hope you see what I am trying to say... God loves us all and wants our hearts minds and Spirits joined in Synchronization. (((((He is calling us all from every nation))))) Come what may! .Love Kar

  • 1 decade ago

    I am amazed with the love of God in his many know, when the know, is open to the Son. For the form of the know is my portion of him to boot, to Son. I think the soul-mate in God is this form when one may think not. If one see a good Move part, of a love scene, it is the gathering of the two that made the part good, and it is the word that cause that to be. Every scene; is by faith in love when loving God and the Holy Spirit is a new each time. The nature is in us already, having to do is believed, and acts upon, at first the natural will tell, and then life will know. No ease fix, but honest shows for its self, Lord.

    Source(s): God alone
  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can only answer for myself and in human terms : When I became a Christian, 17 years ago, it was like stepping into a warm pool of water, the temperature was just right, the depth was just right, the water was as clear as glass, and the air surrounding me was crisp and clean and when I took a deep breath it seemed to just *fill me* . A mothers arms feel safe and secure but Gods arms are a thousand times more so . To fall in love with God is to turn completely TO Him. It means to trust Him . To relax in His presence . To feel a strength , that you have not known, just come from the depths of *some place* with in and with out . It is to know, to really know, a joy that just shines through, even in times of tribulation and trial. It is to just *sigh* , if for no other reason than LIFE . go in peace.... God bless

  • 1 decade ago

    First off I think it's great your telling her about God(: I think you should just tell her that it's a great feeling. Like when you can't live without someone, your always happy, you know that he's always there with you and never leaves your side, you love him more than anyone and anything and for him you do it all and give up anything.. It's a spiritual love for our Father God..I know what I want to say but I don't know how to say somethig like that

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When we fall in love with God, everything else will be below the interest of God. We will always try to please Him for whom we have fallen. We will keep ourselves presentable to Him at all times by knowing and doing his will. In fact, this question is a great one; we must fall in love with Jesus.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    For me, this one word moves me to tears many times just upon pondering it. After studying this word I have been made to see the depth and power and far reaching effects of this word. The love and binding attributes of this word are beyond comprehension. In this one word is the full force of all creation, and the magnitude of compassion it delivers is astounding. I stand in awe, as a child, in the soft and gentle arms of...grace.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is to finally know Love .

    To have turned your face to the Light & be changed by that Light.

    They say that Love is blind, they are incorrect, Love is merely blind to all but the Beloved.

    It is to Surrender into Love & all becomes that Love.

    This my friend may be one of those experiences one can not express in words, but must be experienced to know.

    I offer a song below that in many ways expresses my feelings.

    May we all come to Remember our First Love.

    Many Blessings!

  • 1 decade ago

    He has become the Subject of my daily thoughts and dreams..

    An Hour does not pass that I don't think of Him.

    He has Won my Heart !

  • Well if i can attempt to explain ..

    It's kind of the same thing - God's plan from the beginning was for us to be joined/united with someone just as He joined the hearts and minds of Adam and Eve together. Marriage is a picture of God's union with His creation. You know the picture of the bride of Christ...

    I absolutely love the way dez and Worker have put it, they both sound to me like they know what it feels like to be in love ~ in love with a 'soul mate' if you want to put it that way ~ or bf/gf ~ or husband & wife.

    An elderly neighbor of mine used to asked me ''where have you been all my life, and why haven't you got a man'' - - my answer was always the same: I'm in love with my Lord Jesus! he always laughed at me, he's gone home now to be with the Lord, i miss him & remember him fondly :)

    Anyways, it's just like you meet this absolutely *amazing person*, and He is all you can think of, He never lets you down, He never gets annoyed with you, He adores you and lets you know it when needed ~ you will do anything for Him, and He will only do what's good for you, His intention is to love you and support you, and teach you wisdom, who wouldn't fall deeply in love with someone so wonderful :))

    TY for such a lovely Q ~ it's good to sit here smiling at the thought of Him :))


    Sorry it's so long, i wanted to share this with you. The Lord often speaks to me in pics & visions. This is one He gave me a few months ago. It's what's called an 'open vision'

    It was of Jesus dressed in robes, striped, cream, beige, and orange in colour ~ He was holding them up and running in & out the sea ~ He was laughing and having fun with me - - i still think of it a lot and keep the song in my car that reminds me of that time ~

    ''Truly, madly, deeply''

    We used to sing this song in church with some of the words changed - the words in this video are beautiful tho, and so meaningful even with the Lord in mind :)

    Hope you like it - and hope i've made sense :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I rose in love with God, simplicity of love is to know God, to know is to love, it is not falling in love but rising in love, rising in knowledge, that is why we have so many hungry thirsty people seeking God the Father and Jesus the Son, what is truly amazing is those who believe, those with faith, I have asked many times how they knew God, they were simple in their answer, they felt it inside, these are the ones who are going to give you answers of love that is built in their Hearts. My love came by proof like the old prophets received. A little more~even though I knew God existed from when I was a kid, a search for him I never took, when he showed me he was alive, it was the greatest feeling on the outside that lifted the Mind a little higher, I saw so much sorrow in the Hearts of his children longing for him, it was and is a sign of a great love, what does it feel like to know God, to know all of Gods children also, you know, all sow, a family, but I saw so much disagreement, except one thing, their love for him that lives, to know God is to know the children of God, to know the children of God is to know God also. It gives answers to things to come here on earth and in earth, we are all messengers of the Heart, the point of knowing God is never giving up on life, it is not a doctrine of death, but a doctrine of life, here and there, Jesus (Justus) said so ! Colossians chapter 4, Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven. 4:11 And Jesus which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. To fall in love is simple and just, to rise in love is to know your not alone in this world, Justus has many family members here, I am happy to know every one of you ! Thank you my Father YHWH. Thank you Jesus for showing me around the family members !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    falling in love with god IS EXACTLY like falling in love with our ultimate soul mate

    he breathed life into us

    ((his breath is our very soul,spirit))

    its like reuniting with our twin soul

    for me, every time i give him the chance

    ((by allowing him to have control of my every day life))

    through his undying faithfulness

    i fall in love with him all over again

    especially when those who also serve him fall short of his glory

    forgetting how he reminds us to bear each others burdens

    instead spewing contempt and condemnation

    ((through judgment))

    especially in those moments, im reminded of how incredibly in love with him i really am

    in my 39yrs he is the ONLY one i have ever been able to rely on completely

    knowing he will always be there instantly as soon as i call upon him

    Source(s): ((namaste))
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