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Questions About Islam For Possible Convert?

Hello Everyone. I am a 15 year old male who is seriously thinking about converting-or as some say-reverting to Islam. I come from a Muslim and Christian family (my father's muslim and my mother's catholic). Before being able to convert/revert there are a few questions that I must ask:

-A few weeks ago my mother invited some co-workers over for a barbecue. She asked me to put some beverages in a cooler. One of them was beer. She honestly rarely is ever drinks alcohol (she didn't have any beer) however it was really for her co-workers. I did as she asked however did a prayer to god asking for forgiveness for allowing the serving of beer in the home of the my mother and father. Was this the right thing to do? What should I have done?

-A few weeks ago I was playing a game of poker on a boyscout trip that had no money involved (We just distributed chips). Is this alright?

-Yesterday I had competed in a raffle. Eventually I started feeling extremely bad because I started thinking this is a form of gambling. I felt a sensation that i couldn't stop and i believed i was being over taken by Shaten. Is this correct? Should I have not done this?

-I have a few female friends that I talk to. I have known them for a while and feel no sexual attraction for them. Is this acceptable?

-I am my class president and I have recently started planning the first ever freshman dance. I just wondered if it is alright to go to school dances (its not really like a dating dance but more of a hang out with friends and dance in groups dance). In future years, is it alright to go with a girl to dances such as proms? What if it is as friends?

-I enjoy how against the religion is to sex and and sexual contact as I believe keeping a man and woman's virtue is important. However, I am in support of more modest dating at a more mature age when sexual desires is something new (I still believe I am too young for dating). Am I allowed to date? If so, under what circumstances? How do I deal with lust and sexual desires?

-In my school this year, we covered religious studies. One of the religions we learned about is Islam (Very generally though). Can I still befriend those who went through this study and still reject Islam?

-I know this is a little stereotypical, however Muslims are supposed to follow Islam as a way of life, so they are supposed to believe some certain political ideas and how a government should be run. I honestly am a democrat. How do you believe the lessons of the Qu'ran, Muhammad, and the Hadiths pertain to some important political issues in the U.S.A.?

Thank you for all your help. Hopefully this will help in choosing a religion.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

    All praise be to Allah the One who gives life and takes it. Thank Allah that you are one of the chosen ones. Not many feel what you feel so be thankful. As for your questions I will go through them one by one.

    1. Inshallah (by the will of Allah) he excepts your prayer and forgives you. The prophet peace and blessings be upon him says: "Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Whoever of you sees something wrong should change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of belief.'" [Muslim]

    - In your case you used your heart and prayed to god to change it, and that is the weakest form of belief. But inshallah after you enter Islam and your faith increases,you will be amongst those who change that which is wrong with your mouth and hand. If you were a Muslim you would be able to let your mother know that you are a Muslim and that your religion forbids you from doing that. And remember always respect you parents no matter if they were non Muslims, for Allah orders us to do so.

    2. As for the gambling if you didn't bet on money then it would be fine, but keep in mind that if you stay around these types of games, shaitan will have an influence on you, and may trick you into really gambling, you may start with a dollar, then two then next thing you know your into the game, so stay away from that which can lead a person astray from what the prophet peace and blessings be upon him taught us.

    3. As I mentioned in the previous answer this would be considered some what of gambling, so try to keep away from it.

    4. The dance in any way shape or form is forbidden, you cannot be with a girl even as a friend for a man is tempted. The prophet peace be upon him says: "When a man and women enter a room, the devil is their thrid", meaning he's there guiding them to do what is haram. That should not even be a question, brother you should know this. Try in any way not to have anything to do with this dance.

    5. As I mentioned before it is forbidden to have a girlfriend. A man may say he could control himself but you must stay away from that which can guide you astray. If the intention of a man is to go out and have a good time with someone as friends, then it should be male with male, and female with female, to keep away any sexual temptation.

    Abu Hurairah (r.a.a) narrated that Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said that among the seven persons whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day (of Judgement) when there is no shade except His Shade, is a man who is tempted by a beautiful woman and refuses to respond for fear of Allah. [Bukhari and Muslim].

    it begins as friendship but it ends up more serious, this is how arabs put it

    "A look then a smile then a nod of the head... then a talk, then a promise, then the warmth of a bed."

    6. Yes, you can be friends with them, for it is Allah who guides whom he wills, it is not up to a teacher to change their minds. people fought the prophet (pbuh) for yrs, and yrs, and knew the truth, known hypocrites would come to the prophets home, and the prophet would treat them with great respect and the wife of the prophet (pbuh) Aisha seen this and asked the prophet why do you treat them in such a way and you know that he is a hypocrite? This explains that it doesnt matter if they believe or not they must be respected and treated fairly with everyone else.

    7. Had the U.S been a Muslim country you would be able to keep your windows and doors open at night without any fear, and there wouldn't be any beggers in the street cause those that are rich would feed the poor. there is much more the Quran and Hadith offer to the world not only this country but that is all I have to say.

    Hope In answered your questions

    May Allah's peace and blessings be upon you

    and Allah knows best

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) It's not you that bought the beer, let it be in your home or serve it. So you have nothing to feel sorry about.

    2) This is a hard one. There was no money involved which is okay but I suggest you stop just in case you or your friend take it further

    3) It's okay. If you think something is wrong just don't do it.

    4) It depends on who you ask. Some say you must stay away from unrelated females unless you have to take to them about something important. Others say it's okay to talk to them as long as you're not alone with them which I agree with

    5) No, it's not acceptable. Lots of these dances end up in haraam situations

    6) Dating in Islam isnt the same as dating in the western world where a boy and a girl go somewhere alone. Muslims usually go in a group because a girl and a boy are never alone, the Shaytan is always the third. Only start dating when you're ready to get married.

    7) Of course. You can't expect everyone to accept Islam

    8) What do you mean by political? We have only Shariah Law which NO Muslim country follows even if they claim they do.

    Source(s): Email me from my profile if you need any more help.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You would recite the Shahada three times out loud. Their is no ceremony, unless you want to celebrate. You simply say, "I bear witness that there is no God, but God and that Muhammad is his messenger." Three times. From what i know Sufism is more a spiritual side and can be co-practiced with regular Islam. Im a Sunni so if their are different Shiite conversion methods i dont know.

  • 1 decade ago

    Islam is a legalistic religion. There is no assurance of salvation. Allah requires perfection but no man is perfect. So you must strive to be a perfect as possible and HOPE that it is enough to be accepted by Allah.

    Islam teaches two classes of people- Muslims and others.Non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims, in fact the Qu'ran shows that non-Muslims in Muslim lands should pay extra taxes (jizyah) and be subservient to Muslims.

    Catholicism teaches we are all equal- non-believers are just as precious as believers worthy of God's love and sacrifice of His Son.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I will take with you sincerely : you have to read about these religion and ask your father and mother about any questions in your mind. I want to say that the Islamic religion is the best you will see!! I'm sure just read.ask your mother one question and you will see ask her how can you say 1=3?

  • 1 decade ago

    -there's nothing wrong with having beer there, as long as you didn't drink it.

    -gambling is haram, but since the game didn't involve money it's probably okay

    -nothing wrong with playing in a raffle

    -you can't control your feelings. just try not to act on them

    -I'm not sure about going to dances...

    -you can date, but it is haram. if you want to avoid doing anything you don't want to do involving bf/gf relationships, then it's best to avoid those situations altogether

    -yes, you can be friends with anyone

    -I don't think you have to drop your political party for sharia. I didn't. it's not like you'll go to hell for it.

    you really need to relax. God doesn't want things to be difficult for you. take it easy, don't jump into it.

    EDIT: don't listen to the ignorant responses you got before mines. if you truly believe in Islam their opinions shouldn't matter to you one bit!

  • Islam is a Satanic ideology, and the complete opposite of Christianity, doctrine wise.

    For example:

    The Christian Antichrist will bring a 7 year peace treaty in the End Times.

    The Muslim Al-Mahdi (their Messiah)will bring a 7 year peace treaty in the End Times.

    It would help you to watch this series by Wallid Shoebat, who grew up as a Muslim and tried to convert his Catholic wife, but then his wife told him to open up the Bible and what he found was staggering and eventually led to him being a Christian...

    My video on Islam:

    And Wallid Shoebat's book "God's War on Terror".

  • 6 years ago

    They are both awful religions. Look at how anxious you are about trivial matters. Wake up, smell the coffee, and understand that there is no god.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well deer, just know that if you change your mind they'll chop off your head and place it in a field for the wolves to feed on. Happened to a deer old friend of mine. I cry for him at night.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that Catholicism is much more logical than Islam.

    It does not restrict every legitimate pleasure, though it does have some necessary restrictions.


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