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Do I have to be married to adopt children? I can't seem to produce my own but I really want children.?


I'm getting married in August so do I need to wait before I try to adopt?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We adopted from foster care, and we started the process long before we were married...Mind you, when we started the process, we were applying to be foster parents, but nevertheless, as long as you have been in a committed relationship, it shouldn't matter.

    If you are adopting privately, it is at the agency's discretion and they could very well turn you down for being unmarried if they so choose.

    Also, you need to get some counselling. Someone just dealing with grief associated with infertility should not be adopting anyone. No kid needs to pick up the pieces, or be the "replacement kid" for the adults. Talk it out with someone and sit with it for a long while. Infertility is an self-esteem issue, not a baby issue.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sensible way to deal with this is to find out for definite whether you can have children first and if you can't deal with how you feel about that. It can take a long time to before you fall pregnant anyway. You don't have to be married to adopt but you may find adoption agency prefer it if you are married.

  • 1 decade ago

    How long do people think adoption takes anyhow?

    You are getting married in what, 3.5 months tops? There is NO way any adoption would even be remotely close to being completed by that time. Adding any new person to your household will result in parts of the adoption, for example the homestudy, having to be redone. Good grief, just wait.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on where you are adopting. Many foster care agencies do not require you to be married.

    ETA: Sandra was married when she started the adoption process. She was married when the baby first came into her house, also.

    ETA: You may have to be married for a certain time period. Again, you will need to figure out where you would want to adopt from, and what else you need to get together before hand. You might also want to see a fertility doctor before you decide to adopt.

    Source(s): Adoptee, mother of 5
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  • 1 decade ago

    Since these are both major steps you should wait to adopt after you are married and then the two of you can adopt together.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    producing little ones has plenty to do with arithmetic. If human beings have not got little ones our destiny economies will cave in and humanity will grow to be extinct. it is so basic as that. somebody's have been given to plow the fields and if human beings are not having adequate little ones now, you and that i visit wither and die of starvation and homelessness whilst we are previous and gray using fact there will be no little ones to pay for our social securities, nor will they be there to do the labour which produces the products we are able to could proceed to exist. it extremely isn't any longer correct how stronger or better our technologies is, or how how plenty enlightenment and know-how humanity manages to attain. If human beings have not got little ones, humanity is finished. The numbers gets closer us quicker or later. that's no longer to declare little ones could be over-produced in ridiculous abundance, yet there must be adequate produced to take care of our existence. it extremely isn't any longer correct in case you do no longer go with little ones. Having little ones isn't for everybody. yet somebody's have been given to have them. So why do no longer we only circulate away human beings by myself that go with to have little ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well sorry to hear maybe i could help,i have 4 kids and 7mths prego i always wanted to bless someone with have a baby email me

  • Molly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    if you are getting married in aug I would wait. They usually make you wait a year or two after a major life change to adopt (major life change like marriage, divorce, birth of a child, a death of someone close to you). But in the meantime, make copies of everything, birth certificates, marriage licenses, divorce papers, drivers licenses, social security cards, home, renters, car insurance.

  • no but sometimes it's easier to adopt when you're married

  • 1 decade ago

    The actress Sandra Boulock adopted as a single Mom.

    Source(s): Sandra finalized the adoption as a single Mom that's the answer to the question. You souldn't have so many kids as some do to make themselves happy. What about the children and attention and time.
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