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Is it ok to keep a Male friend?

My husband and i are separated and have been for a couple of months. We are trying to work things out. At work there is a Male co worker who I am very good friends with and was friends before the separation. But since I separated he has been there for me. We are best friends we talk on the phone a lot and really enjoy spending time together. We like to do a lot of the same things. He also has some issues he is working on and talking to me helps him as well. There is nothing romantic or sexual between us. We have talked about that and that's not an issue. I am afraid that if I get back with my husband he is going to ask me to stop talking to him or be jealous of him. And I really don't want to stop talking to him. and feel I shouldn't have to. What do you think?


no sex wont become an issue he is very religious and is very dead set against adultry. And as for putting in time to fix my marriage I am the one who is putting in the most. I just dont feel like after all this guy has done to help me see my husbands side of things and try to talk me back into my marriage that if I get back with my husband I am just suppose to tell this guy hey thanks for helping me out and suporting me but now your on your own.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think you should have to either. You are entitled to have your friends, male or female. I'm sure if he was a woman, he wouldn't feel threatened or uncomfortable about the situation. I think you should explain to your husband (if you guys are reconciling) that this guy has become a friend and a shoulder to lean on and that he's been very supportive and that you don't want to lose him as a friend. Explain to him that HE (your husband) is the priority and that you are working to reconcile with him and that this guy is not an issue nor is he interested in your romantically or sexually. I think great friends are difficult to find so if you have a friend that's so solid and supportive, don't give him up because your husband might feel threatened.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you should have to stop talking to him. Men and women can be friends without anything sexual or romantic being an issue. Hopefully, your husband has enough trust in you to accept this friendship. If he doesn't, that's a whole other issue that needs to be discussed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes... you can be in a FRIENDSHIP with a male... If you and your male friend knows that it is nothing more... In the even that you and your husband get back together.. introduce your male friend to your husband to let him know that you and your male friend is nothing more than JUST Friends.. If he love you and trust you he will understand.. everyone need a good friend whether its a male or a female., yours just happen to be a male.!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In this case you should be concerned because you are putting much more energy and effort into your friendship with this man than you are into fixing what remains of your marriage. You need to decide which is more important, your marriage or this friendship.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    relies upon on how friendly the boys get. and how friendly with your bf your lady acquaintances get. it is like the olympics. could you believe the ladies's volleyball team from Brazi with your husband having margaritas in case you're having gymnasts from China over for "lunch". acquaintances is a verb. human beings do only no longer sit down around.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you want to get back with your ex, I believe it would be best to cut the ties with your co-worker. The relationship you have with him could be too emotional. An affair does not have to involve sex.

  • 1 decade ago

    you r wrong,sooner or later sex will be involved,play another game dear

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