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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Are atheists more unreasonable?

1) Atheists claim that believing in 'gods' is just a way to feel more secure. How is that a theological claim, that's just a psychological explanation.

Previous answers and responses:

"Why is a theological claim necessary when a psychological one suffices?"

Because psychology is not the same as a rationed-point. For instance, I could be under the delusion that something keeps pulling me towards the ground.

Theory suggests that it is gravity. It has been so well accepted that it is now considered to be fact.

But that is not derived from psychology.

Lets look at an opposing example.

I think that eating KFC will make me thinner.

People conducted studies and have decided that oil and lard makes you fatter.

Lets look at one more, for those of you who are still shaking your heads.

There is an insane lunatic who likes hurting people for fun.

There is a generous old lady who likes giving candy to children.

Does this tell us anything about how to be a good or a bad person? No. They are behaviours. Not theories.


Update 2:

Unacceptable answers:

"Christians are unreasonable, look at their track record"

This can be applied to atheists too.

Atheists use logic:

If you believe there is no proof for god, then you must also believe there is no proof against god.

Update 3:

I'm quite open to answers but there haven't been any half-decent ones.


Update 4:

I give up with you people.

Obviously you all have a dictionary by your side ready to give a standard definition. It clearly shows you can't think for yourselves.

Update 5:

"you will give Best Answer to whoever comes closest to what you want to hear."

Actually I give it to whoever has the most thumbs up, or with an answer that is completely stupid/unrelated.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    WTF? Most of the time it's, sorry (typo) atheists who display the most logic on here.

    Source(s): Agnostic.
  • 1 decade ago

    For me, as an atheist, I always try and keep my knowledge of my own fallibility in the back of my head. Ultimately, I do not know.



    the theory or belief that God does not exist.


    That is the definition I work with. I do not know, and I cannot know, as a matter of principal. So, I find it quite curious how other members of my species can claim to know something for which there is no evidence for beyond the confines of their own minds.

    It is the profession of certainty on the existence of the divine that I find hard to take seriously.

    It's unreasonable to believe something without evidence, it is however, reasonable to admit to yourself and others, your own fallibility.

    I don't claim "that believing in 'gods' is just a way to feel more secure" and never have. Does belief in god aid some people in this way? Very little doubt in my mind. For the vast majority of people, is that the function of the conjugation? No. Answers are what they are after -- of that, I am quite sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here I will give you the answer to all questions

    You cannot prove anything because you don't know if anyone else exists, because the only way you know other people exist is through your *subjective* senses

    Therefore I will believe that I am God. Because the whole world revolves around me, since I make meaning out of the world through my perspective and any world events that do not affect me can be dismissed as nonexistent. Therefore, I am the judge of what exists and does not exist proving that I am indeed God

    In conclusion yes that makes atheists unreasonable since I am God

    Source(s): God
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My beliefs are based solely on my understanding. If you could change or add to my understanding I may in fact changes my beliefs, I would think (and hope) most atheists would be willing to abandon even the strongest of their beliefs in light of evidence to the contrary.

    Of course there is no finite proof of god either way but we can speculate probability. When I consider religion I see the vast array of contradictions, half explanations and a surprisingly ironic lack of morals. When you consider the psychological benefits of religion you can make the case that religion is an invention of man for man's sake. This IS a theological claim as it made under "the study of God".

    To me it is much easier to reconcile a man made religion then for example (as one of many similar), the permitting of slavery.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As noted below, you will keep asking this question until you get the answer you want. Meanwhile, you will give Best Answer to whoever comes closest to what you want to hear.

    As far as "unreasonable". Theists believe that atheists are "unreasonable". Atheists believe that theists are "unreasonable". Agnostics KNOW that it is impossible to know if (any) "god(s)" do or do not exist, so until some "god" does show up and prove their existence, the fact is that both the theist and the atheist are not accepting reality and thus both are "unreasonable".

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • 4 years ago

    Bible pushers are rather strict, vast deal. they could be laughed at. Atheists are closeminded and can't think of previous logic. they don't have an mind's eye or open strategies.. they're additionally hypocrites and argue too lots for something they shouldn't even care approximately. i could lots quite be around a bible pusher than somebody claiming they understand the certainty, yet can no longer even understand that there is greater that can carry approximately reality than tangible data.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see the point of actually answering your question. Your mind is already set on the answer that you are seeking.

    In all honesty, is there anything that anyone could present which would make you consider changing your mind? Likely not. That's the problem.

    Here's a quick answer, just for the lolz: Atheism is more reasonable, because it is reasonable to believe that invisible beings don't exist. Why? No one has ever demonstrated that invisible beings exist. Simple and reasonable.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, you pretty much summed up my feelings. I believe the douche bags on Internet are the most unreasonable of anyone. (not a religous statement, people are just ***** when there is no needed accountability.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We know that no gods or devils exist outside of a scared brainwashed mind .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You seems confused with terminology. I'm not sure what you're asking. Could you simplify.

    (Atheists use more logic and reasoning than theists)

  • Fine. Prove to me God exists.

    If you can't, believing in one is more unreasonable than otherwise.

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