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Agent WD-40. So this is your God?

Genesis, the first book of the Bible, has Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son to God. "Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18) Abraham takes his own son up on a mountain and builds an altar upon which to burn him. He even lies to his son and has him help build the altar. Then Abraham ties his son to the altar and puts a knife to his throat. He then hears God tell him this was just a test of his faith. However, God still wanted to smell some burnt flesh so he tells Abraham to burn a ram.


Seems odd to give ones life to such a tyrant.

Update 2:

btw, agent wd-40 is a member here. I know.... I know, odd name.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I find it ironic that people believe that the god in this story is an all-loving god. Even if the story is simply metaphor, only an evil god would ask a father to do such a thing, and only a bad father would agree to do such a thing, so what exactly is the moral of this story? That nothing should come before god? That's hogwash.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    God didn't ask Abraham to do anything that He wasn't willing to do Himself (referring, of course, to Jesus). in fact, not only did God stay Abraham's hand but sent the ram to be sacrificed in stead of Abe's son. perhaps, the test was meant to show Abraham and his family how strong his faith was to God and maybe even to show Abraham that He isn't quite the tyrant He's sometimes made out to be. i'd think a tyrant would've had Abraham carry on with the initial request. what seems odd to me is that someone loves me enough to sacrifice His only Son ( Himself in the flesh), and not a quick sacrifice, mind you, a slow painful one, for my sins knowing full well i wasn't worthy of such love. how could we not give our lives to Him?

    Source(s): to "the voice of reason" you are exactly right. nothing should come before God. ever.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think God used WD-40 to lube the squeaking wheels on His flying creature that Ezekiel says he saw.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only an evil God would ask a father to do that.

    And only a bad father would be willing to do it..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lol ,this story appears is in the Family Guy. xD

  • 1 decade ago

    What does water dispersent 40th attempt have to do with God?

  • Ami
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't even bother arguing with people like him.

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