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Why the world spend so much on medical institutions if every thing can be cured by Charismatic prayer?

A lot of TV sponsored Pro grammes by Mainly Christian priests are being telecast ed every day showing Charismatic cures of various ailments. Then why the world spend so much on medical institutions and treatment instead of simply adopting this method only?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Priests are ONLY in it for money. There is no truth in what they say.

  • Mia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because in practice and research such charismatic methods and prayer don't actually work most of the time. Some people feel better from subjective complaints but many times these symptoms return once the emotional high they get from the experience wears off. No objective ailment such as missing limbs, cancer, blindness, etc.. has ever been reliably documented to have been cured by such methods. On occasion some people have dramatic unexplained recoveries but this is statistically rare, occurs in people from a variety of incompatible beliefs, and also by people who don't claim any prayer or supernatural beliefs were used.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its a simple fact that Prayer is all Bull-dust and made up stories ,the laying of hands ,meditation and all that other crap is about a healthy as swimming in holy water , i'd rather trust a qualified Doctor than some stupid Catholic or Christian church elder to cure me or my family of what ails them .

  • 1 decade ago

    Not every Charismatic healer that you see on television is of God. Some of those "healings'"are orchestrated. Don't get me wrong, God does heal, I have been healed myself, but not by any preacher on TV. But, God gave mankind the knowledge and ability to cure ourselves. He gave us doctors and herbs to make medicines. There have been people who have died because they were told they were healed and they weren't. Any healer that is of God would tell that person to verify the healing by seeing his or her doctor. It would be quite a world if we could have the faith to do that. But, most people don't have faith even to do small things. Like read their Bibles or pray,.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have seen the sick healed through prayers, but equally I've seen sickness continue after prayer. Even in the bible, not everyone was healed, and we don't know why, God doesn't share that information with us. We are to keep praying, and allow God to heal whom he will. We never tell people to stop seeing their doctors either, we work together to make people well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because their methods of healing are simply BS.

    I will start buying into these evangelical healers if I ever see one possessing the ability to heal an amputee. Until then, they are nothing more than legal criminals.

  • 1 decade ago

    The WORLD's acts are that of darkness.... You wont steal in day light, but in darkness. JESUS is the Light of the world . To recieve His healing or Blessings one should forsake the wrong ways or the DARK paths of their life. But no one likes to forsake it .Bible says ask and it shall b given unto you. God doesnt LIE! 100% if u will forsake your wrong ways and follow jesus, then what ever u ask will will will and will be given to YOU.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because their concept is not a Biblical one and therefore does not work. Have you ever watched one of their healing services? For every one that gets "healed" a hundred go home unhealed. Makes you wonder doesn't it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Fortunately, the medical community thinks "Charismatic prayer" is just as much malarkey as I do.

  • 1 decade ago

    God gave you the gift of wisdom , your using it.

    Scam artists come out in different formats, The internet is full of them. didn't barnum and Baily say" one is born every minute?"

    don't blame Faith because their are scum bags making a buck off of religion.

    When I 'm ill , I pray my family Doctor has the knowledge to heal me and I pray God uses All what we have discovered to keep me strong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Indeed... think of all the money we could save from NOT doing medical research.

    Damn... we could even close ALL the hospitals and sack all the staff...

    Why hasn't this been done?


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