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What is Karma? How does it work? Many have said that we suffer or pay back for what we did in the past?

I have heard a few debates about Karma. What is your understanding?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus said "He that lives by the sword will die by the sword." Since we

    have so few other references this gives us a confusion of the law.

    One writer said that a belief in punishment or pay back is far from the truth.

    "it is not a aw designed to punish you or bring you into balance, but is merely

    the law of Attraction expressed in different terms and interpreted through religious

    structures that for many millennia have been based on the concept of redemption.

    Many teach that, if you abused your wealth in one lifetime, you will be poor in

    this one. That is only true if you don't change your mind.

    What we mean is: the Universe springs forth from Thought, and all action is

    preceded by thought. It is a thought that has led one to steal, abuse or murder.

    So what are the thoughts of the robber? Clearly this individual does not understand

    the law of attraction, does not understand that he or she is God, does not understand

    the infinite Love of God, and does not believe in his or her own ability to create wealth.

    .....if you hold the belief in one lifetime that you are unable to create wealth, and this

    belief is strong enough to motivate you to steal, then it is this belief that will follow

    you into the next episode of physical experience. You will draw parents with similar beliefs

    therefore setting up a similar pattern, until you decide that this no longer serves you."

    "Change your beliefs and you will change your karma"

    There is no one obligated to suffer hardship for anything. and as difficult as it may be for any of you to hear this, there is no punishment,no judgment, no failure, no negative karma.

    There is only experience.

    In the highest sense, there is no right or wrong, nothing that can turn away the

    magnificence of God's Love for you."

    Change your beliefs and you will change your karma" quoted by John Payne

    Source(s): OMNI
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Karma is different in various religions, but is mainly seen as either the consequence of your past actions (in Hinduism and Sikhism) or of the motives behind your past actions (in Buddhism). Jains have a very different idea about karma.

    It's not as simplistic as some make it out to be - "live a bad life, come back as a bug" is not how it is said to work. It's not punishment - it's more like cause and effect that lasts over lifetimes, and many who believe in it see it as kind of a natural process, although some believe it is applied by gods or by the supreme being. It's said to be always fluid - people are always accumulating new karma as they work through the consequences of past actions, so new actions can mitigate the effects of old karma and old karma can, of course, influence new actions.

    I don't know how I feel about it, but that's my understanding of some of the beliefs regarding karma.

  • 1 decade ago

    Karma is nothing more than the ancient cosmic law of what goes around comes around. The thing is, it doesn't always "come around" in the same lifetime.

    It also had to do with assuring yourself another incarnation. It is said that we incarnate into different situations to learn. As long as we resist the lesson, we keep coming back to repeat it. When we do things to insure ourselves a "repeat performance" that's our karma at work, the idea being that we eventually learn all there is to know in this material realm and we then exit the cycle of death & rebirth. However, it's not a race and and the key is to enjoy the process!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Karma is the allegedly metaphysical force that enforces justice on human beings. People who do "bad" end up suffering, people who do "good" get rewarded.

    Unfortunately, we know from reality that it doesn't always work like that. Sometimes "good" things happen to "bad" people and vice-versa. Of course if you do something illegal or irresponsible, chances are pretty good that it will lead to undesirable results. But that doesn't mean there's a magical force doing the work. So karma is more about wishful thinking.

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  • 4 years ago

    confident. I additionally think of the forged guy and undesirable guy comes into play in this. The "stable guy" continuously get screwed over mutually as the "undesirable guy" is the single doing the screwing. it fairly is the way it roles interior the wrestling universe a minimum of. hardly we see a stable guy screwing over a bad guy and if we do it quite is a pair of one hundred:a million ratio in comparison to the heel screwing the face over. Karma in wrestling does not inevitably must be getting screwed because of the fact you have screwed somebody. One occasion is whilst Chavo Guerrero took Mysterio out for months after smashing his knee with a scouse borrow chair making him provide up. whilst Mysterio got here back, Chavo won an analogous element(no longer just about interior an analogous way), yet he nonetheless have been given what replaced into coming in spite of the fact that Chavo's attack on Rey replaced into greater viscous and severe. yet another occasion is Chris Benoit triumphing his first WWE Championship after 17 long years of putting his heart and soul into his fits and in no way being rewarded. BQ: confident. Karma is concept to be via maximum religions in all hazard because of the fact it won't be a non secular element. it fairly is the way the universe works. BQ2: back this is going back to the "wrestling universe" of the region. stable men end final is a stable occasion of this. The badder you're , you will nonetheless have that side and "success" even once you exchange to a stable guy.

  • cloud
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Say that in a past life you were a Serial killer or some other terrible person. They believe in reincarnation so you come back as poor or disadvantaged the second time around.

    this is a theory to explain why some people are born into riches and blessings.

    While other people are born into poverty and maybe slavery.

    But it is very cruel thinking because it allows people to treat poor people very badly.

    There is no Karma!

  • Indi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Karma has been wrongly misinterpreted in the West. It has come to be acknowledged only in the negative sense of the word. Karma is simply the idea that whatever goes around comes around. As you give so you shall receive. It is not punishment for bad deeds done in this life or in a past life, although if one believes in past lives karma may be understood as unfinished business or lessons to be completed hopefully in this life.

    In spiritual or north node astrology, for instance, there is this concept of doing things very differently in this life, or in this stage of life--the north node representing the karmic path of this life or this stage of life, the south node representing the past life or early stages of life. A person who's north node is in Leo has the karmic task of learning how to be more of an individual who follows his or her own bliss, since this person's south node is in Aquarius--representing a past life or former life of being focused on the good of the community or the whole. Relying on group support is not an easy thing to unlearn, so it may feel like punishment every time a group of friends lets the Leo north node person down. But it is just life's way of teaching him or her to be self-reliant, to be a leader instead of a follower. By the same token, being in the spotlight might begin with excruciating stage fright, but the love the audience showers on the Leo north node person teaches him or her the karmic lesson that it is a beautiful thing to bring joy to others and to one self by being center stage.

    Instead of seeing karma as punishment or payback for bad deeds, it might be more helpful to see karma as cause and effect, or the lessons one must learn in life due to actions done in this life or a past life. We do reep what we sow. Choose love.

    Source(s): Studies, experience, and practice in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian spirituality, and spiritual or north node astrology. My north node is in Leo.
  • 1 decade ago

    Some say it is based upon sowing and reaping. Whatever a man sows that shall he reap also.

    Some say it like a monkey on your back that stays there for life, and is equally understood in Christians teaching that the life of the wicked is a curse; Like nothing ever prospering for the wicked; like when Cain was cursed for murdering Abel, Genesis 4: 12

    Some curses are upon the lives of people for giving place to demons and wicked spirits, attracting them though their lifestyle. Theses demons and wicked spirits see the down side of God's word as a BIG MAY, 1 Peter 3: 8Be sober , be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he "MAY" DEVOUR

    All the shalt not's of God if committed by anyone, is the Big May people paint on there chest; O devil come and get me, I am fornicating. They don't say that of course, but they may as well.

    What ever God says not to do the pit bull dog sees a BIG MAY Now to the Christian this lion has no teeth, just a roar, because of the blood of Jesus Christ. When a son continues to embark his affairs outside of the Word of God it can be , well final.

    The chiristian has Impunity with God and is dealt with as a son, for the blood of Christ. This is not to say he can't be afflicted if he sins, but there is a limit he can go to. but they that who are not in Christ, well there's the cemetary and the crazy house, and broken lives.

    There are many religious people calling themselves Christians who do not live the new and living way, having not the Spirit of Christ, SEE Romans 8: 9-10

    sincerely the truth edwah z j

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Basically what goes around comes around.

    Do good in one life, as in, not harming others and living your life fully and purely, spiritually and lively, and it builds your karma for your "next life", when you get reincarnated, and it affects how good of a life you get born into. Once you reach a certain height of Karma, you reach nirvana, or basically in christian terms, heaven. Enlightenment, really.

    Now, I dont believe in reincarnation and all that, but I do belive what goes around comes around. Which is basically karma in one life.

    Thats how I view it, anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    karma is being rewarded or demoted for your deeds. in reincarnation, you are reincarnated based on what you have done in your past life. it also goes into the caste system when you are reincarnated but i think its just a way for rich people to feel better about themselves.

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