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Lv 4
kanga asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Man showing affection to child= molestation?

I'm pretty upset with the ignorance of some people. Last night I asked a question regarding my fiance and I having a battle over whether or not my almost 4 year old son should be aloud to sleep with us. I say "no" my fiance says "yes" because the two of them love to cuddle every night. That pretty much sums up my question. Basically its a never ending battle with the two of us.

From the above information (no other information about the relationship between my son and my fiance was given) Someone actually said my fiance "is either an idiot or a pedophile".....(and then someone actually thumbs up'd it)..... and this women was dead serious.

In my opinion, I think it is pathetic that when people hear of a man showing affection to their kids (My son is actually his stepson) He gets accused of such a horrible thing. I don't understand why people constantly complain about fathers not spending enough time with their kids, when this is what they get accused of when they do.

I'm not blind to the horrible things that go on in this world, but I think calling someone a pedophile is a pretty bold accusation.

I am just wondering what other views on this are. Do you guys agree or disagree that in general, people tend to WANT to see men being more affectionate, but then act as if there is something shady going on when they are. I really feel like if the situation was reversed and I was the one wanting to cuddle my son, I wouldnt get accused of such a horrible thing. I dont know, I really just want general opinions on the topic because it really bothered me.



Polly- I get the concept behind what you're trying to say, but I strongly disagree. I shouldn't have to further explain the situation in order to prove my fiance isn't a pedophile. When I say something that is concerning, thats when people have a right to say that. You don't assume 'pedophile' until otherwise convinced, you assume 'not pedophile' until you see signs of such a thing.

Update 2:

Bo-- It wasn't even stated in that post that he wasn't his real dad!!! He calls him 'Dad' and has raised him as his son, so I didn't feel the need to explain that. I explained it here because I felt it was needed for this quesiton. I see your point though!

Update 3:

Also, my son is simply a cuddle bug. He cuddles with me when his dads not around, but everynight my son looks forward to cuddling with his dad. every once in a while, he sleeps at my dads house (his poppy), where him and my dad cuddle and sleep in my dad's bed. Everytime before he goes he looks at my fiance and says "I'm sorry you're not gonna have your cuddle buddy daddy..... I guess you'll have to cuddle with mommy" LOL

Update 4:

raina-- That is insane!!! Its sad when a father can't even take his daughter to the park. I am so glad I am a mother and not a father, because I'd be scared to hug my child!!!

Update 5:

Kyla- Again, I am sorry for your loss. I don't see anything wrong with a child sleeping in bed with the parent, I think its great that you do that. Its just something I'd personally like to break now. I think the bond you and your child seem to have is wonderful. Me and my son are like that too, I get changed in front of him, and keep the bathroom door open-- Funny story-- a few months ago it was that time of month for me, and my son happened to pass by the bathroom and see the mess. He ran in and said "Mommy are you okay!?!?" then yelled "Hurry Daddy!!! Mommys bleedin!" I then explained what was going on and that I was just fine, and showed him a tampon and explained that it stops the bleeding. A few weeks later (when it wasn't that time of the month) My son grabbed a box of tampons from the other bathroom and came in my bathroom and said "here mom! I got a tampon for you!" LOL

19 Answers

  • Em
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's the saddest freaking thing in the world that anybody can make that assumption. I really do. We've all heard the awful stories, and unfortunately too many of us have experienced it first hand too- but that doesn't mean it's fair to make a statement like that. Honestly- I feel bad for her, because she is obviously extremely messed up in the head, and probably lives her entire life in fear.

    Source(s): There are too many unfair double standards between men and woman as parents I can't name them all- but stay at home dad's get labeled "bums," mom's who don't have custody get labeled "deadbeats," etc... Polly- Saying this woman was using this response in protection of my sister's child is an insult to my sister (Kanga). That would imply that a perfect stranger would take more care in protecting my nephew than his mother would. And NO- nothing "IS" going on, it's a wonderful man cuddling with my wonderful nephew- end of story.
  • 1 decade ago

    It's really no wonder why father's don't want to spend time with their kids. They're too scared to. A man can hardly look at a child without someone assuming he's a pervert. My brother-in-law took his daughter to the park a while back, and some idiot woman actually *called the police on him* while my niece was off playing on the swings and not standing right by his side, because he was the only male there that day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, I happen to have given an answer to that question yesterday about me and my 3 year old boy. I thought that response was pretty uncalled for. A daddy or a mommy who loves their child wholeheartedly is not pedophile it is natural. Unfortunately we lost my husband to an auto accident when our son was 3 months. Eversince our son was all I had and was (still is) all of my world. One way or the other I love to cuddle with my son and he loves to cuddle with mommy. We live alone in a 1 bedroom, 1 bath + bonus room house and have since this past November when my son turned 3. Eversince we have lived in this house he sleeps with me. This was actually my choice to put him to bed with me. He even bathes with me everyday which is my choice as well. I will let him do both of those until he is not comfortable doing so and yet see no sign of it. My baby boy and I are very close we do almost everything together. He is a boy's boy with a good boyish attitude, independent, obedient, respectful, sweet, and beautiful and he is still mommy's baby. The bond between us is that we cuddle almost everyday, he bathes with me everynight before we go to bed, I rock him before we go to bed while sing to him and tell him stories, I lay him in bed with me right next to me, and we are very comfortable. Cuddling, hugging, kissing, and even nakedness between a small child and parent is only natural and mother nature would not make a mistake nor would her creator. Yes, we are naked around each other everyday and I do think he has a cute birthday suit (that is not pedo, that is natural), and when he is naked (whether in the bath or outside playing) I do like to pat, pinch, tickle, and smack his cute little hiney, hint, when he was 6-18 months old I would playfully give him a little tug n' wiggle or tickle on his penis. It's only natural bond between Mommy and baby.

    Kanga, You and your son are very fortunate to have each other and your man. Let the love shine through because with out love everything is hopeless. For the record I did give that answer a thumbs down.

    God bless

    Source(s): Mommy to a 3 year old boy.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I've never understood the outrage over that statement he made about how he finds sleeping in the bed with children natural and loving. He was in dire need of a teddy bear it seemed to me, most his life. Always trying to fulfill some unfulfilled desire which led him to being a compulsive spender on frivolous items, even after his income wasn't supporting it. If he was hiding something, he wouldn't have made such an obvious easy-to-condemn line. I always picture an image of him reaching for a teddy bear whenever I hear that part of the interview played. And he seemed to apply his same yearnings for love and emptiness to the children he became friends with. He wanted to make them feel good about themselves. And feel safe.

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  • J98
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think its great your Fiance wants to cuddle with you and your son. I do hope its more with you than him, but I can see what you mean when you say it. You have a family bed. I am against my son sleeping withus, but thats because I want to sleep and have my own space when we sleep and want to do things. On the weekend though in the morning that is another story. Our son wakes up and we bring him to bed. We dont sleep but play and hug and cuddle my son. My husband loves our son to pieces and even asks him to give daddy kisses. Sometimes he does and sometimes he looks at him crazy LOL! My son is 13 months old. I love that my son LOVES his daddy and that I love to see them together. Tell everyone else to take a hike and mind their own business :)

  • 1 decade ago

    OH PLEASE that's the dumbest thing that woman could have ever said my daughter is 5 and cuddles with her dad (who is not her bio dad either but has been with her since the age of 9 months)

    she loves to hug her daddy and cuddle on the couch and watch cartoons with her daddy. maybe the woman was jealous because she doesn't have anyone to cuddle with lol

  • 1 decade ago

    What a disgusting thing to say!

    My husband cuddles with our girls constantly. I'd even go as far as to say that the kids have more fun with him, he relates them better and they will come to both us equally for comfort, cuddles and affection. Anyone who thinks there's something wrong with a father showing his children affection is not right in the head. That sort of person is *off*. Period.

  • kitkat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Have to agree with you completely. I once answered a question about a 50+ yr old man who was sitting outside his apartment which faced a playground. 90+ percent of the answers were that the man was a pedophile. Because obviously no man has a reason to sit outside and face a playground without bad intentions.

  • 1 decade ago

    my son is 2 and him and my husband seem to have a tighter relationship than my son and i do sometimes. he's a daddy's boy. they play together, they sit and watch tv together, they go fishing, they cuddle up together when my little boys tired (he likes to fall asleep in daddy's arms)....

    is this father/son bonding or my husband being a pedophile??? i say they are bonding!

    oh and it is also his step dad, not his biological father..

    i agree with you Kanga 100% but there are a lot of sick minded men in this world who do prey on young children

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep I agree, and if the question was about a woman instead of a man it would be completely acceptable. Some men are too scared to look at kids these days incase something is said.

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