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Live in NorCal and love my son and husband to pieces. God Bless!

  • Things to do while in Santa Barbara?

    Great hotels and ideas, please! Thanks!

    1 AnswerLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Cheer for me potty. Did you get this for your child, and do you think it helped?

    Also, my son who is 18 months seems to be interested, so I wanted to give him sonthing he could get on/practice. Do you think it's easier to train boys sitting or standing? He already knows daddy stands, so think it makes more sense for him too also.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Pinching in my lower abdominal area, and flutter. Did you feel this before you found out you were pregnant?

    I have a son already, he is 18 months. We're trying for number two (just this month) and I did not feel like this with him. I am wondering if it has anything to do with the fact I had c section before. I am having a weird tight feeling and pinching at times with a couple flutters like a muscle spasm. It's almost like how you can feel the baby move for the first time. I know it couldn't be that, not yet anyway, but was wondering if anyone had the same symptoms and ended up becoming pregnant? My window for ovulation was the 9th thru the 13th. Thank you!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far apart are your kids in age? Would you change it? Why?

    My son just turned 18 months yesterday and I have been thinking about us having another one so he has a playmate. I dont want them to be too far apart, so would love to hear how far your children arein age, and if you like it, or would have waited if you could. If we get pregnant now, my son will be turning 2 in April and the baby would be born in July. Do you think that is too young? Should I wait another year? I just don't want them too far apart, and also would love to have a summer baby next time, so its now or a year from now. (I kow, dumb) any help would be great - thanks!

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Constipated and on South Beach?

    Does anyone have anything they know can help, that is safe for faze one? I have been on it now for 4 weeks and have a splurge on the weekends, but other than that need it to be carb or sugar free (no fruite or breads etc). any ideas? I have been living off water, brocoli, brussel sprouts and fiber tablets with no luck. Any one think of something else that could help? Thanks! PS I am dieing! I used to go twice a day before, so not going but once every other is killing me! :(

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Went to stop breast feeding last night, and now I am am full and sore, what should I do?

    My son just turned 15 months and I thought my milk was basically down to nothing. I decided to stop when he hit 15 months as he usually wants to drink at night and then is done within 5 mins, maybe 3! I of course cried last night as I just put him down with a passy (he only has one when I put him down) and then tucked him into bed. Well, today my breast is really full of milk! Not really engorged, but full enough I am worried about how I will get through another day of not feeding him. Should I feed him a little when I get home tonight, or will this prolong the stopping? I was only down to the last night feeding, so have been doing it slowly since he was a year... any advice would be great - thanks! BTW What you did to stop would be great too - thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • At what age was your child when they went to preschool/early daycare?

    My son is almost 15 months old and is currently home with a sitter all day. She doesn't do anything extra for him, but keep him fed, down for his naps and plays with him. I would love for her to take him on long walks and go places like the park/zoo etc, but she doesn't drive. My question is, if you had the choice to put your child in daycare or keep them home which would you do? You see, my sitter calls in sick a lot and it's been hard to take time off back and forth for both my husband and I all the time. I want my son to be home and for as long as possible, but also want him to start being able to play with other kids and lean about sharing etc before he gets too much older and it begins to be harder. Like I said, he is almost 15 months and really wont be able to go to the school until he is 18 months or older. We can start him in Sept when he will be 18 months or wait until Jan when he will be 21 months. What should I do, or what did you do?


    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How long after you got to the once a night breast feeding did your milk stay in?

    I am still nursing my son, but only right before bed. It's been about a week and I have really noticed a change. How long, if you did the same thing were you able to nurse before your milk was gone? I know I have hardly any milk on my left side and my right is not that much either, but still produces. I almost feel a pulling pain on the left as if it's telling me to stop, but I dont want to yet. Did the same happen to you? I know I can stop and it will be ok, it's just hard. My son is 14 months old... thanks!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Whats a great 6th year Wedding Anniversary gift?

    This year is iron and/or candy. Any ideas? Thanks! Its for my husband and no he doesn't play golf or like candy :-/ Thanks!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My son fell on his head last night?

    As his pjs had feet on them and slipped right underneath him. He is only 14 months but fell on the hardwood. Today he is sleeping a lot and is very cranky. My sitter said he is acting like he is teething and isn't taking the bottle again today either. We also were at a party this weekend where a stupid woman brought he child that looked like she was still very sick, but she said she was getting over it. Do you think the fall has anything to do with him today, or do you think it's teething or him getting sick? I have all these thoughts going through my mind, and want another opinion. He isn't getting a runny nose or anything, but this was just on Sunday.


    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I am starting to slow down breast feeding. Did this happen to you when you did too?

    My son will be 14 months so I am deciding to finally stop feeding him. Since I started to slow down the process, my left boob has almost totally dried up, while my right is still very full. Because of this I ended up feeding my son from my right boob more often followed by my left after each feeding, this being the case my left is almost done. I tried alternating the breasts, the left in the am feeding followed by the right (Which has more milk) and then the right at night and then the left , so they both are the same. I noticed when I fed my son this morning after not feeding him in the AM for the last two days, my boob on the left was almost throbbing, is this normal? I am assuming since it's basically done, there is nothing in there and the glands are getting pumped to death. I dont want to stop totally but this really hurt. And my right is still very full so want to at least go to the night feeding for the next week or so, or until I am totally done. Sorry so long, any help would be great. just want to see if this pain is normal - thx!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mom's after you had a baby, did you go back to the bikini or a one piece?

    I am 13 months post partum and my stomach is FINALLY starting to go back to normal, minus the stretched skin and flab. If I lay flat I look great, but it's so giggly now I am insecure. I am very proud of my tummy, but also can't loose weight yet since I am still nursing and only seem to succed with South Beach, which is bad for the milk and baby. Did you end up doing a one piece or say screw it and just were a bikini again? I am going away next month and want to wear a bathing suit again, but am not too sure what to get. If you have a great suggestion on a suite I would love to hear that too - thanks!

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What do you think working and non working moms? Did I over react?

    Just needing to vent. Today I got called into HR about how my team isn't very happy with me, not all of them, but a couple. I support 4 ppl and they all work remotely, so I never see them. One is work enough, and has C-Level demands! The other is constantly going back and forth on his travel, and is constantly trying to micro manage me, asking if I've checked him for flights, etc. The other two are very self sufficient. They ask me to do their expenses and maybe travel here and there, as they book a lot themselves. You see, I had a baby and came back, still breast feeding even now. My hormones have been totally out of whack, and to make it worse our HR lady has NEVER had a child and never been married. I feel like they totally were bulling me today. I am very hard on myself, so when I here bad things, take them to heart, and even still with my hormones all messed up, didn't take it lightly. Has this ever happened to you? I feel like what they are being asked of me, I can only do what I can, and when I have exhausted everything to help my team find answers, it's not good enough or the are questioning my work abilities. I really wish I could be an at home mom. I cried when I can back to work, and totally wish I could be home with our son who is now 13 months old. To be totally honest, if they were to fire me today, I could care less. I would be home and still get paid! Best of both worlds, right?

    Sorry for the long story, just want some outside support - thanks all!

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Does this sound right for a Nanny?

    I pay my Nanny $900 a month. She to me is great with my son, very blah, but he seems happy when I get home and has been safe, fed and played with. She only does that, is that normal? I see online a lot of ppl with Nannies have then cook, clean, and go shopping too at times. My nanny isn't registered, and only has one car that she has her boyfriend drop off.pick her up from my home every day with their son. She is 22. Do you think I should be asking her to do more? I feel bad it's only $5 an hour, but when I come home the house is a mess and there are dishes in the sink too! I feel like after I work all day, I have to come home and clean up what they did there all day too. She started watching my son when he was 11 months, and he is now 13 month, walking and eating foods, not just bottles. He is easier now I think too. What are your thoughts? I am very happy to have him at home, so for that am not complaining, I just want to hear what others do - thanks!

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • At what age did you fly with your child?

    If under two, how did they do? I am going to take a flight from the bay area to Orange County, so basically an hour and a half total. I have contemplated driving for 6.5 hours, but my son totally gets antsy after 1 hour in the car! Any tips you could suggest and how your trip went? Also give me the length of you trip too please - thanks!

    BTW my son will be 20 months when we go, as he is 13 months now - thanks!

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How much milk does your 13 month old drink a day?

    I am starting to wein off breast milk but my son is not a fan of cows milk either. We buy organic cows milk 2%, as my son can't do the whole milk. Today he is pushing the bottle away from the sitter and did to me the other day. Since we're trying to do more cows milk, and since I am trying to stop breastfeeding all together, we do one of each. I am worried he isn't getting enough milk. On the weekends I can go without giving him any milk! Maybe a yogurt and some cheese, but no milk. Can you tell me what you do for your little one, and let me know if you think this amount is safe? I still nurse in the am/pm, but today didn't even get to do the AM feeding before work. I am really getting full, but think I can make it til I get home, and even try feeding him tonight.

    Please share - thanks!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My son is refusing his bottle and needs to drink his milk! - HELP!?

    My son is 13 months and although I would love for him to be off the bottle totally, he usually will not drink milk any other way. I am just starting to weining him (no more pumping at work) and didn't give him the boob this morning before work and might just do the night feedings for the rest of the week and then be done. he is still drinking breast milk and them one bottle of cows milk (2%) twice a day and then was taking me before bed. he is now refusing the bottle and will not drink from the sitter! What should I do! I know the milk is important to his brain development and my sons doctor even said he needs to eventually go to whole milk. If he isn't taking anything, so I just leave it be? I know yogurt, cheese and oj with calcium is good too, but worry about the milk fat for his brain. he loves water and chugs it even! Any thoughts? He uses a straw sippy cup for that, so am wondering if that might help? any one have tips to share? Thanks!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What names can you make out of these names?

    My Name is Jameie and my husband is Len. I tried Jalen and like that it could be for a boy or girl. Can you figure out any other names?


    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What's a great beach vacation idea where you took you 1 year old or toddler?

    We take a vacation every year in June (its out wedding anniversary). Well, this year we wanted to go with our son, he just turned one on April 6th. What are some great vacation ideas you went with your little one? I live in the SF bay Area, so could easily drive to S Lake Tahoe, but we do that pretty often and I want a tropical/beachy shopping eating and relaxing (as much as i can anyway). Any ideas? Thanks!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I feel so sad. Today no pumping, did you go through this?

    My son hasn't been wanting the boob during the day for the last month, so I have decided that I would no longer pump while at work anymore. I went from three times a day to two and then one. All weekend he wanted it but when we got to the chair would get antsy and get up. I decided that I didn't need to do the once a day pump anymore either and today feel so sad. I want to hold onto that since I know he is getting bigger, (just turned one on April 6th). Did you go through this when you decided to stop, or your little one did? I still nurse in the morning at 5 am and then again before bed, but that's it. I am just wondering how long before that is gone too. I am leaving it up to him, but it makes me sad.

    Thanks for listening :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago