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Lv 5
J98 asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

How far apart are your kids in age? Would you change it? Why?

My son just turned 18 months yesterday and I have been thinking about us having another one so he has a playmate. I dont want them to be too far apart, so would love to hear how far your children arein age, and if you like it, or would have waited if you could. If we get pregnant now, my son will be turning 2 in April and the baby would be born in July. Do you think that is too young? Should I wait another year? I just don't want them too far apart, and also would love to have a summer baby next time, so its now or a year from now. (I kow, dumb) any help would be great - thanks!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My kids are 24 months apart and I wouldn't change it. They are close enough in age that they play together well, share lots of the same toys, enjoy the same games and tv programs. The only part that was difficult for me was having two in diapers and transporting two toddlers is much more difficult than one.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My oldest is 14.

    My middle daughter is 10 1/2

    My son just turned 9.

    Would I change it? No because if I did I wouldn't have the kids I have now.

    While trying for my second child we lost 3 babies to miscarriage. It was horrible & heart breaking. We started trying for a 2nd child when our first was just 2. I wanted my kids to be about 2-3 years apart.

    My son he was a welcomed surprise. We were trying but not trying for a baby. Meaning we were not using protection because if it happened we didn't mind. My youngest two kids are only 22mts apart. Almost like twins.

    What happens is up to you. There is no best time to have a 2nd or 3rd child. Everyone is different.

    Source(s): homeschooling mom of 3
  • Ana A
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My oldest was 26 months when my second was born. I am pregnant with #3 now, and there will be 23 1/2 months between my second and third. I wanted them to be no more than 2 school years apart, and I just made it. The boys are just starting to play together now. It's a bit of a challenge to have more than one in diapers at once, but I think it was right for us.

  • 1 decade ago

    my first two are 2 y and 9 mos apart. It worked out great because when the baby was born, the first was not as needy anymore, he could feed himself, play by himself for a while etc. But they were close enough where they are still mostly interested in same things and can play well together in the same level.

    My third was born when my second was only 19 mos and it was more hectic at first ( although I think adjusting to baby #3 was the most easiest transition to me) but now when they are little older ( 3,4,7) it works out great. The last two are so close they love playing and spending time together, and they are grwoning up together. My youngest and oldest ( just over 4 y apart) really never play together. They get along, but mainly co-excist.

    I loved the 2.5 y difference and I think its a great gap. Our third just came along but it worked out too

    I think its great to have them close in age because they will grow up together and be mainly able to do the same things together. So you dont have a preteen and a toddler.. The toddler cant do what the pre-teen wants to and the teen most definately doesnt want to spend a day in Sesame street -world etc..

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  • The age gap is completely up to you. There is no right or wrong.

    My oldest two are 13 months apart. Then there is a 2.5 year age gap between my second and third. We would of liked them closer, but we weren't financially ready to swing another child yet. My last two are 14 months apart. It worked out well. They all get along but especially with the sibling closest in age to them. We have the "big kids" and the "little girls" :)

    They are now 8, 7, 4 and 3.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ready for this one?

    2 children: 19 YEARS apart! First was born at age 18. The second one? Do the math. 2 boys too!!!

    Added: Can you imagine how many I would have if there had been zero birth control in between? This is my 2nd marriage- 1st husband was 16 years older and is now deceased.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are 8 ys between our 2 kids. The oldest (who is my stepson) was 8 when our daugher was born. They actually get along pretty well. He is very protective of her.

    I personally wouldn't have 2 that are still in diapers. I think 3 or 4 yrs is a good difference.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    thats funny you ask that, I have been following ya since we was prego with our 1st's, now im prego with number two on accident! I planned my first, tried too hard the first time. Now that mine is going to be a late May or June baby Im now thinking this is the best time, if its a girl my boy will protect his lil sis or he will have a best friend for life brother. I think now is a great time even tho im broke as hell lmao! Whatever you decide it is entirely up to you, i think if having one is easy then get number two in the making!!

  • 1 decade ago


    My son is 17 months old and i`m wanting another baby,I`m just unsure of how old i want my son to be when I have another,My SO told me he wanted to wait until our son is 2 1/2 or 3!

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