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Lv 5
J98 asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

What do you think working and non working moms? Did I over react?

Just needing to vent. Today I got called into HR about how my team isn't very happy with me, not all of them, but a couple. I support 4 ppl and they all work remotely, so I never see them. One is work enough, and has C-Level demands! The other is constantly going back and forth on his travel, and is constantly trying to micro manage me, asking if I've checked him for flights, etc. The other two are very self sufficient. They ask me to do their expenses and maybe travel here and there, as they book a lot themselves. You see, I had a baby and came back, still breast feeding even now. My hormones have been totally out of whack, and to make it worse our HR lady has NEVER had a child and never been married. I feel like they totally were bulling me today. I am very hard on myself, so when I here bad things, take them to heart, and even still with my hormones all messed up, didn't take it lightly. Has this ever happened to you? I feel like what they are being asked of me, I can only do what I can, and when I have exhausted everything to help my team find answers, it's not good enough or the are questioning my work abilities. I really wish I could be an at home mom. I cried when I can back to work, and totally wish I could be home with our son who is now 13 months old. To be totally honest, if they were to fire me today, I could care less. I would be home and still get paid! Best of both worlds, right?

Sorry for the long story, just want some outside support - thanks all!


In addition, I am still breastfeeding. I am not too sure who else wasn't aware, but when your milk starts to slow, your hormones take a toll, too. Since my milk went from 20 oz to 10 a day, that's when I went through post partum depression, and think this is where a lot of it is steaming, not an excuse. It a real thing!

8 Answers

  • Newt
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    personally I think you are just going through the "getting back to work blues"

    It can be so hard getting back to work after a baby and having to deal with all the cr*p a job brings and you can feel sometimes that some work people are taking the pip out of you.

    I have read your post and I really think that you are taking people too literally. You are working and you are at work and that is how they are treating you. I think maybe you think they are going to treat you different as they should know you have a young baby and are back after maternity people do not think like this, they dont care whether you have a child and are back after maternity leave they just want their reports done and that is it.

    What I would do is speak to them and tell them that you are back after having a baby and just to ease up a little or even speak to the person above and say to them it is worrying you and tell them how you feel. They have to be supportive as you are just back to work and have a young baby.

    I know this is how I would conduct a business.

    I tell you what you are doing so great back at work after having your baby so bigging it up to you hun for that and well done.

    Talking is the key and letting them know what is what.

    good luck although you wont need it.

    Source(s): have 5 children have worked after children
  • 5 years ago

    The equal form of labor as you: writing. Although I have not been released but, I've ultimately landed the process I've been ready all summer season for: the process as a journalist for the Xtreme portion of the Augusta Chronicle. The Augusta Chronicle is style of just like the New York Times since it reaches all of north Georgia and a few of South Carolina. I had per week to provide 2 articles, and allow me inform you, I did not have plenty of time to paintings on them. My boyfriend used to be traveling me from Florida--he is together with his mother for the period of her dire time--so my time used to be dedicated to him, and I most effective had an hour to paintings at the articles within the morning. But I used the ones hours accurately and it paid off since I landed that process. But I'm writing a singular I wish to have released at some point. It offers me best satisfaction at any time when I whole a scene and it elicits distinctive feelings from me. I consider best satisfaction at any time when I see the phrase depend cross up since it method I'm one phrase in the direction of being completed.

  • jigfam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Firstly, you need to get your hormone level checked if they are still out of whack after 13 months. Secondly, stop making excuses for your alleged poor work performance - it's not professional. Take a good hard look at your work and take the criticism constructively- is there anything you can do to improve your performance? Be honest!

  • 1 decade ago

    As far as I know, we only go around once. You are unhappy at your job and want to be at home with your child. So take a look at your budget and see if there is a way for you to manage that.

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  • woody
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Have a really hard look at your budget and find some way to stay home, most of us really can find a way. You want to be at home so make it happen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    work part time if money is short ,

    you need to be at home with your baby if you are breastfeeding , he is your baby and your work colleagues just want you to work, they are not remotely interested about your hormones ,post depression or any other excuses you have for your work

  • stacey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    you are not going to like my answer but i think you should be home with your baby

    so one lady has never had a child , big deal i have three children and stayed at hormonewhen they were babies

    childminders and nursery workers are not so gentle with other peoples cchildrenas they are with their own

    sorry hun but if your hormones are playing up which is unlikely if your baby is 13 months old now , you are just making a lame excuse

    people are less likely to hand their car keys to a stranger than their baby

  • kbk823
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I hate to tell you, but if you are fired for cause- unable to work as directed, etc, you will be unable to collect unemployment. So much for being able to stay home and still get paid...

    But maybe I'm not the best person to answer this question. I looked forward to going back to work after each of my three kids were born. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but they aren't my whole life. I like my job. I like my workplace. I enjoy working with numbers and budgets and everything like that. If I had to stay home with my kids, I'd be insane. I love them, but I don't want to be with them 24-7.

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