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Lv 5
J98 asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 decade ago

Does this sound right for a Nanny?

I pay my Nanny $900 a month. She to me is great with my son, very blah, but he seems happy when I get home and has been safe, fed and played with. She only does that, is that normal? I see online a lot of ppl with Nannies have then cook, clean, and go shopping too at times. My nanny isn't registered, and only has one car that she has her boyfriend drop off.pick her up from my home every day with their son. She is 22. Do you think I should be asking her to do more? I feel bad it's only $5 an hour, but when I come home the house is a mess and there are dishes in the sink too! I feel like after I work all day, I have to come home and clean up what they did there all day too. She started watching my son when he was 11 months, and he is now 13 month, walking and eating foods, not just bottles. He is easier now I think too. What are your thoughts? I am very happy to have him at home, so for that am not complaining, I just want to hear what others do - thanks!


I am NOT Asking her to cook or clean HELLO! I just said I didn't do that! Can you read? I said this is what I pay her, and this is what she does.... If she did better work maybe I would pay her more. She isn't very clean so why would I pay her more to be a lazy person? I am not going to pay you to sit your *** on my counch all day and get paid fat?

Update 2:

Yes, I just meant for her to clean the mess she makes with my son in the day. My husband and I work all day and then have to come home and reclean the mess she makes too! She leaves bottle of gatorade or what ever she is drinking on the table, and leaves the bathroom a mess too! Soap is in the sink with the floor run through around! I really sit back and think, wth is she doing here? LOL! I would never expect her to cook for m, not for $5, but at least clean up your day and your OWN mess. Make it as though I left for work and no one was there all day when I get back. Is there anything wrong with that? I think not!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She should be cleaning up whatever messes she and the kids make during the day (including dishes). Anything above and beyond that could be negotiated for a little more pay.

    Source(s): Former nanny
  • 1 decade ago

    I think your paying her to look after your son & if she's doing a good job with that then you can't sweat the small stuff. $5 an hour really isn't a lot for what she's doing already, if you wanted her to clean up then you should maybe be paying her a bit more. On another note, if your child still naps you could ask her to maybe do the dishes or clean up a bit while hes napping but make it a point that only do those things if she has time. Your child should still be her first priority. Hope that helps! :)

  • I think that she should be cleaning up the mess they make when she is watching him but as for cooking and Not for the money you pay her. She could work somewhere just cooking or just cleaning the same hours a week and make way more then she gets working for you and she has to take care of your child.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, $5/h is cheap. I charge $10/h for both boys (although it was the same before the lo was born) and on the days that I clean its $13/h. I would never work for $5/h AND do house work.

    Source(s): I also don't live in. Plus I get to take Lillian with me. :) And I drive my own car... *I clean between naps as the kiddos come first. If I don't get done by the time mom comes home, I finish then go.
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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    take him to daycare if you dont want a dirty house when you get home- i got paid $5/ hour to babysit when i was 12! why would she do more in hope that you will pay her more? offer her more money with added responsibilities and see what she says. btw you are paying her to watch your son so do not discount that as a small task like she is getting paid to be lazy and sit on the couch and get fat- if i were her and i knew that is what you thought then i would leave and never come back!

  • 1 decade ago

    You are paying her to care for your son and nothing else. The way I see it is that you can either pay her more so she can be your maid and cook, , or you find somebody who will be your son's primary caregiver, your maid and your cook, or you can stay home, save the the money and care for YOUR son and do YOUR cooking and cleaning.

    -- Happy SAHM.

  • 1 decade ago

    If your son is happy and well cared for, $5 an hour is cheap, if you want her to clean for you, pay her accordingly.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's all I'd do if that's all you were paying me...

    If you want her to cook and clean, you need to pay her much more than $5 an hour.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well $5.00 an hour for one child that is only 13 months is pricey!!!

    I was a nanny for 2 years! I lived with the family and watched two children for $4.00 but got free rent and free food. My mom is a baby sitter and for infants she charges 2.50 an hour! When i was a nanny i cooked clean bathed took them to the park did a project such as paint or color something fun once a day and had dinner ready when they got home.

    That is kinda alot you are paying her expecially since she is not registerd! I would tell her you either are going to start paying her less or have her do more. The house should be spotless when you come home that is her job i would get most my cleaning done while the kids were eating so i would not have to leave them or during nap time. i would def be talking to her!

  • 1 decade ago

    For $5 an hour, I wouldn't cook or clean either. If you want her to do everything, pay her accordingly.

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