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Since abiogenesis has recently been proved, what will Creationists say now?

RNA has been synthesized in a lab... Proving that it's possible for "God's design" to be handled by nature alone. Not that I'm saying it is, nor that Nature is God or anything like that. Frankly, I don't care what the Bible has to say. All I'm saying is that every discovery and/or piece of evidence tested to date has lended unhindered support to the theory that life evolves over long expanses of time to create new forms. We're merely the pinnacle of that process. Whether it's God's design or not is irrelevant to me and the entire realm of rationality.

So you know where I stand. I'm just curious as to how Creationists will address this.

Is it a lie?


Were the experiments' results guided by the hand of Satan?



Feel free to select OTHER and be sure to elaborate!


Do your own research Wesley. Scientists publish their work. Find their methods and you can reproduce the experiment for yourself.

Update 2:

"There's quite a difference between synthesizing RNA and the process of abiogensis, which includes the linking of protein chains that contain *information*, the building of a living organism around the RNA, the development of discrete nanostructures that facilitate the replication of the RNA, the ingestion of energy, the elimination of waste, etc. etc. etc.

I think you're a bit confused when you say that abiogenesis has been proven. It hasn't. It's not even close."

You're 100% correct, Bob, I mistyped. A natural process for the primordial synthesis of RNA has been discovered. Are you really dragging your feet with this? Or do you not completely realize the gravity of this discovery?

I believe it was the Creationists who claimed that DNA was far too complex a molecule to just "occur" from natural processes involving only 'non-living' elements. *Cough*

Update 3:

"I think you said enough for me when you said frankly I don't care what the Bible says. The reason you don't is because you are ruled by the manifestation of the spirit of sin and your eyes have been blinded to God and his creation. Intelligent design is easy to see. God works in many peoples lives. Do you ever wonder why he doesn't reveal himself to you, or does he?"

I COULD tell you that He does reveal Himself to me, but you wouldn't believe it anyways.

My perception is that your mind has been folded into a single collection of archaic stories that you've allowed a group of narrow-minded, but strong-willed people drive into you to the point of complete oblivion of the FACTUAL world that exists in science and human rationality. Or maybe not completely, but you're holding onto it strongly when reason knocks at your door.

You say I'm held and blinded by Satan. I say you're blinded by your own ignorance. Which I KNOW has a basis in reality.

Update 4:

"Scientists synthesizing is intelligent design not natural processes happening by themselves. You do realize that don't you? I didn't mean to embarrass you but you are misrepresenting the truth."

Before you decide that, read up on the experiment?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You've proven nothing, except a reluctance to post your source. I've been searching for about an hour for your reference to "THE experiment" and I can't figure out WHICH one you mean....

    But it doesn't matter, does it? Because Spiritually speaking, Edward J just ripped your guts out and made an open display of your faulty logic. This is one of the things I love about Yahoo...Every once in awhile some sophomore thinks they are the first to realize something revolutionary, until a fifth grader pokes holes in their logic. It's comical.

    This is an excerpt from the article: "The headline of the article is somewhat misleading, as these scientists have not actually created artificial life, but modified existing life. The DNA was modeled after a known bacteria, and a living cell "hosted" the synthetic DNA. All the materials for life were not created, but borrowed or duplicated."

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    John the Baptist

  • 1 decade ago

    If abiogenesis was able to produce RNA, that proves nothing but that the first requisite needed for living matter had been met. There are other, more challenging hurdles.

    The great minds of these scientists are being wasted on such foolish speculation. Why reinvent the wheel? They have a duty to humankind, rather than their own egos that wish to abolish spirit. They also have an insanity that might not be curable. He who breaks a thing to discover its nature is not wise.

    Maybe in their next life?

  • 1 decade ago

    There's quite a difference between synthesizing RNA and the process of abiogensis, which includes the linking of protein chains that contain *information*, the building of a living organism around the RNA, the development of discrete nanostructures that facilitate the replication of the RNA, the ingestion of energy, the elimination of waste, etc. etc. etc.

    I think you're a bit confused when you say that abiogenesis has been proven. It hasn't. It's not even close.

    The best molecular biologists believe that it took about half of our evolutionary time just to develop the first living cell. The remaining 50% of evolution would have taken from the first cell to homo sapiens. That you think this is a simple or a short-lived process only confirms that you're misreading something someplace.

    It's always delightfully ironic when the scientifically illiterate jump on the bandwagon on these types of questions, ridiculing those ignorant Creationists -- and yet they don't understand the science themselves! Personally, I'd rather investigate and understand something rather than accept it as gospel truth and ridicule others for not understanding it. Seems sort of foolish to me.

    EDIT: Of course, my answer is pure silliness compared to that of Edward J. He cuts right to the chase. Nice job!

  • 1 decade ago

    When was this?



    "Do your own research Wesley. Scientists publish their work. Find their methods and you can reproduce the experiment for yourself." got nothing then.

    Also, out of curiosity, have you honestly "reproduce[d] the experiment for yourself?" Is that what's really expected in order to believe the study? That you recreate it yourself?

    You are right, though. Scientists do SHARE their work.

    It's just a shame you won't show the same courtesy.

    "You're 100% correct, Bob, I mistyped. A natural process for the primordial synthesis of RNA has been discovered."

    And the study doesn't even claim what you claim it claims anyway?

    How does one accidentally "mistype" the word "abiogenesis" for the phrase "a natural process for the primordial synthesis of RNA?"

    Let's leave intellectual dishonesty in the realm of the creationists, OK?

    "Before you decide that, read up on the experiment?"


    Care to share it with us? Just a little link to a peer-reviewed journal? The name of the lead scientist on the team? The institution where it came from? The date of publication? Anything? Anything I can use to narrow the search and find the same study you are referring to since you won't just link it directly?

    Is "do your own research" how science spreads itself now?

    "Hey! I learned a new thing!"

    "That's cool! Tell it to me."

    "No. Go figure our what I'm referring to and study it on your own."

    Now we're spreading the knowledge!

    ...or not.

    Source(s): I don't know the source because the person making the claim refuses to cough one up.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Scientists synthesizing is intelligent design not natural processes happening by themselves. You do realize that don't you? I didn't mean to embarrass you but you are misrepresenting the truth The problem is you are so willing to believe it "just happened" that you seem to miss the point that it didn't "just happen". You have still yet to account for the origin of the information they just happened to borrow from another cell. This has nothing to do with abiogenesis. Edit: The clue should have been scientists "create" life as opposed to self organisation proven. When you can show us how DNA self organised by itself you will have something. Edit to epicboy: There is a difference between evolution and the theory of abiogenesis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    See, now, there's an important fact you haven't considered. The people you're trying to debate with are very narrow-minded and ignorant of most types of science. It's pretty useless trying to talk about anything with them. These are descendants of the same people who jailed Galileo for talking about the heliocentric theory. They are very stubborn and will cling to their indoctrinated beliefs until the day they die.

    Edit: Ricky D. is a Class A example of an idiot.

  • 1 decade ago

    The experiments were the work of Satan. Anyway, it doesn't prove anything. And what's RNA got to do with anything anyway - what about the soul? Did they make a soul? No, obviously not. I define my soul as something that contains guilt and confusion. They didn't make that, and only God can save me!

    Source(s): Bertrand E. Elzebub 4th
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Since abiogenesis has recently been proved, what will Creationists say now?"

    One of their spin doctors will make an obscure irrelevant observation and it will be discovered as pure boolshit but fundie won't listen to the fact it's been debunked and continue to parade even another LIE as 'truth'.

    [[ edit ]]

    avocado: Ricky D. is a Class A example of an idiot.

    I thought he was being sarcastic and gave him a TU.

    He was serious? What a penis.

    Like... wow... man... ... just wow.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They'll say "abiogenesis??? genesis is a book in the bible!! that proves it's validity!!!"

  • 1 decade ago

    Debating Creationists on the topic of Evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."

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