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Where in the Constitution does it say that the USA is a Christian nation?

Conservatives keep screeching: "America is a Christian nation!" where in the Constitution does it say that the USA is a Christian nation?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmmm. I'm a conservative and I've never screeched that "America is a christian nation"!

    The Constitution is pretty agnostic concerning religion. On reading, it appears as though there was some consensus among the Founders that there was some sort of creator, and that they wanted to allow for people to freely practice religion without government interference or sanction, but that's about as far as it goes.

    As an aside, being conservative does not equate to being religious any more than being a liberal equates to being an atheist.

  • 1 decade ago

    Haven't you been paying attention ? or aren't you too bright ?

    This question was just asked not 5 min ago.

    The fact is if you want to get technical, there is no statement in the Constitution claiming such.


    When you evaluate our founding fathers, what they said, the mention of God and the importance of belief, you have to come to the conclusion that we were in fact at the start a nation, founded by Christian leadership.

    They have stated that if we lose site of God, that our nation will fail. They have mentioned God in individual constitutions for most of the states. There is tons of evidence you would have to overlook to come to a pathetic conclusion that we aren't a Christian nation.

    But being a free nation, we are tolerant and accepting of many different people's and migrants.

    For once be honest, do you really think that 1/2 the corrupt and down right evil crap you see going on today in America that our fore fathers had a chance to consider ? Do you think for once they thought it would be conceivable that the Government would go against the will of the people and get by with it ? They even wrote that one down to give the people the right to overthrow the government. Yet we haven't. Do you think they thought someone would be so loathing of thier own country that they would spend thier time in Unpatriotic protests like Code Pink ? Or a home grown terrorist like McVeigh ?

    Our founding fathers were smart, but they couldn't forsee every possible change in the future. I'm sure there were many things that were taken for granted. Like Patriotism toward one's one country.

    We have as a nation gotten a long way from our roots, which is why alot of this crap is happening in todays world. But you can't blame our founders, and you can't white wash the past to make this country out something you want it to be, which is different than history shows it was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Of course, it also doesn't say that we're an English speaking nation, and to say we're not is ignorance.

    We're a predominantly Christian nation (notice that Christmas is a national holiday) that allows the (more or less) free exercise of other religions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure you're just pretending not to know that America was settled & founded predominantly by members of various Christian denominations, so the observation does not depend on a specific reference in the Constitution. By the way, the Declaration makes several references to the Creator. I'm not a Conservative or a Christian but let's not lie about history just to make it fit our political agenda.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it does. But it does allow people the freedom of religion. So why is it that the far left wack-o's are trying their best to stomp out Christianity when the MAJORITY of the USA are Christians??

  • Kevin
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Nowhere does it say that the USA is a Christian nation. In fact, many of the Founding Fathers themselves were either Deists or Atheists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uuum, maybe you need to stop paying attention in film class and start paying attention in history instead. What it says doesn't matter. Who said it and signed it does for your question. All were Christian men and had a profound belief in something higher. Also, 86% of US citizens classify themselves as Christian. That said and logic states that the United States is a Christian nation. Of course, progressives who love to rewrite history as they see fit would tell you otherwise but, as usual, they are lying. I believe you are probably of the latter.

    Bertrand is a prime example of those who rewrite history for their own ends.

    Source(s): Agnostic by the way.
  • 1 decade ago

    No different then Libs screaming '' America is an agnostic, atheist nation!''

    It was a nation founded on religious freedom whatever you may choose whether Christian or not or any other.

  • It doesn't. As a matter of fact, you can look up Article 11 in the Treaty of Tripoli which states, "the government of the United States of America, is in no sense, founded upon the Christian religion." This was signed under president John Adams, one of the founding fathers, and this treaty was signed unanimously by other men who were also founding fathers.

    he U.S. Constitution is a secular document. It begins, "We the people," and contains no mention of "God" or "Christianity." Its only references to religion are exclusionary, such as, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust" (Art. VI), and "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" (First Amendment). The presidential oath of office, the only oath detailed in the Constitution, does not contain the phrase "so help me God" or any requirement to swear on a bible (Art. II, Sec. 1, Clause 8). If we are a Christian nation, why doesn't our Constitution say so?

    What about the Pilgrims and Puritans? The first colony of English-speaking Europeans was Jamestown, settled in 1609 for trade, not religious freedom. Fewer than half of the 102 Mayflower passengers in 1620 were "Pilgrims" seeking religious freedom. The secular United States of America was formed more than a century and a half later. If tradition requires us to return to the views of a few early settlers, why not adopt the polytheistic and natural beliefs of the Native Americans, the true founders of the continent at least 12,000 years earlier?

    Most of the religious colonial governments excluded and persecuted those of the "wrong" faith. The framers of our Constitution in 1787 wanted no part of religious intolerance and bloodshed, wisely establishing the first government in history to separate church and state.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what liberal drones don't realiZe is that "Freedom of religion" is not in force. "freedom FROM religion" is.

    and when no religion holds that spot for us only the gov't will be there as our church.

    and no..don't count on it being family...the libs killed all the friends you could have had (abortion)and the marriage you could have had (divorce rate).....

    wow..look what no religion has done for us so far....

    and don't start whining about those who killed in HIS name dammit.....i could start killing in Your name tomorrow!

    Jesus never killed anyone YET.

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