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Why do liberals believe Obama will cut spending?

Since the end of World War 2 federal spending has never gone down. Not 1 time.

In my lifetime:

Reagan said he would cut spending, he did not.

Bush said he would cut spending, he did not.

Clinton said he would cut spending, he did not.

The Republicans took control of Congress in 1994 on the promise that they would cut spending, they did not.

Bush said he would cut spending, he did not.

The Republican Congress said it would cut spending, it did not.

Obama promises that sometime in the future when the economy is fixed, he will cut spending...he will not.

Look at the graph about 3/4 down the page. For 60 years, everyone in both parties has been promising to cut spending, nobody has done it. Not 1 time.

So, the fact is that Obama and the Dem Congress has increased spending. The fact is that spending has not gone down, not 1 single time in 60 years. So, despite these facts, why do you believe that Obama will cut spending? Where is he going to cut it from? Entitlements? He loses the votes of old people. Military? He loses mililtary and moderate votes. Bail outs? He loses union votes and corporate votes. Just like every politician, he is lying. He campaigns on a promise to cut spending, but when he is in office he can't do it, it is impossible because he will lose votes which will hurt his personal power and his party, and that is the ONLY thing he honestly cares about.

This is not an anti-Obama question, because as you can see, the Republicans are just as bad. The question is about you as an individual. Why do you refuse to see the facts and just blindly believe that a politician will do the impossible?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a liberal, and I don't believe Obama will cut spending. Why would I? Why would he? That would be economically counterproductive during a recession and it naturally goes up with inflation, even for a constant level of government services.

  • 1 decade ago

    During my lifetime, the population of the USA has multiplied and the US population has never decreased. This alone explains why no President and No Congress has not cut their spending in 60 years. Combining the additional costs caused by an increase in the US Population with the costs of the Cold War, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, the War on Terrorism makes reducing Federal Government spending impossible... not to forget the soaring prices of energy--I have seen the price of a gallon of gasoline soar from below 15 cents to over $4 per gallon... And the other sources of soaring prices such as in health care and.......

    In addition if you expect the spending of the US Government to be cut after all of the bailouts and stimulus packages orchestrated by Bush II and implemented by Obama, you need to go back to school and start your education over from the first grade--with an emphasis on mathematics.

  • Kman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm liberal, and I don't believe Obama will drastically cut the overall budget. Unless you count winding down the Iraq war - that's a lot of $ right there.

    I don't think that cutting spending *right now* makes a ton of sense anyways; government spending stabilizes the economy. I'd rather cut the fat when the rest of the economy is healthy.

    I do think Obama will take the proper steps to close the deficit though. That's getting the economy back on track (more tax revenue), eliminating the Bush tax cuts, and ending the war. Obama has a lot of Clinton-era advisers, and they got the deficit under control...

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can only speak for myself because I have never heard this discussed among liberals.

    I do not believe he will cut spending & I do not believe in that unless it is to cut waste. I do believe he has already done that & health care is proof of the waste & corrupt spending being cut out.

    When I got married almost 34 years ago we had $7 & that is it. We worked hard saved every penny & bought a house & paid it off.

    Times changed. You could say I was very conservative with my money. Yet, it was a horrible way to live. I only drank water & I suffered but I reached a goal that no one I know of was able to do at such a young age.

    I have studied prosperity & now I do not believe in being conservative. I look at everything holistically. Do this: breathe in & breath out. That is circulation. Now breath in & this time hold your breathe. I didn't say let it out. What happens. You can not take in another breathe unless you release. This is very important.

    I did an experiment with my own finances. I have learned that the best way to be prosperous is to actually not hold tight. If I fear then I constrict the flow. Think of the body as a metaphor. If you didn't have good circulation you would die. Ask a diabetic or others with circulatory problems what happens if the blood flow to their feet stops or to any organ? That part dies off & eventually they die.

    Obama has kept the country circulating the best he can do. He understands healing. He has many friends who are the richest people in the world but got that way through their own intelligence.

    To understand how people go from rags to richs you will see they really have a system. They look at things different that others who don't make gains. Liberals understand this. Often republican have money because they are very focused on it. if they lost their money they wouldn't know how to manifest it again cause they only know hard work as a way to get it. Prosperity comes from focus not hard work.

    So I don't think he is going to cut spending nor do I think he needs to do that unless changes show that what is being spent is not needed anymore. I have stopped spending money on cable because I found I didn't get my money's worth out of it. I have stopped have a land line phone cause it wasn't worth the money I spent on it. So I took the money I saved from getting rid of it & now use my cell phone but have free unlimited minutes. There are wise ways to cut things but he is not going to do it as a republican would do.

    George W. Bush told the Army Corp of Engineers he would not pay to have the levees fixed. We the tax payers had already paid to have this work done. While Clinton was in office the money was collected & put to the side. Then when the work was scheduled the next Pres. was in office which was Bush & he refused. He cut spending. Do you know how much more we paid for Katrina?

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  • J M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Reality check:

    Both Democrats and Republicans decreased the deficit every year until Reagan took office. The cutting spending and reducing the size of government stance is the great Republican lie.

    Clinton did not cut spending, but he did not increase it and actually put programs in place to head off waste. He is also the only one that actually did decrease the size of government.

    This is not the time to cut spending. We need to fix a lot of things that have been neglected under Republican rule. It won't come cheap.

    Everyone wants the border protected, that will cost money. Everyone wants jobs and economic stimulus, that costs money too. Everyone wants us out of the Middle East, that isn't going to be free.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya Obama might cut spending on like, canadian border patrol? Ha ha Ya no he isn't gonna cut spending. Obama is giving us more services and it's going to cost more money. He hasn't directly raised taxes on the middle class but he has increased taxes on smoking. Which is supposed to be a bad thing according to conservatives?

  • 1 – Hope (that, somehow, this time it's gonna be different).

    2 – Change (from The Evil George Bush).

    Yes, "liberals", really.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, he will cut military spending, but will continue to create new social programs and increase social spending.

    Libs say Obama will cut spending because Obams said so and they blindly repeat what he says.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a liberal and I don't believe Obama will cut spending, nor has he really been saying he will. He will cut it in some areas, but overall spending will increase. HE wont increase it like a republican would, but it will go up

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont believe Obama will cut spending. he's increased spending- on the defense budget AND the wars

    He's Bush

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