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Are tax exemptions for religious groups a violation of the First Amendment?

By giving churches a tax exemption, isn't government passing a law that aids religion? Should we be giving tax exemptions for mansions, luxury cars, and private aircraft? What about holdings of land not used for religious purposes?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every Priest, Pastor, or Reverend I have ever met and I have met hundreds are thieves, liars, pedophiles, and crooks. Tax them just like the rest of us, and please point me in the right direction to meet one that is honest, I would like to see that man or woman.

  • Tom W
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There are exemptions for religions but there are also exemptions for 501 (c) organizations, non profits as well. There is an awful lot of hatred directed toward religion today, its very chic to hate religions. Me? Not very religious, believe in God, sometimes will attend a church, but don't have a steady one. I was poor growing up, went to a private Catholic school on a scholarhsip and got a very good education. So many people seem now to equate religion in America with a political issue and stance. If you are in a religion, you are a right wing conservative and a Republican. I think nothing could be further from the truth. The Catholic Church comes under a great deal of hate, much of it based on its opposition to abortion and gay marriage. For them, they are not political issues. I happen to believe that abortion should be available and that gays should be able to marry but I also happen to believe that its possible for others to have different opinions on that without being subject to hatred. There is probably no other religion that has as many Democrats in it as does RC. RC is the most common religion on the Supreme Court, which upholds abortion every time. It would seem that being a Catholic does not make you a Republican or someone who is beholden to any church. A lot of political people use religion for just political purposes. When I say that I am sure that a liberal would think you bet those blow dried born ministers are all a bunch of Republicans...and I don't disagree that some minister are very political and not so religious. But we also have to rememver Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are ministers who clearly use religion to mobilize people into voting blocks that they can exchange for power and wealth. It may not be so much religion that is morally bankrupt as it is the political system that wants co-opt religion. People should not allow religion or politics to drive them crazy. There is no reason to punish churches who are doing, probably the most, charitable work in this country. The social service system is completely worthless but all kinds of churches are running orphanages, schools (on reservations and in the innner city they are the best shot at a good education), hospitals (they treat the homeless and the poor but just don't go there for an abortion) and in helping families through tough times. It is as unfair to say that all priests are pedophiles as it is to say that all libeals are communists, both are ignorant remarks not based in fact. There are ministers and priests and nuns and born again made up religions doing incredible good acts. Because people suspect religion as being a Republican conspiracy is no reason to bring those good works to a halt. We don't need another great change in our tax system, leave it the way it is and go find someone else to hate.

  • Coqui
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Government gives tax exemptions to non-profit organizations. While there is abuse (C Street, and mega churches come to mind to name a few), the spirit of the law is good.

    If true non-profit organizations would not have this tax break, most would not be able to survive... and guess who would have to provide those services and from whose pockets?

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    It would not, as taxes are not mentioned in any respect in the 1st substitute. maximum non secular communities and agencies are seen non-income agencies and are given a tax-exempt status. there are a number of different agencies which get tax exemptions for being non-income besides, so this is atypical they are never attacked because of fact of it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What about tax exemptions for other groups:

    --the Red Cross

    --the March of Dimes

    --the Democratic National Committee

    If one is forced to pay taxes, they all will.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it "aids religion," but the REAL 1st Amdt. does not prohibit that aid, only the Court's inconsistent, not-thought-out interpretation of it does.

  • 1 decade ago

    no if they did have to pay then that would be double taxation and it would conflict with "separation of church and state".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, taxing them would be.

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