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What are Japanese scientists hoping to discover via whaling?

Apart from their first big breakthrough - if you harpoon a whale it will die, what exactly are they hoping to discover? Cold Fusion? Just call it what it is - Slaughter.


Jim, they are whaling near Australia, so it is my business. And its wrong.

Update 2:

My main point is that they are hiding behind research (which is total bull$hit) insteading of openly saying that they are hunting.

Update 3:

Its legal if it is for scientific purposes - and i'm yet to see anything come from this "research" they've been doing, unless you've heard something Jim?

Update 4:

Whaling is illegal unless it is for research, just saying "Um yeah we are doing research" isn't sufficent. Emotive Jim? Bit of Pot calling the Kettle black methinks...

Update 5:

I thought the whole point of this forum was to ask questions Jim? And again WHAT RESEARCH?? WHAT HAVE THEY FOUND?? Well done whale isn’t as tender as medium rare whale? And instead of providing an answer to my question (which you haven't/can't whatever) you decided to have a go at people who do care enough about this issue to put themselves in harms way to do something about it. At this point I would like you to re-read my question and added notes and tell me at what point I said anyone should do that? I didn't - you just made an assumption. I am just pointing out that the Japanese are not doing research, they are just hunting. Go grind the axe you have for the greenies somewhere else.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Call it what it really Slaughter is your opinion. Do you eat sea food? Lots of people all over the world gobble down tons of Tuna, mackerel, cod, Tilapia, shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters, on and on. No one screams about that now, do they? People get rich from it too. Why can't people worry about what's going on in their own country and stop putting their nose in the business of someone elses country?? Sheesh!


    IT'S LEGAL, so that ends the argument of right and wrong. Those people in Boats who try ramming whaling ships, or interfering with them, endangering lives while doing so are acting ILLEGAL . They risk lives over whales? How stupid is that????


    Who are you that the Japanese have to describe their science to? who are those crazies in boats risking human life for a damn whale? Your argument is all opinionated and based on emotions, not laws. Any country that is acting legally is not required to answer anyones questions. Again, I say until it is illegal, everyone should mind their own business. And those who risk human lives over whales need help.


    Again, who are YOU to question what another nation calls research? Do you actually condone and see the sense in risking human life to promote your personal agenda? How many people should be sent to their deaths over a matter that has absolutely no affect upon you or them, all in the name of a moralistic crusade?

    Again, mind your own business and attend serious matters at home. Go to work in a homeless shelter. Volunteer in a hospital or nursing home. Mentor a fatherless or motherless child. Give someone sleeping on the street a meal and a cup of coffee.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is totally inbred in their culture. Japan for many years during the 'enlightenment' i.e the time that Western travellers arrived, closed their borders and continued to promote their way of life. They were very clever; they learned from the 'invader', and essentially used his tactics, along with their own, to become powerful. They still murder whales, in a corporational way, for financial gain, but this was a trade the West envied back in the day. This is still their argument today: the West told us to do it.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are conducting serious scientific research to discover exactly how much they can sell whale meat for in restaurants and in food processing plants. There is also a taste-testing component.

    This is the country that invented sushi.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Japanese have always had a cruel streak in them, and nothing will alter that.It is time now for all Countries to get them to stop. We in the UK with others have now banned it ... so what makes the Japanese so special that we all let them continue in this vile killing. Just tell them to stop and if they do not, serve them a notice telling them that when the deadline arrives all Countries will bomb their Ships out of the water, and see what that reaction brings. Scientists... ! rubbish ... just an excuse,, !

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They live in a world of fantasy. Believing in magic potions, dragons, while others pray on their childishness and sell whale products, thought I do admire their demeanor toward each other. Could be those long sharp swords.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    seems to me that Poseidon might have sent his minions to wreck merely the whaling boats had he had to take action. possibly the eastern human beings as an entire offended Poseidon in some incorrect way, case in point by using discharging too plenty effluent from their waste therapy vegetation into Poseidon's realm. In different words, he grow to be ill of all their s**t.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess they want the same thing the US, South American, Europen slaughterhouses are seeking... As long as we desire to eat it, they will kill it for us.

    - Don't eat anything with a face.

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