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crazyme asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

Smoking inside or out?

Ok so I would like to know what you all think about this. I grew up with a father who smoked around me all the time back then we didn't know what we know now. I have been married to a smoker for 22 yrs. and It really has never bothered me before. But last few yrs I get sick more. a lot in my chest. the Dr. always says it due to 2nd hand smoke. Also I notice now that my house has that smokers smell to it and I don't like it. I have asked my Husband to only smoke outside now. But he refuses and says that he pays the bills just like I do and shouldn't have to go out its his home to do as he pleases. I feel like I pay the bills too and its my home too and shouldn't have to deal with his smoke. So who is rite? and I would like to know when you answer if you are a smoker or not.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think he should smoke outside that is unfair for you to get sick when you are not smoking, you are definetly right. i am a smoker

  • 1 decade ago

    Well... firstly, your husband is rapidly decreasing the value of your home by smoking in it. If you ever wanted to or needed to sell it, you might have a difficult time finding a buyer. Long-term smoking in a residence leaves an odor that can linger for months (and often requires that you not only repaint, but also replace all of the carpeting before it will go away completely), and a lot of people don't want to deal with that.

    Second... he seems to have very little care for your health. Assuming, that is, that you've made him aware of what you were told by your doctor.

    You might try investing in a filtration system, and see if it improves things for you. Ionizers are good at removing particulates like smoke from the air. And if you don't have one already, get a vacuum cleaner with a hepa filter, and vacuum FREQUENTLY (three to four times a week). I'd also replace your furnace filters with hepa/anti-allergen fitlers.

    Be aware that it will raise your power bill. And hepa filters aren't exactly cheap either. Maybe the added expense will convince your husband that it's cheaper to just smoke outside (and even cheaper still to simply quit).

  • 1 decade ago

    If your husband honestly loves and cares for you he would go outside. I don't agree with the whole I pay the bills things. If its harming you physical then whoever pays the bills should not matter. My husband and I both stop smoking cold turkey when our son was diagnosed with seizures. Your health should be more important to him then that. My mother also pulled that card out and I refused to take my son to her house unless she smoked outside. She eventually stopped smoking in the house. So on the whole issue I feel you should have the right to live a healthy and happy life in your home and if your husband does not believe that than you do not need him.

    Source(s): ME!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are right. He should smoke outside. You don't smoke, so you shouldn't get the effects of it.

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  • Per D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The man of the house is always right!

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