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Lv 4

Quaestion about believing in Jesus?

If you have to accept Jesus as your savior to get in to heaven what happens to all those people who never heard of Jesus, like most of Asia, Africa, etc. It's probably about 2/3 of the world that never heard of Jesus through no fault of their own, they were just born in the wrong place. Are they all going to hell? And what about all the people that have ever existed, even more of them never heard of Jesus, even after he was said to be on earth. Are they all in hell too?

If the answer is yes why would we worship a god that sends people to hell through no fault of their own?

If these people get (or got) into heaven anyway, then why does anyone have to believe in Jesus?

I'm looking for what the church actually believes.


These aren't very good answers, more like excuses, what about all the people that have ever been, all native Americans prior to Columbus for example. They are all in hell I guess. That seems just awful, what a horrible god to worship.

Update 2:

Pop tart, I read it. they are all burning in hell. BILLIONS of innocent people burning in hell for all eternity because they didn't have the option to know jesus. Sick as hell, I agree entirly that is F'ed up. You rock girl, that some sick stuff!!!!!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    new here?

    Christian orthodoxy is simple; they are, every one of them, in Hell.

    If a single Gandhi were allowed to be in heaven the whole "our religion is the only way" argument falls utterly flat . . . .

    EDIT: please note how many of the answerers refuse to address the question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You probably have no idea how many times this argument has been made. But honestly, in this day, and age, with the numerous forms of communication we have at our disposal, with all of the missionaries in places like Asia, Africa, ect. do you honestly believe that there is no possible way, on earth that those people have no way of knowing about Jesus?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For since the creation of the world His [God] invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so they [people] are without excuse. Romans 1:20

  • 1 decade ago

    Your estimate of how many have heard of Jesus is extremely low. I would guess it is at least 95% or more of the world's population. We are very close to the time when all will have heard of Jesus.

    You are presuming what God's judgement would be on those who haven't heard of Jesus. Don't forget, the creation points to God, so all have an opportunity to know Him.

    I would be much more concerned about those who have heard but have rejected Him.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those who haven't heard of Christ will either: Be judged on there life or: Be deceived. We you haven't heard of Christ or Yahweh its easier for a demon to deceive you. If you don't believe demos can harm you. Hitler himself was possessed, many Nazis agreed Hitler was evil but how? Hitlers good friend claimed he was possessed and claimed Hitler spoke in a demonic voice and many times would claim he went into a trance and acted very Demonic.. Hitler before he was possessed had no belief in a God he let the demons control him....

  • 1 decade ago

    Take the time to read this: Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation?

  • a loving god wouldn't send them to hell.

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