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I'M DEVASTATED...My husband is moving to Florida with his mother?

I was blindsided yesterday. My husband quit his job, and is moving with his mother to Florida. His mother has been living with us since December. She is 82 and suffers from "Maunchauser's Syndrome" with severe attention seeking disorder, with passive-aggressive tendencies. My husband is so overwhelmed with caring for her, his high mortgage payment, tenant problems...he has no motivation to save anything.....including his marriage. He quit a job that he loves that pays $60,000 a year. After begging and pleading for him not to leave, I left to stay with friends because the pain is so horrible.

What makes this so hard, is that we have made love everyday since we met. He told me how much he loves me the night before all of this. Everything was going great. He would say how I was a gift from God and that I was a beautiful soulmate and helpmate to him. I don't understand.....even at my age......I am filled with grief.

We have had difficulties in our marriage because of his mother's constant demands on him and our marriage. It is never enough. We both work and spend all of our off time with her....but it is never enough. I realize that blood is thicker than water....but to leave his home of 26 years, a great job he loves, and the woman he loves.....? I am giving him his space to find himself again. But he is blaming me for his frustration he feels towards his bills and the demands of his mother. Can he not see? Will he remember how wonderful the good times were? Do you thnk there is any hope of him coming back?

I am going back to our home and taking over the care and maintaining the payments on our home....his mortgage. I am trying to make this as painless for him as possible, and trying to allieve his guilt over what he is doing to me. He keeps calling our tenants to make sure I am okay and I don't get that. I feel so unvalued and am confused and in extreme emotional pain. I don't understand why he would give up his life for such a woman whom he admits is manipulative and demanding. This is so hard considering that I lost my late husband 2 years ago and thought I would die over that loss. And now this. Can a man or anyone out there tell me, objectively what might be going on in his heart?

We have had communication problems because of both of our frustrations with our situation with his mother.

Thanks for your understanding and compassion.......


Ryder....I would never interfere with my children's marriage....period. If there were a problem, I would stay out of my children's marital bed and respect their marriage. I would tell them to work it out.....not encourage my child to abandon his job, home, and wedding vows that say so much. God never said to put a parent before a spouse.....I believe in was I who wanted his mother to live with help her. That is why I feel so betrayed and hurt. Can you not understand that kind of pain?

Update 2: anybody in there?

I said he has been in his HOME for 26 years....not we had "not been apart" for 26 years. This is the home he raised his children in, has cherished memories in.....He quit his job, which he loves.

No.....I wish I had been selfish and than maybe this wouldn't have happened. I feel like enough of a doormat and used, without you being vindictively hateful, just because you don't read the question.

I am not meaning to be harsh.....I am in pain....I took care of this woman, called her mom and treated her like she was my mom. I am hurt by the betrayal....Get it?

Update 3:

I guess I have mis-stated something....for one, his mortgage payment is $3,497.81 a month.....I am going to be struggling.

For another, his mother is sharp as a tack.....she has severe attention seeking disorder.....She burned her home down 50 years ago and than burned a second home down 30 years ago. Her Doctors tell us that she is VERY smart and has all of her faculties. She just craves the "you poor thing" attention. I feel gullible, and stupid enough for believing that I could make a difference. I married my husband, not knowing all of her problems. Heck, my husband didn't even know until October. She moved in with us in December 2009.

Update 4:

Hi Sunshine.....I appreciate your thoughtful answer. I have seen a psychiatrist. I do have issues with loving too deeply and giving too much. But all of this stemmed AFTER my late husband died. My husband and I have had a beautiful relationship, except where his mother is concerned. I guess I am confused because Monday night, I came home from work, and he sought me out, made love with me and it was not in a "goodbye" type of way. He kissed me tenderly and told me how much he loves me. Than the next morning I woke, he was gone all day, and I was removed from the house until he could leave without feeling so much guilt....which I can understand. It was an underhanded thing to do. This was unexpected. I didn't mean to imply that our relationship was all about sex. We have shared our dreams, laughter, sorrows, goals, and made life time plans.....I sold my home and gave him every cent. And no, he isn't a conartist. My husband told everyone he loves me...?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It breaks my heart to hear your story. Your husband is a man who does not think of you the way a husband should think of his wife. A husband should love, honor and cherish his wife above all others. He should respect her and include her in any major decisions he makes.

    You have done so much for him and endured so much heartache. Then, after all you did for him, he left you without even including you in the conversation. You are at a stage in your life where you should be able to enjoy life and feel free to explore yourself and the world around you. You married a man who took advantage of you and then left you with all the bills. There is no excuse for what he is doing to you.

    He most certainly will come back to you when he needs sex or whatever else he can get from you. Do not allow this man to suck any more of the love and life out of you.

    You need to free yourself from this man, his mother and all of their problems. You are not responsible for him or his mother. He obviously took advantage of you in ways that are so selfish and cruel. He sucked you into this mess at a time in your life when he needed someone to bail him out. You were vulnerable and he took advantage of your kindness.

    Don't listen to those who try to somehow make you the bad person here. You have done nothing wrong. You have loved the only way you know how and that is a beautiful thing. I don't think anyone can love too deeply. You have been blessed with a big and loving heart. There are not enough people in the world who have a beautiful spirit like you. Don't let this man ruin the love in your heart.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Something doesn't add up here whatsoever and a man who is married doesn't just pull something this big without consulting his wife. Since you can swing it all alone let it go and see him off for now until you figure out what you want to do over some time. If his mother living with you didn't help enough he's really going to a pathetic extreme to move where she wants next. Let him go and see what kind of tatters he comes home in or if he moves on to somebody else.


    One thing I have noticed is that you lost a husband fairly recently and married this man in a hurry. Now you have found this man has some tendencies that don't make sense and a mother with questionable problems. Perhaps you should examine why you are clinging so tight to men and mention your sex life as though it pertains to your happiness and compatibility. Maybe you should discuss your relationships with men and conflicts with your husband with a psychologist. He may be able to pinpoint your clinginess and need for a man around even though the man isn't wrapped too tight.

  • Diane, I am so sorry to hear about your situation! I know you haven't been married that long ago, and I feel your pain. Yes, unfortunately, blood is thicker than water, but I have never heard of a case where the spouse would leave his/her spouse to stay with an ill or aged member of the family.

    If you say everything is super between your husband and yourself, maybe there is a chance he will be back after his mother's passing. Did he express the desire to have had you with him move there? I cannot answer fully as I am not him nor you, but I really do think that you should talk with him. Ask him "is it over for ever"? Ask him "should we move on"? Cause one thing you don't want to do, especially since you are no longer in your twenties, no offense, is to wait for someone or something, when in the other person's mind, there is no going back. Talk to your husband to get to the bottom of this.

    Good thing you have some friends to hang out with to help ease your pain. If I can help, you can write to me.

    God bless. I'll keep you in my prayers.

    Do not take over his mortgage - that would be stupid given the circumstances!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems that is has cracked under the pressure, he is blaming you because it is easier then to blame his mother (who it seems to me is the real problem here), sadly he has this all the wrong way round, he should be putting her in a home (which would alleviate a lot of stress) instead of moving with her, he will soon find that his stress levels aren't any better as he will be stuck with one person day in day out and pretty much in the house all day every day.

    You have to be practical, how long are you willing to wait? Do you even want him to come back?

    Give yourself a cut off date and if he still isn't back you file for divorce. Yes it may hurt but you could find even once his mother has passed on that he still doesn't come back to you.

    Make sure any money you spend on the house for mortgage payments and repairs are logged and you have receipts to prove where the money went. Try to dig out proof that the money from the sale of your house went to him too. It may seem cold but you have to protect yourself, he is no longer putting you first remember.

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  • 1 decade ago

    oh crumbs

    this sucks

    you know all about your man's mothers illness

    and your man was sucked into this long before you came along

    for a while you gave him some respite

    but for now this ilness has removed him into it's unreality again

    i am so sorry

    his reality is not the one you live in

    maybe when she finally dies

    and he gets over it all

    he'll be able to see it for what is was...which is one huge pile of cards...that will fall

    until then all I can hope is that you have friends around you who understand

    with broad shoulders for you to cry on

    and big hearts to overflow into yours and fill you up when you feel all wrung out

    i hope you find one thing to smile at each day

    and one friend to help you every day

    It all about reality and unreality

    keep your feet on the ground

    in reality

    and step this one out



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aw man, he likes those apron strings a lot.

    This sounds harsh, but since he has shown you his intentions, follow them: don't pay the mortgage that's in his name, move out and file for separation. He married you, not his mother. It's time to change your 'boundaries' to where they really needed to have been all along: you should be the number one woman in his life. If his mom's that mentally ill, a hospital's the place for her, not at home with her son playing nurse while ignoring his wife.

    It's not your responsibility to alleviate his pain. He caused this by not caring for his mom by hiring help or addressing her mental health problems. He doesn't "owe" her his entire life, he owes her the respect of making sure she is medically treated for her disorders.

    Also, sex is not love. it's an expression of it sometimes, but it's also sometimes just sex. That's a reality, even in marriage.

    You deserve better than this, so go be single for a while so you're open to it when the time is right!

    Source(s): Live next door to OCD/hoarding MIL and refuse to enable her. Hubs changed his tune when I seriously threatened to leave over his attachment, and he redrew the lines with her. So far, so good.
  • 1 decade ago

    This is a very distressing situation from every angle. His mother is mentally ill. This means irrational. Meaning her behaviors does not make logical sense. You have dealt with her, but you have not loved her your whole life. His heart is breaking to see his mom deteriorate, he is making rash choices. He has been caught up in her irrationality--it is called codependency and it is a real mental sickness in it's own right.

    You did not cause it, you can't control it, you can't cure it.

    When you added how you would not interfere in your children's marriages, I realized that you were applying rational, logical, healthy parameters to your mother-in-law's requests. She is none of those things, you started your question with the laundry list of her mental illnesses. You did not add what is probably true at 82, a touch of age-related dementia.

    My point is, your husband is clearly getting very fearful that his mother's days are numbered. In his anxiety, he is acting out. It may be a while before he is more clear-thinking about this.

    This sounds horrible for you, and I have some empathy. My husband has developed general anxiety and when he lost his job last year, he just ran away to from USA back to Europe-- and we have a small child. It took about 8-10 months before my husband calmed down enough to see what he had done to us. Now, he has begun to see a counselor and we are working on terms of reconciliation. But I still feel a thorn in my heart, even if I know he was not thinking straight at the time.

    Hugs to you. Hang in there, he loves you; however he is not emotionally available to you, right now.


    If she is as intelligent and manipulative as that, it still does not change that she is mentally ill. Malignant maybe the right word, and she has sucked her son into it. He probably has struggled his whole life to differentiate from her. None of those facts change the fact that HE is a sick co-dependent, addicted to his mom's approval, and is emotionally unavailable to you. Codependency is not rational. She sounds like a histrionic narcissist, when they get old they transfer all there focus to their children. Narcissists are real live emotional vampires. Look it up.

    Again, this is very sad. You were betrayed by her. Are you in U.K.?

  • 1 decade ago

    Seems like there's something more to it than that- is he gay? Cheating? Sorry to bring it up- but he's leaving something out. Move on- don't take over his mortgage. You can do better than him. Start a new life- sounds like you're a great person- you'll find someone who deserves you and will treat you better. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry to be harsh but wake up adn smell the coffee! As his wife he is suppose to put you before all others. He is not doing that and thus demonstrating that you will never come first. Do not take over his mortgage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you are 82 what will/would you want your kids to do for you ?

    He's not dumping you, he's taking care of family business.

    If you have the patience , he'll be back.

    Edit: I agree with you, but I have heard waaay! too many mothers state one of the reasons for children is " Someone to take care of me when I'm old"

    Don't for a moment think I don't sympathize, really.

    Source(s): Not to be morbid but her days are numbered, she be in a home or pass before long
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