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I have some anime/manga related questions, can you answer them?

This is a survey, I have been getting e-mails that my past surveys have been getting deleted so I changed up the title… WOO it has been a while, how is every one? Okay, are you ready?

*copy and paste*

1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha)

3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?

4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?

Okay th is a sad excuse for a survey, but I am out of practice.

Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial.

(example: my initial is R the manga is “reaching you” )

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

    oh man! probably the "bloody rose" from vampire knight..though it only works on vampires wouldn't help out so much in real life :o

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha)

    well maybe...*cough* yes *cough* but it's someone in an anime? so maybe that doesn't count :D

    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?

    no :( i'd love to wear the bow like Haruhi! and there are TONS of awesome hairstyles, my hair just likes to be a pain in the you-know-what hehe

    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

    it's kinda a weird story, but i was on youtube one day and i was looking up that classic flying/standing on the front of the boat scene from Titanic..and over in the little "related videos" box was a video from vampire knight (very random!) and so i clicked on it just to see what it was and ended up watching all 26 episodes within a few days o_O haha, but ever since then i've been kinda an anime addict and now i'm starting to read all the mangas from my favorite animes :D

    5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?


    -Kaichou wa Maid Sama (amazing so far! :D)

    -Tokyo Mew Mew

    -Ef: A Tale of Memories

    -DN Angel


    -Shugo Chara

    -Vampire Knight (argh it's too hard to wait for season 3 lol, and the manga is soo much better anyway!)

    Okay th is a sad excuse for a survey, but I am out of practice.

    ((it's been a fun survey, better than most i'd say..i love the randomness!)

    Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial.

    h..h..h..H2O Footprints In The Sand? haha, i couldn't think of any other than that :|

  • 1 decade ago

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

    ... probably the Death Note, 'cause I'm not exactly the strongest person ever, and I doubt I could fight. XD

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha)

    No, not at the moment.

    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?

    One time. I got dared to do it.

    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

    I was at the school book fair a long time ago and I saw a manga and I thought, "Hey this is cool! It's right to left!"

    I've been watching anime pretty much my whole life, though.

    5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?

    Full Metal Alchemist, Gunslinger Girl, Imadoki, FMA Brotherhood.....

    Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial.

    .... Cowboy Bebop. I hate that anime though.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

    The Death Note, lulz.

    Because I'm lazy so I'd just write down people's names rather than have to physically fight or something.

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha)

    Of course not >=D

    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?

    I've tried a couple of the random hairstyles that female characters tend to have.

    Needless to say they look stupid on me.

    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

    I don't remember >.<

    Random luck probably.

    5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?

    KHR, Durarara and Shin Tennis No Oujisama.

    I need some new manga >.<

    Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial.

    Sailor Moon, haha.

  • May
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why? I eould want to have powers and be able to fly like Dragon Ball Z/GT/Kai.

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha) Yes, my enemies........

    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention? No....

    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga? Grew up watching and reading it from my family.

    5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now? Bleach, Fairy Tail, Death Note, Full Metal Panic,.....

    Okay th is a sad excuse for a survey, but I am out of practice.

    Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial. Um.....I wouldn't care......


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  • 1 decade ago

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

    A taser because Shion from Higurashi uses one and it's cool,haha.

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on?


    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?


    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

    I watched it when I was young and always liked it. A couple a years ago I was really interested in Naruto then I decided to start watching other anime. I found Shugo chara episode 1 on a random veoh page before it got popular and watched other anime and started reading manga from there.

    5.What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?

    Angel beats

    B gata h kei




    Kaichou wa maid-sama

    Kiss x sis

    Outlaw star

    Paranoia agent

    Bonus:what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial?

    Ghost Hunt

  • 5 years ago

    Hello. =) (>^.^)>[1] When you're Reading your Favorite Manga and the Chapter you're Reading has Colored Manga Pages...How do you Usually React? What do you usually Do? :::: How do I usually react? Me: *drools* <- >.>" Not really... but you get the idea. ^-^ :::: What do I usually do? Me: *starts reading and poring over details even MORE than usual* xD (>^.^)>[2] What if Anime was in Black & White just in like the Manga? :::: I would still watch it, though maybe I would stick to manga even more. xD (>^.^)>[3] How do you Usually React and What do you Usually Do when a New Episode of your Favorite Anime Is Released? What about when you Buy a New Volume of your Favorite Manga OR When a New Online Chapter of your Favorite Manga is Released? :::: How do you Usually React and What do you Usually Do when a New Episode of your Favorite Anime Is Released? - normally I'm way behind on the anime, so this doesn't bother me. Once I actually catch up, though, and I'd been itching for a whole week/etc. for the new update... I go "OOOH! ^-^" and start watching it as soon as I have free time. xD :::: What about when you Buy a New Volume of your Favorite Manga OR When a New Online Chapter of your Favorite Manga is Released? - normally I'd read from the library or online. If it's from the library... (the only series I read that the closest library actually updates is the Tsubasa RC manga. xD)... then I'd be really happy. I'd borrow it right away. If it's online (which is the case for quite a few series) then of course I read it. xD Unless I'm really busy.... but even if I was really busy I'd still read it. Only if I can't go on the computer, or if the internet is down, then I wouldn't be able to read it. ... wait, I'm getting off topic. xD Anyways. I'd be really excited to read it. (>^.^)>[4] Think of your Two Favorite Anime Or/And Manga! Now: What if those Two Anime/Manga were Made into a Crossover!? :::: Fave series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and Eyeshield 21 :::: If they were made into a crossover... Well, both are action series. Both of them include some sort of team. Eyeshield 21 is about American football. KHR! is about the mafia. Both series' main characters -- Kobayakawa Sena (ES21) and Sawada Tsunayoshi (KHR!) -- have similar personalities. They start from the bottom. They're cowardly at first. They're short, shy; they make new friends soon enough in their respective series... they both didn't want to become the hero the eventually turned into. These two would become pretty good friends. Hiruma Youichi (ES21) loves guns. He's a genius as well as a master of intimidation. He'd do well with the mafia people. .... this is getting too long. xD To cut it short, the ES21 gang might mix fairly well with the KHR! people, although the ES21 people are older (high school) than the KHR! group (junior high and above). However, since most of them operate in different fields (sports vs mafia, lol), they wouldn't be bothered by each other very much. (>^.^)>[5] What's your Favorite Anime or Manga that is Already Completed?...So, what If they Made Another Season for it, How would you React? :::: Anime: Eyeshield 21 (completed) - I'd be excited. I'd become re-obsessed with it. Once again, I'd spread the ES21 love to the people I talk to. :::: Manga: HanaKimi (completed) - I'd also be excited/happy. I'd probably just tell my friends (the ones who like this series) that there's another season/etc. being published. xD Cya~!! =D

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

    I would choose Orihime's (from Bleach) hair barrette things. I am a good leader/ decision maker, so I could direct my helpers in a beneficial way. Plus, I'm not strong enough to actually use a sword or anything.

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha)

    Anime/Manga: Sae from Peach Girl (blehg.)

    In real life, my cousin. (again, blegh.)

    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?

    Yeah :) I love all of Haruhi's hairstyles (Haruhi Suzumiya). And also, I copied Winry's hairstyle my entire 8th grade year xD

    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

    It came on cartoon network. It just happened.

    5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?

    Reading: Naruto, Bleach, Skip Beat!, Dengeki Daisy,Boku no Hatsukoi wo Kimi ni Sasagu

    Watching: Skip Beat!, Monster, Nabari no Ou, Monochrome Factor

    Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial.

    Skip Beat! :D

  • 1 decade ago

    1. If you could choose from any anime/manga weapon there was what would it be and why?

    Zoro's 3 swords

    2. Is there any one you would like to use it on? (haha)

    lol yeah I'd love to try them on my nasty teachers, each teacher gets 3 slices from my 3 swords >:D

    3. Have you ever tried to recreate a anime/manga hairstyle for any reason other than a convention?


    I actually never tried to look like an anime character or to dress like one (yeah never went to a con)

    4. How did you get interested in anime/manga?

    my brother forced me to watch his favourite anime (it was Death Note back then) and I actually loved it and got addicted to it and when Death Note finished I wanted more and so on

    5. What anime/manga are you watching/reading right now?

    anime~~> Mushishi and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood <3

    I'm not reading any manga right now

    Bonus: what is an anime/manga that starts with the same letter as your first name initial.

    Lovely Complex

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