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Lost faith in God........?

I lost my faith to God the other day. This week was a crucial time for me, and i don't often ask god for anything. I thank him when ever something good happens to me, and i pray to him. But i just don’t know anymore. Is it worth it anymore, to trust someone, to put so much faith in someone when you don’t know if he will deliver or not. And no I am not Christian, and nor am I big on religion. The way I have lived is to act kind towards others, treat them as you wanted to be treated, and always help anyone in need. The thing is w/e something bad happens to me, i feel like God is trying to teach me a lesson, like everything happens for a reason right. I am 21 years old, and my life still has not turned around. I have been depressed, angry, and handicapped in many ways. I know my life is not as bad as others, but the thing is... If everything happens for a reason why are people dying, killed in earth quakes, killed by other men, killed by war, killed by diseases, killed by poverty and etc. And on the other hand you have the bad people in the world, who curse, drink, act unkind towards others, only care about money and themselves. Why are they better off? Is God favoring them, why do some live amazing lives and others have to struggle so much? Some people believe in heaven, but some people have brought heaven on earth. Like I see these big celebrities, and I am not blind they get where they are because they know someone and slept with them, they have done unimaginable things and yet they are better off. Why is God favoring them instead of others…Should I put so much faith into God, when instead I should just put all the faith in myself? I was taught growing up pray to God, and he will guide you. But as I grow older, I want answers I want my life to be better. Where is God, why won’t he show himself, why does he kill innocent kids, and starve nations while there are people out there who buy million dollar watches, live in 10 million dollar houses, and live so comfortably. I think its funny when people say money can not buy you happiness. In this world we run on money. People who struggle live pay check to pay check are more worried about providing for their family, then how "amazing" their life is.

-And no I don’t need answers from the bible, I don’t want to study the bible, I don’t need answers from something written thousands of years ago. How long are we going to believe in God, how much faith can human kind have on something like that…Why is he afraid to show himself now, what lesson is he trying to teach us there are so many. Why do innocent people die, get raped, are in so much trouble while there are so many evil men and women who live such nice lives. Why….. I have lost faith in God, I should have just put all my efforts in myself. Ultimately the only person who will deliver and who you can have faith in is yourself, I am starting to believe that now then some Old man in the sky.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the ultimate logical explanation to the questions you ask is...God does not exist. Nothing bad about it. We are what we are, we do what we do. Just be happy being who you are and thinking what you think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As an atheist, I won't say I have any answers for the questions you propose.

    If God exists, which I don't think he does, he really wants to either point something out by harming the innocent-maybe he wants to grab out attention and increase our faith, or maybe he just doesn't care about his creation.

    On the other hand, if he doesn't exist, the questions you are asking seem hard to answer from an individual such as me. However, I do believe that pondering on why the wicked live while the poor die, in the absence of God, is valid occording to the laws of nature. The weak will always suffer while the strong prevail. Economically the rich are more fit for survival. THe Dictator with his guards is more fit to survive than the austere monk.

    Let me just give you some advice from Epictetus, the ancient philosopher: He says that the good and bad of life is in our will. If anything is outside of my will, it is unworthy for me to wonder about it or even care. Anything within my will needs my outmost attention.

    If you help the needy and weak, you have done all you can, and further delibration is just paining and distressing yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to feel like you in my younger days, I blamed God for all the bad things and saw the injustice of life .

    Then about 8 years ago I decided to read and study the bible to get my own Idea of the book. Not what some person or church says but what I get from it.

    My conclusion from really reading and living life is

    Man causes the hurt and pain to each other , In the bible it states that the people choose a king to rule over them , they didn't want God to rule , so he turned his back on us until his time to come . we are reaping what we sow.

    As for the rich and famous, Do you think those people are all that happy? there sleeping with who ever and divorcing every other year, they are in rehabs for everything, they have to keep up the front for publicity sake, they get death threats from the nut cases out here and they don't know if they are loved for themselves or their money. they have mistaken Greed for happiness.

    Let me be the first to say, We are all being over whelmed by negative forces, some seem to have a pleasant look because of Money and others with Faith, and others are like you, confused .

    You should have always depended on yourself and God. You know what you have to do to become successful in this world the right way, School is very important, Correct occupation is too. Being wise in your decision making.

    The Bible is nothing more then a rule book on how to be happy while on this planet. That's as simple as I can put it. Don't give up your search of God. He's never left you.

    Source(s): I'm 58 years old now. when i graduated from High school I did two tours of duty in Viet Nam, went to college and graduated,been married for 38 years now, have four grown kids,I've have retired from law inforcement, worked in max security prisons. I can say that I have truely lived life , like you I always prayed to God and at times felt like he abandoned me but he used me. Maybe for you and this Question. God bless you.
  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't believe that there's a God, it doesn't mean he doesn't exist, it just means that you've turned your back against Him and you're walking towards darkness. He knows exactly why you've lost faith in Him because He's "all knowing", but he'd really want you to make the effort to believe in Him and come out of darkness into His arms because not only is He "all knowing", but He's merciful as well.

    God does exist and I believe in signs. If you've seen the movie "Fools Rush In" you'd understand what I mean about "signs". If you don't believe in God, just go out of your way and take a little chance to say a little prayer at night, ask Him to give you a sign that He exists. God may not give you a sign right away, but when He does, it could be in your dreams or from things that you notice when you're awake. But the problem is, Satan can gives signs as well because he's a trickster and can take many forms, and so in that case you'd really have to use your heart and your mind to distinguish whether the signs are really coming from God or Satan himself. And, if you believe a sign is coming from God, Satan is of course relentless and would try to make you believe that the sign isn't coming from God and is purely coincidence.

    As a Catholic, I have learned that if you start to feel tempted by something, whether it's something that has to do with greed, anger, lust, laziness or some other kind of sin, just think about how Jesus died on the cross for all our sins, the sharp terrible pain that He went through being nailed on the cross and the following unimagineable excruciating pain He endured hanging on there for dear life. Certainly what dear Jesus went through would make you feel guilt about having that temptation in your mind in the first place and make it go away. And if you start to feel that same temptation over again an hour later or whatever, just keep thinking the same thing about how Jesus died for our salvation. God wants us to feel sorry for our sins.

    And believe me, God isn't the one responsible for the bad things that happen in this world, it's the work of man because since the beginning of time God gave man "free will", or in other words the power to make the free decisions in this world.

    God really does exist and the longer you stray away from Him, the more sins you will commit and the more you will hurt other people. There's this saying that goes something like: "I didn't believe in God until He was all I had left" and it holds true because take someone for example who doesn't believe in God and he feels nothing is holding him back and so he does less serious things like stealing or dealing drugs but then it would esculate to painfully torturing innocent people and killing them and he ends up on Death Row and isn't it interesting how Death Row inmates who never believe in God in their lives always requests for a priest to to talk to right before they're put to death.

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  • LP S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    God is 100% fair and if He just showed Himself to us than we would take Him for granted and our love for Him would not be real. Al the innocent people that die in the hands of others have placed their complain with God and God knows all about it. Justice will be done unto those that do evil in this world. It is only fair that God will intercede in the life of those that call upon Him because than you can not hold God's interference against Him on judgment day.

    I'm sorry you lost your faith, but God is still in control.

    I'm sorry you allowed satan to mess with you by turning your heart away from the Lord.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a sin called 'the pride of life' but no, since you don't want to read the Bible there is no point -since all the answers to your questions are in the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    read the god delusion and the blind watchmaker, there are a lot of good arguments presented by richard dawkins to consider. but more importantly, your life will improve with time if you keep trying. make new friends, get out more, party and have a good time and you will make new friends and maybe find love. no one is to blame for the bad things in life, theres no one there who can stop them

  • 1 decade ago

    you are struggling with accepting reality. learn to deal with it. really the reason why there is so much bad in the world is because most have not learned to think rationally, instead they let emotions and personal beliefs guide their actions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I didn't read that massive wall of text, but congratulations on losing your faith and regaining some sanity.

    Welcome to the atheist club. We have cookies and devil's food cake!

  • 1 decade ago

    Holy text wall Batman...

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