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Is there a greater purpose designed for humans?

I have just found myself thinking about this question lately.

Do you believe that there is a grand design for mankind? If so, what do you think it is?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, scary as you may find it, we most likely discover our future one moment at a time.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1. The human body was perfect when God first created it in Adam and Eve. The bodies we have today are fallen state. Still, our bodies still work very well, and actually surprisingly so in spite of the ways we abuse our bodies. It's quite resilient, and keeps on going until it simply can't take the abuse anymore, then dies. 2. God gave us a superior brain but lessened the other senses because He did not design us to be running around searching for food and trying to keep from being eaten. That is why we don't need heightened senses or greater physical strength and endurance like the animals. We were designed to be the managers of this Earth, which requires brainpower but not much physical strength. 3. We don't just use "a fraction" of our brain. That's an urban myth. We use all of it. 4. Our eye is perfectly suited for the environment in which we live. The fact that it works at all is a miracle. The eye of an octopus is perfectly designed for the environment in which it lives. The eye of an eagle is perfectly designed for the environment in which it lives. It all goes back to point #1, that humans are designed to use their brains to find food, not their senses, like the animals. 5.Our immune system is actually excellent, as long as you feed it the right nutrition. Most of the food we eat today is so lacking in basic nutrition, it's a wonder more people aren't sick. People who eat a 100% vegetarian diet actually remain quite healthy throughout their lives. 6. The muscles, bones and tendons that allow us to walk upright are perfectly formed. Backaches are usually caused by poor posture (which can be corrected) or improper lifting and bending (which can also be corrected). Other causes come from improper nutrition, which goes back to point #5. 7. All of the other "imperfections" you see are a result of the Fall of Man. Adam and Eve had perfect bodies that were far superior to ours in all respects. We have lost that perfection since then, and our bodies have succumbed to diseases, mutations, etc. These are not due to "design".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look at the Mountains. Walk on a Beach. Smile and Laugh and Taste. Think. Communicate. Listen to beautiful music. Experience Color. Observe everything around. It's more logical to believe in a god than not to. How are Men and Women naturally drawn to each other? Why/How do we have different sex organs? Heights? Emotions? Strengths? Weaknesses? Humans were designed to live forever on earth. Not heaven. We have no desire to live in heaven forever. To me that is boring. Being a spirit floating in heaven....Not my cup of tea. We were programmed and designed to LIVE FOREVER ON THIS PLANET EARTH. Picture playing with animals and your spouse and also children by a beach or in a field forever.... Picture visiting every single inch of this globe. That's my hope.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah. the grand design is to survive and spread life to other planets and galaxies and maybe even create new planets. then dont you think that we could be considered "gods"? but other than that the only purpose for a person is to keep on creating more life. so then what is the point of life? to experience emotions. that is my opinion.

    Source(s): Agnostic Atheist.
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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    life will ultimately arrive at a single conclusion. the birth of intelligent life, and after the life is enhanced for inter-stellar space travel, it will either be in the path of light, or the path of dark.

    It is the way for all life planets. Humans will either walk the path of light, or the path of darkness.

    Which do you want our race to be?

    space mentors

    space invaders

    we're always walking a path, the path we walk determines which 'alien' we will be. I'm trying to get mankind to walk the path of light, so we may be the friendly, life loving, educating ape creatures.

    rather than the destructive, steal from the less intelligent, savage ape creatures.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, there is no purpose other than procreation to continue the specie as nature desired.

    Do you truly believe that all 10 billion people on earth have a divine purpose? Well, do you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here's the deal.

    You're not the same person "right now" that you were at the age of 10...(All the cells of your body, inside and out will be replaced many times during your life)...and the person you were at the age of 10 was not the same person you were at the age of 3...

    Your existence is constantly changing as the moments and hours and days and years pass, and your body is constantly changing, and even your memories are changing with time as time goes by and you get older.

    The "for sure" ramifications (meanings) of this fact means that at no one time during your life are you ever "one unchanging thing." Your mind (sense of self-awareness, consciousness, soul, whatever you want to call it) is an illusion created by brain, and that illusion is also a function of your brain.

    The right and left halves of your brain receive sensory data from your body's "sense" the environment around you, and then you perceive those sensations, and then you sense that you are perceiving, back and forth, until around the age of three (because of our brain's fluid memory ability to store information for a long time) you develop a "sense of identity," but that sense of identity has no actual "presence" in reality.

    It has no molecular "existence," and therefore it is like when you hold up two real mirrors to each other. That creates dual reflections of each mirror, which creates the "illusion" of an endless series of other mirrors when you look into each mirror.

    Your brain is the two mirrors that are "real" (the left and right hemispheres of your brain bouncing sensory/perceptions back and forth to each other...)

    Your "sense of being a person" is the illusory reflections these brain hemispheres create because that "sustained illusion" is a great survival and reproductive strategy "walking upright mammals" (us) have evolved over millions of years...

    There is no "conscious" purpose for humankind because billions of years ago, the environment of our planet slowly (over a billion years) mindlessly and purpose-lessly formed organic molecules, which formed into the pre-cursors of life, and eventually formed into replcating/dividing molecular structures (RNA and DNA) that use formed protective coverings around them (cells) and these cells eventually "emerged" and collected together to form "clusters of cells" which then slowly over a billion years blossomed into the billion forms of life you see around you today.

    Bacteria, plants, insects, fish, mammals, etc. Humans are one of those "mammals" that has evolved and continues to evolve.

    The "purpose" of humankind and "all" of life is to keep those microscopic mindlessly clever little replicating and dividing molecular structures intact.

    There are molecular structures inside the DNA inside the cells of your body that have been living for millions of years...

    "You" (and me and everybody) is "how" they accomplish that, and they are practically immortal.

    But they aren't aware of us, anymore than our planet is aware of us, so...

    You have about on average 78 years to come up with an illusory purpose of your own if you wish to do so...and that's how the cookie crumbles...

    An "intelligent" creator would not have created old age, disease, suffering, and death.

    A "purposeful" creator wouldn't have created a planet filled with living creatures that all survive by eating each other, sometimes eating each other while they're still alive unless that creator was an insane sadist of some sort.

    The good news is that your illusory sense of self can never die, but...

    The bad news is...the reason it can't die is that it never existed as a "thing" to begin with...

    Your sense of self is an ever-changing illusion that can vanish like a wisp of smoke the moment your brain doesn't work right anymore...and sometimes it even vanishes before your body stops working (coma, unconsciousness, alzheimer's, death, etc.)

  • 1 decade ago

    The highest "purpose" appears to be not allowing humanity to become extinct. There is still hope they will accomplish it, but not if the species doesn't start demonstrating considerably more intelligence, soon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    whats the purpose for a slug? or a cucumber

    we are are animals which have evolved to survive and reproduce, because things that survive and reproduce, continue. thats all

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No purpose, life is its own purpose

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