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Why is it OK to practice Atheism in school?

Atheism is forced on our students. No one can mention God. The religion of Atheism is being promoted by public school; a violation of the establishment clause.


OK -- I am being a TROLL with this question and some other questions I have asked today. Even though I believe this stuff -- I am only asking to get a reaction and not being spiritually honest. Sorry atheists I was wrong to ask this and some other questions trying to belittle you and generally be an A$$. Again I am sorry

Update 2:

I am an actor and Thespus was the first actor while doing some sort of rite to Dionysus.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm just going to assume you're from the US as that seems to be where most of the really stupid Christians on the Internet are.

    Now to look at what you just spewed:

    1. Atheism isn't being forced on students in the US, instead you are banned from forcing your religion onto them.

    2. Atheism isn't a religion.

    3. Not promoting a religion (which you seem to think involves promoting atheism*) is the only way not to violate the establishment clause.

    4. Mild state atheism would likely be a good thing even if it did exist.

    5. You are a troll.

    * If being neutral in matters of religion is a promotion of atheism then that would seem to indicate that religion isn't very good (in fact religion does lose out when there is a free market in ideas).

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Atheism is not a religion. It's a disbelief that any gods exist. Public schools take no position on the matter at all. People are free to believe or disbelieve in a higher power. Where you get into gray areas are when other student's rights are taken away...such as someone praying over a loudspeaker. If Atheism were "practiced" in school...I believe it would be pushing disbelief onto others against their will, such as teachers teaching "There is no god. There is no afterlife." in school...They just avoid the topic altogether.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can mention god all you want to.

    The school teachers and leaders can't, however -- that's unconstitutional.

    Look at it this way: if your teachers decided to talk about Vishnu as the true and living god (among other Hindu gods) all day, would you be OK with that? Or would you feel a religion was being pushed on you contrary to the constitution?

    That's no different from forcing christianity on people.

    And how is "I don't believe your claims about magical gods" a religion? Do you even know the definition of that word? Apparently not...


  • 1 decade ago

    That isn't atheism. Look up the word "secular".

    Keeping religion out of public schools (all religion - even the godless ones) is necessary. Schools are for learning, not pushing gods and religious practices on the students. Kids can pray and believe all they want, but the school can NOT make mandatory the practice of any one or several religions.

    If it is not fair to all, it is not fair at all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you're being a troll, dude.

    I think that the U.S. is doing their best to not force religion on anyone.

    But even though what they teach in school goes against Christianity... That doesn't mean they're teaching atheism.

    In my school (it's public) even the teacher mentioned God when he noted the possibility of God creating the singularity...

  • 1 decade ago

    You are wrong, I just graduated in May, I had never been taught to be Atheist. EVER! Atheism is not forced on anyone, if anything religion is forced upon people by Churches, parents, and by ignorant dudes like you :)

    Source(s): Nothing is in violation with the establishment clause. And we have freedom of religion in this country.
  • 1 decade ago

    Atheism is not a religion, maybe you need to go back to school and stop trolling. Would you prefer that students are forced into extremist christian or muslim groups who will bring nothing but evil to this world?

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheism is not a religion. I find it really interesting that Theist can only categorize things as a religion, it is almost drone like. Call it what you want you will never defeat freedom of speech or freedom of choice - get over it.

    Source(s): I think therefore I am Atheist.
  • 1 decade ago

    atheism means that you don't believe in any religion or any aspect of it what so ever.

    in school, you're allowed to mention God, you're just not allowed to preach the religion.

    this is because our schools are full of diverse cultures and beliefs that if the teachings of a religion was taught, there would be a bunch of arguments and chaos

  • greene
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    FIRST OFF: atheism is NOT a religion.

    it's is not promoted, in fact, atheist kids HAVE to say the pledge of allegiance and it states stuff about 'god'. of course, they can leave it out, but then people come at them, questioning them and making them feel different or wrong.

    atheism is NOT forced on anybody

    you, sir, are stupid.

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