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My Hair Metal band of the day (take 8)?

Norway is probably most known it the metal world for its Black metal but the first metal band to makes is mark from Norway was TNT.

Today's band was one of my favorite growing up in the eighties. TNT started out as a melodic traditional metal band before switching over to hair metal by their third album, they continued to rework their sound again and again through out their career. The songs I am highlighting are not necessarily their best songs but they showcase the changes that they have made through their career.

Deadly Metal (1984)

10,000 Lovers In one (1987)

Just Like God (1999)

Give Me A Sign (2004)

Atlantis (2008) w/new singer

MQ: Thoughts on the songs/band

MQ2: Is their a band that you feel that continuously rework their sound? Does it work for them?

MQ3: Should I continue with the hair band of the day questions?

BQ: Favorite seafood?

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hey.. I have heard the name.. but never knew they were from Norway!

    Let me check em out.....

    Deadly Metal

    - Well, that first track actually had a lot of NWOBHM feel, with the 70s galloping bass style.. but with a singer somewhere between GLAM and PMetal. this first track has a stronger Metal sound than most GLAM, and doesn't make me feel like I need to wear Spandex and use Aqua-Net to dig it.

    10,000 Lovers In one

    - Yikes... what a changeover. That sounded like pure American Commercial Glam. The vocals, generic bass-line, etc. Did they have a change in the lineup, or was the drive for Mtv taking over? Regardless, not anywhere near as good as the first track, IMO.

    Just Like God

    -Holy crap! You were not joking. I would never believe these are all the same band! Must make a concert a rather eclectic experience. The Industrial/Alt Rock sound was a big surprise, and it sounds like they got their Bite back for this album. Cool stuff.

    Give Me A Sign

    - A slight return to a GLAM sound, but this IMO has more in common with GnR style Hard Rock than Warrant big hair and Spandex GLAM. Bass player is still chugging solid, and I gotta say, that singer has some Pipes. I don't always like how he uses them, but there ain't no denying that he CAN use em.


    - Hmmm.. either the guy has lost a step, or they changed singers between this link and the last. This guy is good, but does not match the tone or diversity the other tracks showcased. I also listened to Hello Hello, which was linked off this song. I notice a definite Trend to a more Experimental/Psychadelic almost Hard Rock sound. Interesting, and maybe not a bad move. After all, it is hard to sell the Piss and Vinegar after 30 years, and well, lets face it the GLAM front men who strut around trying to be Senior Citizen sex symbols are pretty sad. So branching out the sound is a good thing. Actually, the change in singer and the comparative lack of enthusiasm in the bass playing were the only knocks on it.


    MQ2- The Grateful Dead. They constantly were incorporating bits from everything around them.. 60s, 70s, 80s Dead had greatly differing sounds.

    MQ3- I hope so and think so. I know I for one am enjoying them. I don't always get to answer in the depth I would like, and don't love every band, but I have definitely been turned on to others I would otherwise not have given a chance.

    BQ- Tough choice. I love sashimi in virtually any guise.... but would say my favorite fish is a tossup between Copper river Salmon, Orange Roughy or Red Snapper. My favorite seafood period is probably shrimp.

  • 1 decade ago

    MA: I like Deadly Metal a lot instrumentally but the vocals get a bit annoying. But, nice riffage and cool licks. 10,000 Lovers has good riffs and licks too, but it would be much cooler if they kicked it up a notch and kept the vocals more aggressive. Just Like God has a weird feeling which I went to describe but I can't. It's catchy, but other than that and the intro+outro there's nothing too interesting about it. I do like the album cover though. Give Me A Sign is surprisingly really good. I like how it progresses both instrumentally and vocally. Really cool solo too. Atlantis starts off with a very weird riff. The song sounds like it could've been good but turned out really messy.

    MA2: Judas Priest. Sometimes it has worked, sometimes it didn't.

    MA3: Sure. Sorry I haven't been answering any. It's just that hair metal is not something I'm too fond of. Perhaps your Qs can change that.

    BA: You haven't lived till you've tried some Lahori fried fish.

  • 1 decade ago

    take 8? I think I missed one

    ...oh and by the way, thanks for posting bands from all over, before this, the only hair bands I knew that weren't Canadian, American or British were Europe, Hanoi Rocks, and Loudness.

    on to the songs, (I'm gonna be brief so I have time to answer the one I missed). I liked Deadly Metal. 10 000 Lovers I didn't like so much. Just Like God was kinda weird, but I liked it, so far my fav. Give me a Sign I found dragged on too much, and lost my interest. Atlantis was pretty good, but I still liked Just Like God the best.

    MQ2: Dir En Grey... They've reworked their sound more times than a fat man's eaten McDonalds, lol. It works for me, I've liked them all along.

    MQ3: hells yes

    BQ: until I went to Japan, I had never eaten seafood that didn't taste incredibly repulsive... when I went there, I swear every bit of seafood I tried was insanely good. so although it's probably not the answer you were looking for, Japanese Seafood. Japan is just that awesome, it takes everything I hate, and makes it good (seafood, cross-dressers, pop music, raw black metal, cartoons...)

  • 1 decade ago


    Peaches just nailed the analysis on these - even of the bass playing - so I can't really add any different opinions. Thanks for the links; I didn't recall the band from the 80's (though my listening tastes were beginning to move away from Metal in those days 'cause I just didn't care for the Hair Metal). Even though these tracks didn't light up my ears & inspire me to seek out some CDs by them, they were all worth a listen. They illustrated well your point about the band reinventing its sound, too.

    MQ2: The first one that comes to mind is King Crimson, but the nature of the band is such that it happens over the course of rehearsals, let alone over a longer time span.

    MQ3: Yes. I don't get much time on Y!A, but this sort of question is always worth checking out.

    BQ: Living in the Boston area revolutionized my raised-in-the-Midwest culinary tastes; I really dig Swordfish & the rarer Arctic Char. Traveling to Japan confirmed my love of sushi & sashimi (faves include salmon, eel & sea urchin).

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    MA: Another glam metal band i am unfamiliar with. Goes to show how much i have ignored thios genre. :(

    Anyway, onto the songs. Really good stuff. Nice, guitar works. Typical glam/hard rock tune. Decent vocals. Overall a very good package. Another good find, which i would definitely look into. Liked '10,000 Lovers In one' the most of the five songs. (I really don't know what else to say though, i am not good with song per song breakdown like KP does, so forgive my short answer)

    MA2: Anathema, i suppose. Yes, it definitely works for them. All their albums are really good.

    MA3: Yes, please do continue. It has been a really informative series. There might be a lack of response at times, but that doesn't mean people (like me) don't look for this question. I try to answer all you glam metal questions.

    BA: Vegetarian =P

  • Marion
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Love Hold On To 18, Nasty Nasty, and Get Wise To The Rise. Man they sure had a lot of hair, lol. I miss the 80s. I like Without Love and Wicked B*tch too. MA2: Ronnie James Dio BA: Chicken salad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I remember them, they were pretty good. I have not listened to them in a long time, it was nice to hear some of the newer songs and see where they have gone musically, thanks for the links (:

    With most bands that have been around a while, there is some reworking of sound and the direction they are going in musically. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

    I just found this, it was pretty interesting, please continue them.

    I am allergic to seafood ):

  • 1 decade ago

    I vaguely remember them but I had no idea they were from Norway. What a great scream in that first song! I remember 10,000 Lovers (In One). Not crazy about Just Like God but I liked the last 2.

    MA3: Please do! I have missed answering some of them but I enjoy them.

    BA: Swordfish but being from MD originally I also love crabmeat.

  • not that into hair metal...but ill try out your songs...and i cant believe i havent seen the other 7 takes of this series..

    anyway...the 1st song reminded me of Racer X..very catchy intro..good rhythm lines..soloing is not bad give it 8/10

    the 2nd one is a bit toned terms of heaviness..little van halen-ish...nice song..6.5/10

    the intro to the next song was surprising...but the rest of the thing is pretty ordinary imo..

    next song is really the structure..9/10

    last one is perhaps the heaviest of the 5...nice song..8.5/10

    MA2 : Dream Theater (no 2 consecutive albums sound the same)...and works for them very well...atleast thats my opinion

    MA3 : Ya sure..go ahead!

    BA : Kingfish!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    MA: TNT wasn't bad. Not totally my cup of tea, but good

    MA2: Metallica, and not really

    MA3: Yes

    BA: Red Snapper

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