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Abandonment and Fraud. What are my rights, my husband left me?

My husband suddenly moved to Florida with his mother. He quit his job, left his home of 26 years, and dumped his mortgage...bills, everything. I sold my home in a cash deal, to financially help him. I gave him everything I had. Now, I am left to deal with 6 rental properties and tenants who are stealing from us. My husband has ignored every attempt of contact, that I have made to find out what is going on and what I should do. I live in North Carolina. I need to protect myself and my grandson, who lives with us. The property is in my husband's name, as well as the mortgage payment. But I have no where to go, since I gave him all my money. I am scared, devastated, and alone. I trust no one. How can I get the property that the tenants have taken....back? How can I protect myself from being expelled, if my husband chooses to evict me from my home? What are my rights? He apparently is a con artist and defrauded me. I was a recent widow when I met him. How can I obtain, even a partial amount of money back from him? Can I sell some of his, and my things so that I can pay the bills or find another place to live?

Can someone please provide some answers. And no....I was not stupid, just vulnerable. My husband seems to have truly loved me.....just not as much as his mother and himself. Mid-life crisis or whatever, I can not get him to answer any enquiry as to what he needs me to do, or what I can do. I appreciate any help with this. I can not afford legal counsel at this time.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Please check out a local lawyer or the local police department for answers to questions like this. Not many people know where you live. When you combine that with the differences of laws amongst each state, it makes it very hard to answer a question like this.

    Edit - my ex-fiance had a similar thing happen to her. Except her guy ran off with another woman. She was engaged to this guy. She paid off his bill, paid for a back tax he owed to the government and bought him a new truck with her home equity. He left her for another woman. She took him to court and won a settlement. This weasel guy then declared bankruptcy, kept the truck and never had to pay a single dime to her...not very nice.

    Most lawyers will allow you one free visit to determine how much they can help you (or charge you) if your case has any merit. I recommend first checking with the local police department to see what the laws are in your area. They will be much more qualified to answer any questions you may have.

    Source(s): Good luck and God bless.
  • 1 decade ago

    Honey listen. First of all, I truly hope this is not the case. I assume from what you have said on this matter before, that he didn't give you any warning and just abandoned you altogether. I am not sure what the state laws are where you're at, but I do know that abandonment laws for a marriage may definitely hold favor for you. IF he is a con-artist, a team of investigators may be able to find that out. You have a cell number, which holds his account info, and any other paper work you have...make sure you get copies, and place the originals in a safe place no one but you knows. But keep those copies of said documents on hand. Make more than one set of copies. Legal Aid may help as well, and maybe you can research a lawyer that will either work your case pro bono or where HE (your husband) will have to pay your legal expenses. They may even require some of those properties be given to you in the abandonment case. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. You deserve so much more. And IF he is pulling a fast one on you, and using you in such a way (as cruel as it is), shame on him! If this is the case (which for your sake I hope it is not), I'd also make a point of telling legal counsel how you're a widow of a previous marriage. This may look bad on him. Just keep praying as well. And make sure you never lose Hope. For hope in God with prayer, is a VERY powerful tool.

    Source(s): My mother was abandoned in her marriage, and had to deal with similar (not exact) circumstances.
  • C Man
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Visit "" and ask them, they have lawyers on staff and it's not expensive... but assuming you can prove the marriage was valid and legal (your first hurdle, if he is as much of a con artist as you fear he may be), I'm certain that standard community property laws apply and you are entitled to 50% of the marital assets regardless of his reason for leaving. You should be able to find an attorney who would work this on a deferred payment plan to pay after your settlement has been recovered. Good luck... I can't imagine what you're dealing with.

  • rpoker
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hun im truly sorry to hear your problems you sound like you had a real dirt bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry just call a spade a spade,you must seek the advice of an Attorney! do not just try handling this mess your self it is to complicated! you;ll loose out in the end! good luck hun you seem like a very special Person!

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  • 1 decade ago

    As a random dipshit on the internets, I, of course, have four different advanced degrees. As such, I am qualified to tell you that if you pretend that he cheated on you, the law states that you can get what ever you want out of him.

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