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Has Obama done more ( or less ) than what you expected of him?

I think he is handling the economic crisis just as good as I thought McCain could of. Jobs in Oregon ( highest unemployment rate in northwest ) has already gained a few thousand jobs from construction jobs from federal grants that Obama gave to us.

I thought he could have handled the crisis in the gulf a little better instead of leaving BP out to dry without any guidance and telling them they are the bad guy without telling them what they should be doing.

I give him a 6.5/10 so far. His long term effects are iffy, and I don't agree with most of his values and morals, but he has done a decent job so far.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    More damage than I ever thought possible. And I thought Jimmy Carter was bad!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I believe Ron Paul would have done a much better job economically. Michigan has a 17% unemployment rate and it is a blue state for all those who brag about how well blue states support red states. Believe me that is a fallacy. The problem with government jobs is they produce nothing. So when these construction jobs are completed, these workers go right back on unemployment.

    He has botched the oil spill, as a matter of fact it was the Dept. of the interior, under Obama that gave BP the waiver for the rig that caused the greatest disaster in the history of the Gulf. Bobby Jindal has been doing a far better job and takes no time out for a game of golf.

    He shoved Obama care down our throats and we are just waiting for the rationing to begin. I believe it is very important that we vote in the midterm elections, and of course in 2012 to prevent a second term for the most dangerous and incompetent president we ever had. I believe it is most important to to vote against supporters of Obamacare.

    My question for you and many voters would be in the years ahead of us, will we be in good health and able to vote if we are on waiting lists for government controlled health care?

    I would give Obama a 2.5 out of 10 so far, and that is being very generous, as I also do not agree with his values, morals or leadership abilities. His job approval leaves a lot to be desired, as he does not listen to the American people. He has his own progressive agenda.


  • 1 decade ago

    I think he's doing about what I expected. He's done a lot of talking without a lot of action. He's made a few good decisions here and there but I disagree with the majority of things he's done. He spent so much time focused on that health care bill he neglected other things. The stimulus turned out to be a huge joke and waste of money. It certainly hasn't improved things around here, though that could be due to the local government. My local government sucks, but that's a whole different discussion.

    In short, I think he's in over his head. He was a knee-jerk reaction to Bush and those don't typically turn out well. He's not as bad as some people make him out to be but he hasn't been a very good president so far either. I'd give him 4 out of 10, maybe 5 if it wasn't for that health care bill fiasco. But I wasn't expecting much, so I can't say I'm really shocked. I will say this in his defense, Congress is his biggest problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    President Obama doesn't grandstand when he is doing the right stuff...I wish he was better at getting coverage of his many many accomplishments.

    McCain would have been an absolute DISASTER for the economy---he voted for ALL of the Bush/Cheney/GOP big-spending, unfunded mandates (to include the revenue-destroying TAX CUTS for the wealthiest 1.5% that cost this nation Bill Clinton's $231 BILLION SURPLUS plus an ADDITIONAL $690 BILLION in just the first year, 2001, alone!), deregulation of banks and corporations, etc. A "President" (I shudder SHUDDER at the mere idea!) McCain would have put the final NAIL in the COFFIN for the United States and we would have slipped into Third World status. Check out the new "green energies" plants being opened at President Obama's urging in states like Michigan (Wixom, MI), Colorado, Ohio, etc....and you will see that we are on a good path towards rebuilding our GOP-destroyed manufacturing base and bringing high-paying jobs back onto American soil after all the OUTSOURCING by Republicans.

    The crisis in the Gulf at the hands of the fourth wealthiest corporation in the world, British Petroleum (BP) was handled by President Obama from DAY ONE, May 20th at 10:35 p.m., but he did not flaunt or do photo-op publicity---he just quietly sent FOUR helicopters, TWO Coast Guard cutters, a Rescue Planning team, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for trajectory support and scientific weather and biological services, and the Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Hayes (replaced the next day by Ken Salazar, Interior Secretary). President Obama also appointed Rear Admiral Landry of the Coast Guard to be liaison and on-scene coordinator for local and state governments---all done in less than three hours after just the explosion, and long before the leak began. By DAY TWO, even more actions were taken by our president. Check out the website listed in credits below for a chronological listing to date.

    The SECOND HALF of the $787 billion stimulus is due for release soon, which will give yet another jumpstart to our economy, and the JOBS bill (that Republicans keep blocking in the Senate in the GOP's ongoing mean-spirited lobbyist-funded efforts to PREVENT the Democrats and the Obama administration from achieving anything meaningful for the American people---trying to score political points with their far-right-wing neurotic religious-nut base in a mid-term election year even if this means preventing American workers or small business owners from getting help) has capital gains tax CUTS for small business owners who add to their workforce or who give raises to existing employees (to promote CONSUMER SPENDING, or demand-side bottom-up economics) and other job-creating incentives. Also this year, the ill-advised Republican tax cuts for the wealthiest 1.5% will EXPIRE, bringing even more revenue back that will help our struggling economy. President Obama has also asked ALL of his Department heads to CUT SPENDING by 5% in their upcoming Fiscal Year (Oct. 1, 2010 through Sept. 30, 2011) budgets, and he has applied the $181 BILLION we got repaid by 14 of the 400 Bush-bailed-out banks to a PAYDOWN of our deficit! I'd say President Obama is on his way to being our nation's GREATEST president ever! Peek in at some of the unheralded achievements at (click Issues).

    Source(s): or
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More, I did not think he would give us more gun rights but he did and he went around congress to do it. He signed into law that we can carry loaded guns in national parks. The Brady people even give his a F grade. I love guns and hate abortions but I am not about to vote Republican. The only why I would vote Republican is of they campaigned on shutting down central banks and fiat currency like a real conservative.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He is doing more than I expected. And when I say more, I don't mean that in a positive way. I figured he was just another bag of hot air, but I will give him credit, he has done alot in an effort to destroy our county. I give him (-1,000,000) out of 10.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's not all that different than most of the presidents we've had since Ronald Reagan. I am a bit disappointed because I wanted him to do more, but I'm not all that surprised. When he was running, he pretty much told us in so many words how moderate or center right he was going to govern... sooooooo....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, he went to the gulf for more photo ops than I thought he would.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am thank full each and every day that McCain Palin are not in charge .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's about what I expected, but I like it overall... it's a tough situation...


    I think the major problem with BP is that no one knows what to do... BP, Obama, scientists, you or me...

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